
5.0.0 • Public • Published

Cisf 5.0.0

Support for simple **Runtime Type-Assertions ** in JavaScript, and assorted simple utilitites

Cisf.js allows you to add type-checks to your JavaScript with minimal syntax: x(), ok(), not(), ... Cisf could be described as "TypeScript Light", simple and easy to learn and unobtrusive to use. No transpiling to JavaScript is needed since you do it all in JavaScript.

Cisf also provides a select few additional utilities for making programmers' lives easier: log, err, r, w, fs, path.

The w() -API is actually a minimalistic framework for adding extensions to JavaScript base-classes. Since cisf is open source you can modify cisf.js and add your own favorite extensions as needed. Cisf comes with several useful JS-extensions already such as the last() -method for Arrays, and map() for Objects. See documentation of w(). Here's just an example:

ok ( w([1,2,3]).last() === 3 );
let { ok, not, x, xNot(), fails, eq, neq, A
    , Type
    , is, isNot, isEq, isNeq
    , log, err, r, w
    , path, fs
    } = require ("cisf");

Or, pick just the subset of API-functions you need:

let {ok, x, r} = require ("cisf");


You want to make sure you get an early warning whenever your function is called with something that is not a Number and not a String. You might write something like this:

if ( arg !== null               &&
     arg !== undefined          &&
     arg.constructor !== Number &&
     arg.constructor !== String
  { throw "not number nor string";

Using CISF you can write it more simply as:

 x (arg, Number, String);

x() checks that its first argument is of the same type as one of the other remaining arguments.

You are more likely to put such checks into your code when they are easy to write and easy to read and understand. This in turn means that bugs get caught early, which is good.

Motivating example 2:

Your function has many arguments and you want to DECLARE what the types of those arguments should be. You want a clear simple way of expressing, and enforcing the types of several arguments at once.

So not only dio you want to catch the error of being called with wrong arguments early, you also want to make it simple for everybody to understand what type those arguments should be.

You could write a lot of comments and documentation that tells that but writing and reading documentation takes time. You'd ratherr be coding. You would rather have the code itself make it clear what types of arguments it can be called with.

In statically typed languages like Java and C# you must declare the types of your arguments. In JavaScript you don't but it would still seem like a good idea to tbe ABLE to do that when you want to. For instance for the PUBLIC interface of your module. Leave your private inner functions as they are, but declare the types of your public methods.

With the A() -primitive of Cisf you can now declare your argument-types succinctly and know that you get an error if the function is called with wrong types of arguments:

function AExample (s, n)
{ A ([String, Number], s, n);

Unlike with Java or #C Cisf-type-checking is optional. Use it when and where it helps.


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A) With Node.js
{ ok, not, x, fails, eq, neq, A, Type,
  log, err, r, path, fs, r, w
= require ('CISF');

The module CISF.js exports an object with the API-functions shown above. You can easily take in just the functions you want by using the ES6 destructuring assignment. For instance:

const { ok, x }  = require ('CISF');

might be what you mostly use.

B) With browser

If cisf.js detects it is not running in Node.js it stores its API-functions into global variable "CISF", which you can then access from within your HTML-page:

<script src="CISF.js"></script>
<script> let {ok, not, x, fails, is, Type, r} = CISF;

SEE: test_browser.html which does the above and then runs all CISF-tests within the browser. To check whether it runs on your browser open test_browser.html in it.

Seems to work on latest versions of Edge, FireFox and Chrome but not in IE-11.

3. API

3.1 ok ( truthy )

ok() takes a value as argument and throws an error if the argument is not "truthy".

ok ({});
ok ([]);
ok (ok (true) === true) ;                
ok (ok ("non-empty string") === true);
ok (ok (1) === true) ;

fails ( _ => ok()           ); 					
fails ( _ => ok (undefined) );
fails ( _ => ok(false));
3.2 not ( nonTruthy )

not() succeeds if ok() would cause an error.

not() causes an error if ok() would not cause an error for the same argument.

not (0);
not ("");
not ("false");
fails ( _ => not (true));
3.3 x (value, ... Types)
3.3.0 Zero arguments

Calling x() without arguments throws an error, because doing that is same as calling x (undefined):

3.3.1 One x() argument

If called with one argument x() fails if it is called with null or undefined or no argument at all.

This allows you to know if the argument is something from which you can ask its constructor:

fails (_=> x (null));
fails (_=> x (undefined));
fails (_=> x ());

A special case is using null as type-argument. It allows values that are either null or undefined, but nothing else:

3.3.2 Two x() arguments

x() is typicallly called with two arguments, a value and a "type":

x (123, Number)
fails (_=> x ("s", Number));

A special case is using null as the 2nd argument, it matches only itself or undefined:

x (null , null); x (undefined, null); fails (() => x(33, null));

You will typically not be testing that somnething is null or undefined, but the opposite.

So why have a "null type"? It is because you may often want to assert that IF something is not null or undefined, THEN it must be of some specific type. That you can do by having more thna one type argument:

x (3 , Number, null); x (null, Number, null);

3.3.3 Many x() arguments

You can add any number of types as arguments after the value-argument. The x() sill succeed if the value argument is an instacne of any of the type-arguments:

x (123, Number, String)
x ("123", Number, String)
fails (_=> x (true, Number, String));
3.3.4 Result of x()

If x() does not cause an error it returns its first argument.

This is useful when you want to assign the value to a field and want to be sure you are not assigning a value of wrong type:

function example (arg)
{ let this.n  =  x(arg, Number);
3.3.B xNot (nullOrUndefined)

xNot() causes an error unless it is called with exactly a single argument which is either null or undefined.

Useful for ensuring that immutable instance-variables can have only one value.

3.4 is (value, Type)

is() returns true if x() called with the same arguments would not fail, and false otherwise:

ok  (is (123, String) === false);
ok  (is (123, Number) === true);

You can thus use the same type-machinery as x() does to make branching decisions within your program.

3.5 fails (aFunction)

Above you have already seen use of fails(). It assumes it is called with a function as argument which it will call without arguments. If the argument -function throws an error fails() returns that error, else it causes an error.

fails() may not be used much at runtime but it is useful when writing tests for functions we know should and will fail under certain conditions. It is good to tell the users of your API what such cases are.

The function argument to fails is most simply expressed as an ES6 arrow-function. To make it as short as possible we typically use '_' as the argument-name of the arrow-function:

fails (_ => throw "");
fails (_ => fails ( arg => 123));
fails (_ => divide (n, 0))
3.6 Type ()

Type is a constructor for creating new types. Cisf supports the following types of types:

  1. ConstructorType

  2. SumType

  3. NullType

  4. ArrayType

  5. ObjectType

  6. FunctionType

  7. PredicateType

  8. TruthyType

  9. FalsyType

  10. RegExpType

  11. StartsWithType

  12. BiggerOrEqualType

At the time of this writing the best documentation for how to use them all is to read the tests in test.js. But we are working on more documentation.

There are two type-types worthy of special mention for now:

3.6.1 (Named) Sum-Types ()

Type() can be used to combine existing types into a "sum type" which accepts anything that is accepted by one of its components.

This is especially useful for declaring that something is EITHER a value of specific type or it is null or undefined. A type like this is commonly referred to as a "Maybe-type":

let NumberOrNull = new Type (Number, null);
x( 123      , NumberOrNull);
x( null     , NumberOrNull);
x( undefined, NumberOrNull);
fails (e=> x("s", NumberOrNull))

Note, null as 2nd argument accepts null or undefined as value. See test.js.

3.6.2 Dependent Types ()

A DependentType is something whose memebership depends on some other value.

A function might take two numbers as argument but require that 2nd one is always bigger than the first.

This can be expressed by creating a Dependent Type where the type of the 2nd argument depends on the first one. An example of such is tested in test.js.

In practice it is often simpler to juts use ok() to express the relationship between the arguments:

function fu (a, b)
{ ok (a < b);

Dependent Types are not part of mainstream programming languages because when "type-checking" usually refers to static type-checking. That means dependent-types must be verified by the comnpiler when the progrma is compiled without access to the inputs the program will be run with. That makes it difficult to create compilers to support checking of types like (a, b, where a < b) at compile-time.

But if we allow for the fact that "type-checking" is useful also at runtime then dependent types are trivial really. "ok()" does not return a Type, but it does "check the type of its argument". And it typically expresses how the type of one thing must depend on some other thing.

3.7 path ()

The value of require("cisf").path is the same as the Node.js standard require("path");

You get 'path' easily along with cisf so you don't have to require it yourself. You just refer to it as one of the fields of your structuring require -assignment:

let {ok, x, path} = require('cisf');

Note 'cisf.path' is not available on browser.

3.8 fs ()

The value of require("cisf").fs is the value of the Node.js standard require("fs");

You get 'fs' along with cisf so you don't have to require it yourself. You just refer to it as one of the fields of your structuring require assignment:

let {ok, x, fs, path} = require('cisf');

Note 'cisf.fs' is not available on browser.

'fs' and 'path' are (currently) the only two Node.js core APIs available via cisf and it will likely remain that way.

We added those two because we think they are the most useful and most frequently used core APIs.

3.9 r()

cisf.r() takes as argument a module-path which it interprets as relative to process.cwd() and then tries to require. If the path does not exist there will be an error like there would be with standard Node.js require().

r() can also be used with Node.js internal paths and module-names that exist in node_modules. For instance:

  ok (r('fs') === require('fs'))

"r" has 2 helper-methods you may find useful:

  1. cisf.r.abs() : Returns the absolute path of its argument, which if relative is interpreted relative to process.cwd().

  2. cisf.r.rel() : Returns the relative path of its argument relative to process.cwd().

The next code-excerpt shows the main reason why r() exists in cisf: You can require modules by giving r() their path relative to the cwd, so you don't need to type out the full host-specific abspath, nor use fragile non-portable module-relative upward paths.

let relPath = r.rel(__filename);
ok (r (relPath) === require (__filename));

Above test in fact does nothing because it requires the same module you are already in. We use that as a test becaseu we know that module must exist, so the test does not crash like it would if the file did not exist.

3.10 A()

API A() takes as argument an Array of Types and then same number or more values. It causes an error if the values are not instances of the corresponding types.

A() is useful for declaring the types of your arguments in a single statement. You would use it like this:

function AExample (s, n)
{ A([String, Number], s, n);
AExample ("yeah", 123); // works
fails (_=> AExample ("yeah", "BAD"));

You probably would not write the fails() -call we did. We just added it to prove to ourselves that A() would catch the error of AExample() being called with wrong types of arguments.

3.11 w()

"w" stands for "wrapper". This API was inspired by the question how best to get the last element of an Array. We know it would be nice if there was a built-in-method of Array.prototype called "last()" but there isn't.

You could add such a method to the Array.prototype but problem is somebody else's program might have their own definition of last() which differs from yours. Your definition could then break their program.

Cisf.js solution is to provide an easy way to wrap any array-instance such that the wrapper has the method last():

let {w, ok} = cisf  ;
let last = w([1,2,3]).last();
ok (last === 3);

Above is almost as short as "[1,2,3].last()" would be.

But at the same time w() will add other methods to arrays, and different versions of such methods for different types of wrappees. The current set of things w() can do are shown in the next excerpt from the file cisf/test.js:

let a = [1,2,3];
ok (w(a) . last()  === 3);
ok (w(a) . first() === 1);
ok (w(a) . car()  === 1);
eq (w(a) . cdr(), [2,3]);

// Point is this allows you to treat
// arrays and objects with the same
// piece of code without you knowing
eq (w(a).map (e=>e+1), [2,3,4]);

let ob  = {a:22, b: 33};

let kvs = w(ob).map
( ([k, v])  =>
  { return k  + v;

eq (kvs, ["a22", "b33"]);

let asciis = w("ABC").map (e=>e.codePointAt(0));
eq (asciis, [65, 66, 67]);

// (return the indexes as array)

let digits = w(10).map (e=>e);
eq (digits, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);


let wf     = w (a=>a*10);
let series = (5, 3) ; // (firstArg, howManyResults)
eq (series, [50, 500, 5000]);

eq ( (), [0,0,0,0,0  ,0,0,0,0,0]);
// The default for first arg is 0 and the
// default for how many is 10. So if we
// multiply 0 by 10 ten times we get an
// array of 10 0s.

// Create an array of 10 1s:
eq ( w(_=> 1).map()
 , [1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1]

// Create an array of 3 xs:
eq ( w(_=> 'x').map( 0, 3)
 , ['x', 'x', 'x']


let truthyIndexes
 = w(true).map ( [1, 0, 2, false, null, undefined, ""] ) ;
eq (truthyIndexes, [0,2]);

let falsyIndexes
 = w(false).map ( [1, 0, 2, false, null, undefined, ""] ) ;
eq (falsyIndexes, [1,3,4,5,6]);

let valuesWithProperties
 = w(null).map ( [1, 0, 2, false, null, undefined, ""] ) ;
( valuesWithProperties
, [1,0,2,false,""]
let classes =>e.constructor);
( classes
, [Number, Number , Number, Boolean, String]

// The 1st arg to map is a string to
// find the matches in, not a function.
// This because regexp kind of is a
// function itself.

    eq ( "Get My UPPer-Case-Letters".match(/[A-Z]+/g)
         , ['G', 'M', 'UPP', 'C', 'L']

// Above shows that using plain match() with
// -g-flag does give you all matched strings.
// But it does NOT give you the match-Objects
// so  the information match-locations and
// matched groups are lost. So for instance
// if you wanted to replaces the matches with
// your own algorithm that depends on all
// matches found and their locations you could
// not do that simply.

let ups  = w ( /[A-Z]+/
           ).map ("Get My UPPer-Case-Letters"
ok (ups[2][0] === 'UPP');

// Note w(regExp).map() always adds the g-flag
// to a copy of the argument-regexp so it will
// find all matches, not juts the first. If you
// add 'g' yourwself it has no extra effect. You
// can add other flags like 'i' for instance and
// have them take effect.

4. Tests

The file test.js in the same directory as CISF.js contains the tests to run on Node.js. The file cisf/test_browser.html contains the tests to run on the browser. Simply open it in your browser to run the tests in it.

5. What does CISF mean?

CISF stands for "Canary In Software Factory". The idea is that CISF assertions do a similar job for your code as canaries do for coal-miners. They give an early warning if your assumptions about the context your program is working in are incorrect.

In a coal-mine you would of course make the assumption that air is good to breathe. The canaries you put into the mine would tell you it is so by staying alive. If Cisf assertions fail, it is like a canary dying. Something is wrong. A Canary stopped singing.

Putting Canaries into a coalmine is an investment, there is a cost associated with it. But it is a small investment compared to the cost of detecting that something is wrong too late.

6. License

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0




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