AMD module for pug template rendering. Works on browser 💪.
Based on original Pug modules with hand-picked dependencies.
Features not supported: include
and inline variable interpolations.
yarn add browser-pug# or npm install --save browser-pug
With RequireJS
With Vue templates
Module used as optional dependency for requirejs-vue loader.
When loader find .vue file with <template lang="pug">
it loads this module and interpolates
pug template into html template.
For Vue binding in template use full form or backslash with shorthands, i.e.:
div a(v-bind:href="dummyLink" v-on:click="alert") This is binding | a(\:href="dummyLink" \@click="alert") And that is shorthand form | with code backslash | .
Keep an eye to wrap Vue data/methods with backquotes, otherwise it will parsed as pug's variable and produces unexpected result.
Note: due intended optional dependency this module should be listed in requirejs config under original name.
In browser globals, r.js or CommonJS modules
Currently not supported.
On my pet projects I bored of two things:
- setup every time all those
s and other modern stuff - it is overhead for really tiny proof-of-concept projects; - write a bunch of open-closing tags.
I realized that there are no pure AMD libraries, which can translate pug markup to html and not requires ~500Kb extra payload for simplest routine "parse tabs and place tags". Instead of lazy assing (like yo, тиджей) I crafted PoC and happily use it across various projects.
You feel free to use it in your pet projects. Keep in mind that this lib still not ready for production.
MIT © 2017 vikseriq