A module for interfacing with the cheezburger api
Add cheezburger to your package.json
npm install --save cheezburger
Require & Instantiate a Cheezburger instance with your access token
var Cheezburger = require('cheezburger')
var cheezburger = new Cheezburger({ access_token : "<your access token>"})
You can now make cheezburger calls:
cheezburger.ohai("Hello Ohai",function(err,response){ console.log(response) })
All responses are javascript objects with an items
key containing an array of responses. If pagination is available, it will be returned as page
and page_size
Endpoints & Options
cheezburger.ohai(message - String, callback)
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the response.
cheezburger.assets.get(id - String, callback)
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the requested asset. - Mixed, callback)
Accepts the following options (or you can pass a file in place of options to accept all defaults):
- content The image file Required File name, URL, or encoded data.
- title Title of the asset Optional string
- description Description of the asset Optional string
- site_id ID of the site to post on Optional integer
- anonymous Whether the posting is anonymous or not. If false, then the asset is associated with the current user account. Optional. Default is false. Boolean
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the posted asset info.
Asset Types
Returns an object with an items key. Each item is an asset type.
Site Types
Returns an object with an items key. Each item is a site type.
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the user belonging to the access token.
cheezburger.user(id - String,callback)
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the user belonging to the specified id.
Returns an object with an items key. The first item is the user belonging to the access token.
cheezburger.sites(options - Mixed, callback)
If called with an object, accepts the following arguments:
- parent_site_id Parent site ID. If supplied, restricts the response to only children of that parent. Only a single value can be provided. Optional integer
- site_type_id Site type ID. If supplied, restricts the response to only sites of a particular type. Default is 1 (Network). See sitetypes for more information. Optional integer
If called with an id as the first argument, will return the specified site.
If called with mine
or my
as the first argument, will return the logged in users' sites.
This endpoint may return more than 10 items. If it does, paging info will also be returned.
Returns an object with an items key. Each Item is a site.
My Sites
If called without options, returns up to the first 10 sites for the current user.
Returns an object with an items key. Each item is a site belonging to the logged in user.
Page,pageSize,method, [arguments ...])
Meta method for calling other methods with paging info. The only methods that will return paged info are sites
and mysites
Call curried with page, pageSize, and method - the other arguments are the same as the method specified. For instance, to call requesting sites:,25,'sites','mine',function(err,obj){
// obj.items is now an array of the 2nd page (25 per page) of my own sites.
Using without an access token
You can use cheezburger without an access token by instantiating with a client id and secret:
var cheezburger = new Cheezburger({ id : "<your client id>", secret : "<your client secret>" })
Cheezburger will automatically try to generate a token when you call the api.
Note that any user specific API endpoints will not work unless a user has logged in (see next section)
Prompting a user to log in
If using without an initial access_token, you can generate a url to send the user to.
Instantiate the Cheezburger API with your client_id:
var cheezburger = new Cheezburger({ id : "<your client id>" })
Then when prompting your user to authorize your app, redirect them to:
where the passed url is where you want cheezburger to redirect back with the access token or error.
The redirected request will contain JSON with an access_token key. When you have that, set the access token on cheezburger to use the rest of the API:
Reference for the cheezburger api is located here:
Bugs & Stuff
Please file any bugs in the github issue tracker for this repo.
You can also contact me on twitter: @jesseditson