Complex JSON to CSV Converter
A simple JSON to CSV converter that handles objects and nested documents.
- In the web version, conversion happens inside the browser, in straight JavaScript. It may choke on large files.
- With complex-csv2json.js, it can be run via the command line. It uses to deal with large files.
To install and run via the command line:
npm install -g complex-json2csv
- type the name of the command and provide an input file
complex-json2csv inputfile.json
- this will print the output to the screen.complex-json2csv inputfile.json > outputfile.csv
- this will print output to a csv file
jsonsplit inputfile.json [records]
- this will split the file into records based on the [records] size- If you do not specify size, it defaults to splitting by 100000
(Web tool originally from; command line tool complex-csv2json and jsonsplit by @DanaMLewis.)