A test runner setup for running Mocha + Chai + Sinon + JsDom that will proabably not work with your code.
This is the test runner script I built with help from some really great packages like Mocha, Chai, Sinon and jsDom. You should need to require any of the above dependencies in your project. Just provide bin/testRunner.coffee with the path where it can find your tests
Currently works with tests written in plain ES5 javascript, coffeescript and cjsx
Run node_modules/bumble-test/bin/init from the command line to create shortcut scripts in /scripts. The runTest and debugTest can accept a file glob so you can test one or a directory of scripts like this:
scripts/runTest test/myAwesomeTest.coffee
The scrits/debugTest shortcut script will load the test(s) with Node.js args to load in node-inspector.