
1.3.2 • Public • Published



Build Enterprise grade forms quickly with React Form Enterprise


  • Rich pre set of input components based on Material-UI, BlueprintJS and Antd
  • Add your own Custom Components/Inputs
  • Form Sections
  • Fully customizable
  • Internationalization supported

Installation and usage

Install through the command

npm install build-react-form

You can import BuildReactForm and access its functionality through

import FormGenerator, { FormProvider } from "build-react-form";

// Add Form Provider to Root of Project
        <App />

// Build your Form
    <FormGenerator id={id} inputOptions={inputOptions} {...formGeneratorDefaultValues} />

Supported Components

In order to access out-of-the-box components you can use BRF.FormEnums.RegisteredInputs

  • MUI_BUTTON - Material UI Button
  • MUI_TEXTINPUT - Material UI Text Field
  • MUI_SELECT - Material UI Select
  • MUI_AUTOCOMPLETE - Material UI AutoComplete
  • MUI_CHECKBOX - Material UI Checkbox
  • MUI_DATEPICKER - Material UI DatePicker
  • MUI_RADIOGROUP - Material UI RadioGroup
  • MUI_SLIDER - Material UI Slider
  • MUI_SWITCH - Material UI Switch
  • MUI_TIMEPICKERTEXTINPUT - Material UI Time Picker (Text Field based)
  • MUI_NUMERICFROMTO - Material UI Numeric Input (From To)
  • REACT_DATEPICKER - Based on react-datepicker
  • REACT_NUMBERFORMAT: Based on react-numberformat
  • HTML_INPUT - Generic HTML Input Component inputProps available in documentation soon


Demo is available here

git clone
npm install
npm run start

Advanced Usage


Add to the root of your project, provides global access to your form functionalities

        <App />


* Maximum Width of the Form Container
maxWidth: PropTypes.string,
* Maximum Height of the Form Container
maxHeight: PropTypes.string,

* (Advanced usage) Mapping the supported types of Form Inputs provided to the Form Generator. Additional Input Registry
additionalInputRegistry: PropTypes.object,
* Size for a column (in pixels)
colSize: PropTypes.number,
* Amount of Rows on the form
rowNum: PropTypes.number,
* Amount fo Columns on the form
colNum: PropTypes.number,
* Form elements definition
inputOptions: PropTypes.array,
* Default magins applied to each cell
margin: PropTypes.number,
* Enable Form Footer
enableFooter: PropTypes.bool,
* Enable Default Footer Buttons
enableFooterButtons: PropTypes.bool,
* Styles to be spread to the Form Wrapper Flex
styleFormWrapper: PropTypes.object,
* Styles to be spread to the Form Body Flex
styleFormBody: PropTypes.object,
* Styles to be spread to the Form Footer Flex
styleFormFooter: PropTypes.object,
* Override all Input Form to behave as Read Only (eg. when you want to use the form as a info table)
readOnlyMode: PropTypes.bool,
* Sections configuration {id, title, displayTitle }
sections: PropTypes.array,
* If the Form should use sections or ignore them and spawn all Inputs in the Array order through the col/rows defined
useSections: PropTypes.bool
import FormGenerator, { formGeneratorDefaultValues } from "build-react-form";

  typesMap: defaultTypesMap,
  colSize: 200,
  rowNum: 2,
  colNum: 5,
  margin: "5px",
  enableFooter: true,
  enableFooterButtons: true,
  styleFormWrapper: {},
  styleFormBody: {},
  styleFormFooter: {},
  readOnlyMode: false,
  sections: defaultSections,
  useSections: true,
  additionalInputRegistry: {}


  • id (string): Identifier of the FormGenerator
  • inputOptions (array of Inputs): Inputs to be added to your FormGenerator
  • additionalInputRegistry (array of Registry): Additional inputs to be added to the Input Registry to be used within the FormGenerator
    <FormGenerator id={id} inputOptions={inputOptions} {...formGeneratorDefaultValues} />


Simple build for your Input definition

import { inputBuilder, FormEnums } from "build-react-form";

// inputBuilder(label, type, options)
inputBuilder("DatePicker1", FormEnums.RegisteredInputs.MUI_TIMEPICKERTEXTINPUT, { section: "section3", readOnly: true, inputProps: { displayDateDiff: true }})

Here is the schema for an Input

// Label to Identify Value Field within Form
inputLabel: string
// Input type to render the Component (must be mapped in typesMapper)
inputType: string
// Disables the Input until the following Input IDs are filled/touched
disableWhileNotFilled: array of strings
// List of inputLabel dependencies, which are resetted to "resetValue" when value of the input is changed
dependencies: array of strings
// Default Value for the input
defaultValue: string | bool | number
// Value to reset to, as a dependency of another input that changed value
resetValue: string | bool | number
// Props to spread in the underlying Input Component
inputProps: object
// Margin for the cell that spawns the Input
margin: string
// Display Error Validation Messages
showValidation: bool
// Validation options
validation: ValidationSchema
// Number of cells to spawn the Input
cols: number
// Should display label on the input form
labelDisplay: bool
// Position for the Input Label (either Left or Top)
labelPosition: string
// Text to be applied to the Input Label
labelText: string
// Margin Right to be applied to the Input Label
labelMarginRight: string
// Style to be applied to the Input Label
labelStyle: object
// Ref Data to be fetched on Input load
useRefDataLoader: bool
refDataMethod: string
refDataURL: string
refDataPayload: object
refDataLensPath: array of strings
// Styles to be spread to the Flex wrapping the Input Form
entryStyle: object
// If the component should be readOnly and assume read-only styles
readOnly: bool
// Styles to be applied to the Input Component when it's in read only mode
readOnlyStyles: object
// Which section the Input should be added to
section: string
// The amount of grid cols to spawn the input in (ranges from 1-12)
gridCols: number
// Should include surrounding Paper on the Input
includePaper: bool

Accessing Form Context & Handlers

Within formContext you can access registeredForms and you have the following methods available:

  • setValues(inputId, value)
  • getValues()
import react, { useContext } from "react";
import { FormGlobalContext } from "build-react-form";

// You can use the form internal context anywhere
    const formContext = useContext(FormGlobalContext);
    const formId = "myForm1";

            onClick={() => { 
              "hello test"

Add your own input components

You can pass the prop additionalInputRegistry (array of Registry) to any FormGenerator. Registry example follows:

  id: string - Unique identifier of the Component to be added in inputOptions,
  render: React.Component - Renderer for the Input Component,
  inputPropsSchema: Joi Schema - Schema for the specific inputProps available to the Component
import MyInputComponent, { MyInputComponentJoiSchema } from "./MyInputComponent";
import FormGenerator from "build-react-form";

const additionalInputRegistry = [
  { id: "myComponent",
    render: MyInputComponent,
    inputSchema: MyInputComponentJoiSchema 

const App = (props) => {
  return (
    <FormGenerator (...) additionalInputRegistry={additionalInputRegistry} />


  • v1.3 - Initial Demo
  • v1.4 - Add i18n Support
  • v1.5 - Add TypeScript Support



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npm i build-react-form

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  • jtiagopt