The cnn-news module grabs and parsers the cnn rss feed for
npm install cnn-news
Each feed takes a callback, with the following arguments
- error: returned if any error occurs in acquiring the rss feed
- meta: Any metadata returned from the rss feed
- articles: any articles returned from the rss feed
Story feeds
- top: CNN's top stories.
- world: CNN's world stories.
- us: CNN's U.S. stories.
- business: CNN's business stories.
- politics: CNN's politics stories.
- crime: CNN's crime stories.
- technology: CNN's technology stories.
- health: CNN's health stories.
- entertainment: CNN's entertainment stories.
- travel: CNN's travel stories.
- living: CNN's living stories.
- video: CNN's video stories.
- studentNews: CNN's Student News stories.
- latest: CNN's most recently created/updated stories.
- ireport: CNN's vetted iReports.