
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Chunk Chute

Cascading chunks of data (promises) and transform them stepwise into one or multiple outputs.


npm install chunk-chute


Setup chute chain

Create chute

var chute = new ChunkChute(function () {
  this.push('chunk', 'to', 'push'); // produce some chunks

Add processor

var nextChute = chute.pipe(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  arg1 += 'next'; // do some transformation
  arg2 += 'next';
  arg3 += 'next';
  this.push(arg1, arg2, arg3);

Add another sequential processer

var followerChute = nextChute.pipe(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  this.push(arg1); // push may be called multiple times

Add parallel processor

var parallelChute = chute.pipe(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  console.log(arg1 === 'chunk' && arg2 === 'to' && arg3 === 'push'); // create another chunk flow
  this.push('something', 'else');


Create filtered flow

var filteredChute = chute.fork(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  return arg1 === 'chunk' && arg2 === 'to' && arg3 === 'push';

Process only passing chunks

var filterFollowerChute = filteredChute.pipe(function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  console.log(arg1 === 'chunk' && arg2 === 'to' && arg3 === 'push'); // process filtered chunks
  this.push(arg1 + arg2 + arg3);


Join multiple chutes into one

var joined = ChunkChute.join(followerChute, parallelChute, filterFollowerChute);

Pipes of a joined chute receive all chunks which are pushed by the source chutes

var collection = joined.pipe(function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  // process the chute

Manual feeding

Push chunks manually into the chute

chute.push('some', 'spoiled', 'chunk', 'here');

Promise behavior

Chunks are thenable

var chunkPromise = chunk.then(function(data) {
  console.log('the chunk fulfilled with', data);
}, function(error) {
  console.log('the chunk rejected with', error);

The created chunk promise still has all chunk functions

  // ...
}).fork(function() {
  // ...
}).then(function() {
  // ...
}, function() {
  // ...

Chutes can be served to the native promise API

var promise = Promise.all(chute1, chute2, chute3);

There are active indicator to see if the chunk is still processing

var done = chunk.resolved || chunk.rejected;

Chute instance

The following properties are available on a chute instance


Directly insert some chunk data into the chute. Each call creates one chunk and can contain zero or multiple parameter.

This function returns the chute instance.


Trigger the chunk processing. This function does not take any parameter and returns a promise which resolves when the chunk is processed.


Add a chunk processor. The processor is a function given as the only parameter. The return value is a newer created chute wrapping the processing function.


Create a forked chunk flow where the chunks got filtered. The only parameter is the filter function which receives the chunks and returns a boolean value. The return value is a new chute which only flows the passing chunks.


Chute behaves like a promise and also may work asynchronously. This function behaves like the promise function and takes a success and error handler. The return value is a newer created promise which still has all chute properties.

resolved - rejected

These boolean properties indicate if the chute is still active or either fulfilled or rejected.

Processor API

The processor functions given in the constructor or during piping and forking are the working places.

The arguments

The arguments of the function calls are the given chunk data which then can be processed and pushed further.

The context

The context gives control to the flow of the chunks. The following functions are members of the calling context.

resolve() - reject()

Either resolve or reject the chute. After calling these functions, the chute will stop working and no more calls to the processor will happen.


Push a chunk to the next chutes. These functions takes zero to multiple parameters which will represent one chunk. There is no return value.

The return value

The return value indicates if the next processing should start right after this one is finished. A truly value will trigger the next process. A falsy value will hold further processing until a trigger from outside happens.

A returned promise will stop the further processing until it either resolves or rejects. The resolved value will trigger the same behavior as a direct returned value. If the promise rejects, then the chute rejects also and will stop any further processing.

Happy Coding ;)



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