
1.7.2 • Public • Published


Cloudmersive - JavaScript client for cloudmersive No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.2.1
  • Package version: 1.2.1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install cloudmersive --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install YOUR_USERNAME/cloudmersive --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var Cloudmersive = require('cloudmersive');

var api = new Cloudmersive.BarcodeLookupApi()

var value = "value_example"; // {String} Barcode value

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.barcodeLookupEanLookup(value, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
Cloudmersive.BarcodeLookupApi barcodeLookupEanLookup POST /barcode/lookup/ean Lookup a barcode value and return product data
Cloudmersive.ConvertDataApi convertDataCsvToJson POST /convert/csv/to/json CSV to JSON conversion
Cloudmersive.ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlToJson POST /convert/xml/to/json XML to JSON conversion
Cloudmersive.ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPdf POST /convert/autodetect/to/pdf Convert Document to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToPdf POST /convert/docx/to/pdf Word DOCX to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPdf POST /convert/pptx/to/pdf PowerPoint PPTX to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToCsv POST /convert/xlsx/to/csv Excel XLSX to CSV
Cloudmersive.ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToPdf POST /convert/xlsx/to/pdf Excel XLSX to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertImageApi convertImageImageFormatConvert POST /convert/image/{format1}/to/{format2} Image format conversion
Cloudmersive.ConvertTemplateApi convertTemplateApplyHtmlTemplate POST /convert/template/html/apply Apply HTML template
Cloudmersive.ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToPdf POST /convert/web/html/to/pdf Convert HTML string to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToPdf POST /convert/web/url/to/pdf Convert a URL to PDF
Cloudmersive.ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToScreenshot POST /convert/web/url/to/screenshot Take screenshot of URL
Cloudmersive.DomainApi domainCheck POST /validate/domain/check Validate a domain name
Cloudmersive.DomainApi domainPost POST /validate/domain/whois Get WHOIS information for a domain
Cloudmersive.EmailApi emailAddressGetServers POST /validate/email/address/servers Partially check whether an email address is valid
Cloudmersive.EmailApi emailFullValidation POST /validate/email/address/full Fully validate an email address
Cloudmersive.EmailApi emailPost POST /validate/email/address/syntaxOnly Validate email adddress for syntactic correctness only
Cloudmersive.ExtractEntitiesStringApi extractEntitiesStringPost POST /nlp/ExtractEntitiesString Extract entities from string
Cloudmersive.FaceApi faceCropFirst POST /image/face/crop/first Crop image to face (square)
Cloudmersive.FaceApi faceCropFirstRound POST /image/face/crop/first/round Crop image to face (round)
Cloudmersive.FaceApi faceLocate POST /image/face/locate Find faces in an image
Cloudmersive.GenerateBarcodeApi generateBarcodeEAN13 POST /barcode/generate/ean-13 Validates and generate a EAN-13 barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode
Cloudmersive.GenerateBarcodeApi generateBarcodeEAN8 POST /barcode/generate/ean-8 Validates and generate a EAN-8 barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode
Cloudmersive.GenerateBarcodeApi generateBarcodeQRCode POST /barcode/generate/qrcode Generate a QR code barcode as a PNG file, a type of 2D barcode which can encode free-form text information
Cloudmersive.GenerateBarcodeApi generateBarcodeUPCA POST /barcode/generate/upc-a Validate and generate a UPC-A barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode
Cloudmersive.GenerateBarcodeApi generateBarcodeUPCE POST /barcode/generate/upc-e Validates and generate a UPC-E barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode
Cloudmersive.IPAddressApi iPAddressPost POST /validate/ip/geolocate Geolocate an IP address
Cloudmersive.ImageOcrApi imageOcrPost POST /ocr/image/toText Converts an uploaded image in common formats such as JPEG, PNG into text via Optical Character Recognition.
Cloudmersive.LanguageDetectionApi languageDetectionPost POST /nlp/language/detect Detect language of text
Cloudmersive.NsfwApi nsfwClassify POST /image/nsfw/classify NSFW image classifier
Cloudmersive.ParseStringApi parseStringPost POST /nlp/ParseString Parse string to syntax tree
Cloudmersive.PosTaggerJsonApi posTaggerJsonPost POST /nlp/PosTaggerJson Part-of-speech tag a string
Cloudmersive.PosTaggerStringApi posTaggerStringPost POST /nlp/PosTaggerString Part-of-speech tag a string
Cloudmersive.RecognizeApi recognizeDescribe POST /image/recognize/describe Describe an image in natural language
Cloudmersive.ResizeApi resizePost POST /image/resize/preserveAspectRatio/{maxWidth}/{maxHeight} Resize an image with parameters
Cloudmersive.ScanApi scanFile POST /virus/scan/file Scan a file for viruses
Cloudmersive.SentencesApi sentencesPost POST /nlp/get/sentences/string Extract sentences from string
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckCheckJson POST /nlp/spellcheck/check/word/json Spell check word
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckCheckSentenceJson POST /nlp/spellcheck/check/sentence/json Check if sentence is spelled correctly
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckCheckSentenceString POST /nlp/spellcheck/check/sentence/string Spell check a sentence
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckCorrect POST /nlp/spellcheck/correct/word/string Find spelling corrections
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckCorrectJson POST /nlp/spellcheck/correct/word/json Find spelling corrections
Cloudmersive.SpellCheckApi spellCheckPost POST /nlp/spellcheck/check/word/string Spell check a word
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsAdjectives POST /nlp/get/words/adjectives/string Get adjectives in string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsAdverbs POST /nlp/get/words/adverbs/string Get adverbs in input string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsGetWordsJson POST /nlp/get/words/json Get words in input string (JSON)
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsGetWordsString POST /nlp/get/words/string Get words from string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsNouns POST /nlp/get/words/nouns/string Get nouns in string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsPost POST /nlp/get/words/verbs/string Get the verbs in a string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsPronouns POST /nlp/get/words/pronouns/string Returns all pronounts in string
Cloudmersive.WordsApi wordsProperNouns POST /nlp/get/words/properNouns/string Get proper nouns in a string

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Apikey
  • Location: HTTP header




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