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0.0.16 • Public • Published

GraphQL Codegen Client

Generate a client SDK for your GraphQL API using GraphQL Codegen.

Getting started

npm i --save-dev buro26-graphql-codegen-client buro26-graphql-codegen-zod @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/schema-ast @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typed-document-node


Create a codegen.ts file in the root of your project with the following content:

import type {CodegenConfig} from '@graphql-codegen/cli'

const config: CodegenConfig = {
    schema: 'http://localhost:1337/graphql',
    documents: 'src/lib/strapi/queries/**/!(*.generated).{ts,tsx}',
    debug: true,
    overwrite: true,
    verbose: true,
    generates: {
        // optional: generate schema types
        './schema.graphql': {
            plugins: ['schema-ast']
        'src/lib/my-api/generated/types.ts': {
            plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations', 'typed-document-node'],
            config: {
                withHooks: false,
                maybeValue: 'T | null',
                avoidOptionals: false
        'src/lib/my-api/generated/client-factory.ts': {
            plugins: ['buro26-graphql-codegen-client'],
            config: {
                logger: true,
                typesImportPath: '@/lib/strapi/generated/types',
                schemaImportPath: '@/lib/strapi/generated/schema'
        'src/lib/my-api/generated/schema.ts': {
            plugins: ['buro26-graphql-codegen-zod'],
            config: {
                onlyWithValidation: false,
                lazy: true,
                zodTypesMap: {
                    DateTime: 'string',
                    JSON: 'string',
                    ID: 'string',
                    Int: 'number',
                    Float: 'number',
                    Long: 'number',
                    String: 'string',
                    Boolean: 'boolean',
                    I18NLocaleCode: 'string'
                zodSchemasMap: {
                    DateTime: 'z.string()',
                    JSON: 'z.any()',
                    Long: 'z.coerce.number()',
                    I18NLocaleCode: 'z.string()'
export default config

Add a script to your package.json to run the codegen:

  "scripts": {
    "codegen": "graphql-codegen"

Run the codegen script:

npm run codegen

Create a client from the generated code:

import {createClient} from '@/lib/my-api/generated/client-factory'

export const client = createClient({
    url: process.env.MY_API_URL!,
    logging: true

Make a request

Import the client and make a request:

import {client} from '@/lib/my-api/client'

const {data} = await client.query.adres.fetch({
    authToken: ctx.session?.accessToken,
    variables: {
        filters: {
            id: {
                eq: id

Use the schema

Import the schema and use it to validate data. This is useful for example for form validation, or usage with tRPC.

    .query(async ({input, ctx}) => {
        const {data} = await client.query.adres.fetch({
            authToken: ctx.session?.accessToken,
            variables: input

        return data?.adressen?.data[0] ?? null

Test and Deploy

Running tests

To run tests, run the following command:

bun test


Wish to contribute to this project? Pull the project from the repository and create a merge request.

Authors and acknowledgment

Buro26 - https://buro26.digital
Special thanks to all contributors and the open-source community for their support and contributions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Project status

The project is currently in active development. We are continuously working on adding new features and improving the existing ones. Check the issues section for the latest updates and planned features.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions!

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  • buro26-org