
0.1.3 • Public • Published


gather sometimes need.


var common = require("common-a2dev")

let v = []
if (common.isArray(v)) {
  console.log("it's array")
} else {
  console.log("it's not array")


existsArg (v)

check args isExists

common.existsArg(undefined) // false
common.existsArg(1) // true
common.existsArg(null) // true

canNumber (v)

check value it's can change number

common.canNumber (1) // true
common.canNumber ("1") // true
common.canNumber ("a") // false
common.canNumber ("1a") // false

hasDataObject (v)

check value it's false or when value is object not have data

common.hasDataObject ({}) // false
common.hasDataObject ([]) // false
common.hasDataObject ([0]) // true
common.hasDataObject () // false
common.hasDataObject (0) // false

valueObject (object, key, def)

get value from object

common.valueObject ({a: 1}, "a", 2) // 1
common.valueObject ({a: 1}, "b", 2) // 2

copyObject (object)

value copy object

var obj1 = {a: 1}
var obj2 = common.copyObject (obj1) // 1
obj2.a = 2

console.log(obj1) // {a: 1}
console.log(obj2) // {a: 2}

matchUrl (str, options = {})

get urls by string

common.matchUrl (" is url. second url is") // ["", ""]


  • isDeleteEscape: boolean
    • if it's true. delete escape string.

fillObject (obj, sample, options = {})

fill data by sample

var obj = {a: 1}
var options = {
  isPrune: false
var obj2 = common.fillObject (obj, {b: 2}, options) // {a: 1, b: 2}


  • isPrune: boolean
    • if it's true. run prneOjbect after fillObject

pruneObject (obj, sample, options = {})

prune data from obj not exists sample value

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
var options = {
  isPrune: false
var obj2 = common.pruneObject (obj, {b: 2}, options) // {b: 2}

randomInt (min, max)

get randomInt

common.randomInt(1, 5) // 1-5

typeString (v)

get value type from class

common.typeString(1) // '[object Number]'
common.typeString("1") // '[object String]'
common.typeString([]) // '[object Array]'
common.typeString({}) // '[object Object]'

isObject (v)

check value is object corectly

common.isObject(1) // false
common.isObject("1") // false
common.isObject(null) // false
common.isObject([]) // false
common.isObject({}) // true

isArray (v)

check value is object corectly

common.isArray(1) // false
common.isArray("1") // false
common.isArray(null) // false
common.isArray([]) // true
common.isArray({}) // false

isObjectArray (v)

check value is object or array. if it's null return is false.

common.isObjectArray(1) // false
common.isObjectArray("1") // false
common.isObjectArray(null) // false
common.isObjectArray([]) // true
common.isObjectArray({}) // true

getArgumentNode ()

get node binary path currentry run.

common.getArgumentNode() // '/usr/local/Cellar/node/8.1.2/bin/node'

NOTE: please use only when cli.

getArgumentCurrent ()

get node script path currentry run.

common.getArgumentCurrent() // '/path/to/current/${script.js}'

NOTE: please use only when cli.

getArgumentValue (index)

get value from argument.

node sample.js 1 2 3
common.getArgumentValue(0) // 1
common.getArgumentValue(2) // 3

addNodePathEnv (path)

add node path. for Environment

common.addNodePathEnv("/path/to/node") // NODE_PATH: "${NODE_PATH};/path/to/node"

getMatches (values, pattern)

get match string from multi string by pattern.

common.getMatches(["abcdefgabcxyz", "hijxyz"], /cd/) // [ 'cd' ]
common.getMatches(["abcdefgabcxyz", "hijxyz"], /xy/) // [ 'xy', 'xy' ]
common.getMatches(["abcdefgabcxyz", "hijxyz"], /[a-z]{2}/) // [ 'ab', 'hi' ]
common.getMatches(["abcdefgabcxyz", "hijxyz"], /[a-z]{2}/g) // [ 'ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'ga', 'bc', 'xy', 'hi', 'jx', 'yz' ]

getMaxLengthStr (strings)

get max length from strings

common.getMaxLengthStr(["1", "333", "22"]) // 3

fillStr (str, length, fill = '0')

fill string fill

common.fillStr(123, 6) // '00123'
common.fillStr(123, 2) // '23'
common.fillStr(123, 6, "ZY") // 'ZYZ123'
common.fillStr("abc", 7, "ZY") // 'ZYZYabc'

NOTE: when fill's value is multi. stacking from the front.

betweenStr (str, prefix, suffix, options = {})

get string btween prefix and suffix

common.betweenStr("abcdefghijklmn", "cd", "kl") // 'efghij'
common.betweenStr("abcdefghijklmn", "ZZ", "ZZ") // ''
common.betweenStr("abcdefghijklmn", "cd", "kl", {isDetail: true}) // [ 'cdefghijkl', 'efghij', index: 2, input: 'abcdefghijklmn' ]


  • isDetail: boolean
    • if it's true. return match object.

escapeRegStr (str)

escape string for regExp

disallowStringFileName ()

get disallow strings for filename.

common.disallowStringFileName () // [ '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' ]

replaceDisallowStringFileName (str, replace = '')

replace disallow string from string for filename of filesystem.

common.disallowStringFileName () // [ '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' ]


var d = new Date
d.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS') // '2018-03-17T13:54:38'

NOTE: automaticaly set prototype




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  • awisu2