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4.0.0 • Public • Published

DEPRECATED: Chart.js Box and Violin Plot

Target Discovery Platform NPM Package CircleCI

Chart.js module for charting box and violin plots. Works only with Chart.js >= 2.8.0

Box Plot Violin Plot


Please note that this project has been archived and is no longer being maintained. There is an active fork and we will also contribute our future changes to it.


npm install --save chart.js chartjs-chart-box-and-violin-plot


see Samples on Github

and CodePen


four new types: boxplot, horizontalBoxplot, violin, and horizontalViolin.


 * Limit decimal digits by an optional config option
  tooltipDecimals?: number;


The boxplot element is called boxandwhiskers. The basic options are from the rectangle element. The violin element is called violin also based on the rectangle element.

interface IBaseStyling {
   * @default see rectangle
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  backgroundColor: string;

   * @default see rectangle
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  borderColor: string;

   * @default null takes the current borderColor
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  medianColor: string;

   * @default 1
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  borderWidth: number;

   * radius used to render outliers
   * @default 2
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  outlierRadius: number;

   * @default see rectangle.backgroundColor
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  outlierColor: string;

   * to fill color below the median line of the box
   * @default see rectangle.lowerColor
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  lowerColor: string;

   * radius used to render items
   * @default 0 so disabled
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  itemRadius: number;

   * item style used to render items
   * @default circle
  itemStyle: 'circle'|'triangle'|'rect'|'rectRounded'|'rectRot'|'cross'|'crossRot'|'star'|'line'|'dash';

   * background color for items
   * @default see rectangle backgroundColor
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  itemBackgroundColor: string;

   * border color for items
   * @default see rectangle backgroundColor
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  itemBorderColor: string;

   * padding that is added around the bounding box when computing a mouse hit
   * @default 1
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  hitPadding: number;

   * hit radius for hit test of outliers
   * @default 4
   * @scriptable
   * @indexable
  outlierHitRadius: number;

interface IBoxPlotStyling extends IBaseStyling {
  // no extra styling options

interface IViolinStyling extends IBaseStyling {
  * number of sample points of the underlying KDE for creating the violin plot
  * @default 100
  points: number;

In addition, two new scales were created arrayLinear and arrayLogarithmic. They were needed to adapt to the required data structure.

Scale Options

Both arrayLinear and arrayLogarithmic support the two additional options to their regular counterparts:

interface IArrayLinearScale {
  ticks: {
     * statistic measure that should be used for computing the minimal data limit
     * @default 'min'
    minStats: 'min'|'q1'|'whiskerMin';

     * statistic measure that should be used for computing the maximal data limit
     * @default 'max'
    maxStats: 'max'|'q3'|'whiskerMax';

     * from the R doc: this determines how far the plot ‘whiskers’ extend out from
     * the box. If coef is positive, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data
     * point which is no more than coef times the length of the box away from the
     * box. A value of zero causes the whiskers to extend to the data extremes
     * @default 1.5
    coef: number;

     * the method to compute the quantiles. 7 and 'quantiles' refers to the type-7 method as used by R 'quantiles' method. 'hinges' and 'fivenum' refers to the method used by R 'boxplot.stats' method.
     * @default 7
    quantiles: 7 | 'quantiles' | 'hinges' | 'fivenum' | ((sortedArr: number[]) => {min: number, q1: number, median: number, q3: number, max: number});

Data structure

Both types support that the data is given as an array of numbers number[]. The statistics will be automatically computed. In addition, specific summary data structures are supported:

interface IBaseItem {
  min: number;
  median: number;
  max: number;
   * values of the raw items used for rendering jittered background points
  items?: number[];

interface IBoxPlotItem extends IBaseItem {
  q1: number;
  q3: number;
  whiskerMin?: number;
  whiskerMax?: number;
   * list of box plot outlier values
  outliers?: number[];

interface IKDESamplePoint {
   * sample value
  v: number;
   * sample estimation
  estimate: number;

interface IViolinItem extends IBaseItem {
   * samples of the underlying KDE
  coords: IKDESamplePoint[];

Note: The statistics will be cached within the array. Thus, if you manipulate the array content without creating a new instance the changes won't be reflected in the stats. See also CodePen for a comparison.


In order to simplify the customization of the tooltips, two additional tooltip callback methods are available. Internally the label callback will call the correspondig callback depending on the type.

arr = {
  options: {
    tooltips: {
      callbacks: {
         * custom callback for boxplot tooltips
         * @param item see label callback
         * @param data see label callback
         * @param stats {IBoxPlotItem} the stats of the hovered element
         * @param hoveredOutlierIndex {number} the hovered outlier index or -1 if none
         * @return {string} see label callback
        boxplotLabel: function(item, data, stats, hoveredOutlierIndex) {
          return 'Custom tooltip';
         * custom callback for violin tooltips
         * @param item see label callback
         * @param data see label callback
         * @param stats {IViolinItem} the stats of the hovered element
         * @return {string} see label callback
        violinLabel: function(item, data, stats) {
          return 'Custom tooltip';


npm install
npm run build

Angular CLI Usage

Here is an example project based on Angular CLI with Angular 7 dependencies:

The incomaptibility with Webpack 4, mjs and Angular CLI can be solved by importing the chartjs boxplot library via the .js build artifact:

import "chartjs-chart-box-and-violin-plot/build/Chart.BoxPlot.js";

This repository is part of the Target Discovery Platform (TDP). For tutorials, API docs, and more information about the build and deployment process, see the documentation page.




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  • datavisyn
  • sgratzl