
0.9.1 • Public • Published


Parses and prints CBOR (RFC 7049)

NOTE: the CBOR parser is currently incomplete and only handles the most likely use cases: maps, byte / text strings, lists and integers. It does not handle floats, indefinite length items, negative numbers, or other types that are less frequently used. Pull requests or GitHub issues are always welcome.


For API usage: npm install cbor-pretty-print

For command line usage: npm install -g cbor-pretty-print

Command Line

cborprint file.json -- converts file.json to CBOR and then prints it out

  Usage: cborprint [options] <file>

  Converts JSON to CBOR and prints it out


    -h, --help                  output usage information
    -V, --version               output the version number
    -i, --indent <spaces>       number of spaces for each indent level
    -s, --no-hex-space          whether or not to put a space between hex bytes (e.g. - 'FF 00' or 'FF00'
    -w, --wrap-hex <bytes>      wrap hex lines after <bytes>
    -x, --syntax                print out hex syntax in a ready to cut and paste way (e.g. - '0xFF,')
    -c, --comment <string>      string to use for comments (e.g. - '//' or '#')
    -m, --comment-column <num>  what column the comments should be aligned to


var cp = require ("cbor-pretty-print");
cp (cbor); // prints cbor
cp (cbor, options); // prints cbor with options
var options = {
    indent: 2,              // number of spaces to indent each level
    hexSpace: true,         // put a space between hex numbers e.g. - "FF 00" instead of "FF00"
    wrapHex: 8,             // number of hex characters to print before line wrapping
    hexSyntax: false,       // make hex syntactically correct to be cut-and-paste ready: "0xFF, "
    comment: "//",          // string to use for comments
    output: process.stdout  // output stream


If things go well, here's what the output should look like:

82                                      // list(2)
  a2                                    // map(2)
    64                                  // text(4)
      74 79 70 65                       // "type"
    64                                  // text(4)
      46 49 44 4f                       // "FIDO"
    69                                  // text(9)
      61 6c 67 6f 72 69 74 68           // "algorithm"
      6d                                // ...
    65                                  // text(5)
      45 53 32 35 36                    // "ES256"
  a2                                    // map(2)
    64                                  // text(4)
      74 79 70 65                       // "type"
    64                                  // text(4)
      46 49 44 4f                       // "FIDO"
    69                                  // text(9)
      61 6c 67 6f 72 69 74 68           // "algorithm"
      6d                                // ...
    65                                  // text(5)
      52 53 32 35 36                    // "RS256"

With the following options:

  • -x on command line or hexSyntax: true in API
  • -i 8 on command line or indent: 8 in API
  • -m 80 on command line or commentColumn: 80 in API
0x82,                                                                           // list(2)
        0xa2,                                                                   // map(2)
                0x64,                                                           // text(4)
                        0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65,                                 // "type"
                0x64,                                                           // text(4)
                        0x46, 0x49, 0x44, 0x4f,                                 // "FIDO"
                0x69,                                                           // text(9)
                        0x61, 0x6c, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68,         // "algorithm"
                        0x6d,                                                   // ...
                0x65,                                                           // text(5)
                        0x45, 0x53, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36,                           // "ES256"
        0xa2,                                                                   // map(2)
                0x64,                                                           // text(4)
                        0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65,                                 // "type"
                0x64,                                                           // text(4)
                        0x46, 0x49, 0x44, 0x4f,                                 // "FIDO"
                0x69,                                                           // text(9)
                        0x61, 0x6c, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68,         // "algorithm"
                        0x6d,                                                   // ...
                0x65,                                                           // text(5)
                        0x52, 0x53, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36,                           // "RS256"

With the following options:

  • -w 16 on command line or wrapHex: 16 in API
  • -s on command line or hexSpace: false in API
  • -c -- on command line or comment: "--" in API
83                                                          -- list(3)
  61                                                        -- text(1)
    78                                                      -- "x"
  6a                                                        -- text(10)
    30313030303030303132                                    -- "0100000012"
  7890                                                      -- text(144)
    33303436303232313030633539653334                        -- "3046022100c59e3484b03f0cc956ea5969d81ba98306bcde89fe331dce7ef69e31ca5435a3022100e48815ed05a7617a89799ab90fdc01a8df9766b15f45d56b350b95ec0c610d6d"
    38346230336630636339353665613539                        -- ...
    36396438316261393833303662636465                        -- ...
    38396665333331646365376566363965                        -- ...
    33316361353433356133303232313030                        -- ...
    65343838313565643035613736313761                        -- ...
    38393739396162393066646330316138                        -- ...
    64663937363662313566343564353662                        -- ...
    33353062393565633063363130643664                        -- ...



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