A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery). Documentation and examples.
Browser support
All major browsers are supported, including IE 9+. It should look and behave well enough in IE 8.
Device support
Both desktop and mobile device are supported. It also works great in touch screen device.
ClockPicker was designed for Bootstrap in the beginning. So Bootstrap (and jQuery) is the only dependency(s).
Since it only used .popover
and some of .btn
styles of Bootstrap, I picked these styles to build a jQuery plugin.
Feel free to use jquery-*
files instead of bootstrap-*
, for non-bootstrap project.
<!-- Bootstrap stylesheet --> <!-- ClockPicker Stylesheet --> <!-- Input group, just add class 'clockpicker', and optional data-* --> <!-- Or just a input --> <!-- jQuery and Bootstrap scripts --> <!-- ClockPicker script -->
Name | Default | Description |
default | '' | default time, 'now', Date object or '13:14' e.g. |
placement | 'bottom' | popover placement. Supported values: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top-adaptive', 'bottom-adaptive'. |
align | 'left' | popover arrow align |
donetext | '完成' | done button text |
autoclose | false | auto close when minute is selected |
twelvehour | false | enables twelve hour mode with AM & PM buttons |
vibrate | true | vibrate the device when dragging clock hand |
fromnow | 0 | set default time to * milliseconds from now (using with default = 'now' or default = Date) |
hourstep | 1 | allow to multi increment the hour |
minutestep | 1 | allow to multi increment the minute |
ampmSubmit | false | allow submit with AM and PM buttons instead of the minute selection/picker |
addonOnly | false | disables the focus and click triggers on the input field (to allow delegation to native pickers) |
init | callback function triggered after the colorpicker has been initiated | |
beforeShow | callback function triggered before popup is shown | |
afterShow | callback function triggered after popup is shown | |
beforeHide | callback function triggered before popup is hidden Note:will be triggered between a beforeDone and afterDone | |
afterHide | callback function triggered after popup is hidden Note:will be triggered between a beforeDone and afterDone | |
beforeHourSelect | callback function triggered before user makes an hour selection | |
afterHourSelect | callback function triggered after user makes an hour selection | |
beforeDone | callback function triggered before time is written to input | |
afterDone | callback function triggered after time is written to input |
operation | Arguments | Description |
show | show the clockpicker | |
hide | hide the clockpicker | |
remove | remove the clockpicker (and event listeners) | |
toggleView | 'hours' or 'minutes' | toggle to hours or minutes view |
getTime | Optional callback (Can be used for list of elements) | Returns Date object. (Will call the callback if callback is given) |
What's included
clockpicker/├── dist/│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.css # full code for bootstrap │ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.js│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.min.css # compiled and minified files for bootstrap │ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.min.js│ ├── jquery-clockpicker.css # full code for jquery │ ├── jquery-clockpicker.js│ ├── jquery-clockpicker.min.css # compiled and minified files for jquery │ └── jquery-clockpicker.min.js└── src/ # source code ├── clockpicker.css ├── clockpicker.js └── standalone.css # some styles picked from bootstrap
git clone https://github.com/weareoutman/clockpicker.gitcd clockpickernpm install -g gulpnpm installgulp# gulp test
- Auto placement and align.
- Events.
- Customize format.
- Seconds View ?
Change log
- Able to set incremental step for hours and minutes
- Added getTime
- Able to set the default value via Date object
- Some AM & PM bug fixes
- Enables twelve hour mode with AM & PM buttons.
- Default time can be setted to
. - Registered as a bower package.
- Functional operations.