Bot Tester for Bot Builder Framework
Simple framework that allows for easy testing of a botbuiler chatbot using mocha and chai.
npm install --save bot-tester
supported test libraries
config can be set one of 2 ways:
creating a bot-tester.json file in the root directory of your project.
passing in a config object into the options param when instantiating new instances of the BotTester
Passing in the config overrides any default values or values set by bot-tester.json. At the moment, the options are:
defaultAddress : botbuilder . IAddress ,
timeout : number
messageFilters : ( ( message : IMessage ) => boolean ) [ ] ,
ignoreTypingEvent : boolean ,
ignoreEndOfConversationEvent : boolean ,
ignoreInternalSaveMessage : boolean ,
assertionLibrary : string ,
testContext : { }
if timeout is defined, then a particular runTest()
call will fail if it does not receive each expected message within the timeout period of time set in the options.
additionally, config can be set by using the config updating options in the build chain, documented below in the example use
For a more in depth view, check out the Bot Tester Framework Config doc
Test runner setup
const { UniversalBot } = require ( ' botbuilder ' ) ;
const { expect } = require ( ' chai ' ) ;
const { BotTester , TestConnector } = require ( ' bot-tester ' ) ;
describe ( ' BotTester ' , ( ) => {
it ( ' can handle a single response ' , ( ) => {
const bot = new UniversalBot ( new TestConnector ( ) ) ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello! ' ) ;
} ) ;
const botTesterOptions = {
assertionLibrary : ' chai ' ,
return new BotTester ( bot , botTesterOptions )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Hola! ' , ' hello! ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
const test = require ( ' ava ' ) ;
const { UniversalBot } = require ( ' botbuilder ' ) ;
const { BotTester , TestConnector } = require ( ' bot-tester ' ) ;
test ( ' can handle a single response ' , ( t ) => {
const bot = new UniversalBot ( new TestConnector ( ) ) ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello! ' ) ;
} ) ;
const botTesterOptions = {
assertionLibrary : ' ava ' ,
testContext : t
return new BotTester ( bot , botTesterOptions )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Hola! ' , ' hello! ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Example Usage
All examples use mocha/chai, but the content will be similar regardless of the test runner
import { IAddress , IMessage , Message , Prompts , Session , UniversalBot } from ' botbuilder ' ;
import { expect } from ' chai ' ;
import { BotTester , TestConnector } from ' bot-tester ' ;
import { getAdaptiveCard , getAdaptiveCardAttachment , getAdaptiveCardMessage } from ' ./adaptiveCardProvider ' ;
const connector = new TestConnector ( ) ;
describe ( ' BotTester ' , ( ) => {
let bot ;
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
bot = new UniversalBot ( connector ) ;
} ) ;
Test for single response
it ( ' can handle a single response ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello! ' ) ;
} ) ;
const botTester = new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Hola! ' , ' hello! ' ) ;
return botTester . runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Test for multiple responses
it ( ' can handle multiple responses ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello! ' ) ;
session . send ( ' how are you doing? ' ) ;
} ) ;
new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Hola! ' , ' hello! ' , ' how are you doing? ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Test for random response arrays
let randomResponseRunCounter = 5 ;
const randomColors = [ ' red ' , ' green ' , ' blue ' , ' grey ' , ' gray ' , ' purple ' , ' magenta ' , ' cheese ' , ' orange ' , ' hazelnut ' ] ;
while ( randomResponseRunCounter -- ) {
it ( ' Can handle random responses ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( randomColors ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' tell me a color! ' , randomColors )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Test with prompts
it ( ' can test prompts ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , [ ( session ) => {
new Prompts . text ( session , ' Hi there! Tell me something you like ' ) ;
} , ( session , results ) => {
session . send ( ` ${ results . response } is pretty cool. ` ) ;
new Prompts . text ( session , ' Why do you like it? ' ) ;
} , ( session ) => session . send ( ' Interesting. Well, that \' s all I have for now ' ) ] ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Hola! ' , ' Hi there! Tell me something you like ' )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' The sky ' , ' The sky is pretty cool. ' , ' Why do you like it? ' )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' It \' s blue ' , ' Interesting. Well, that \' s all I have for now ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Test Adaptive Cards
it ( ' can correctly check against adaptive cards ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( getAdaptiveCardMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' anything ' , getAdaptiveCardMessage ( ) )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Inspect session
it ( ' can inspect session state ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , [ ( session ) => {
new Prompts . text ( session , ' What would you like to set data to? ' ) ;
} , ( session , results ) => {
session . userData = { data : results . response } ;
session . save ( ) ;
} ] ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' Start this thing! ' , ' What would you like to set data to? ' )
. sendMessageToBotAndExpectSaveWithNoResponse ( ' This is data! ' )
. checkSession ( ( session ) => {
expect ( session . userData ) . not . to . be . null ;
expect ( session . userData . data ) . to . be . equal ( ' This is data! ' ) ;
} )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Test custom messages
it ( ' can handle custom messages in response ' , ( ) => {
const customMessage : { someField ?: { } } & IMessage = new Message ( )
. text ( ' this is text ' )
. toMessage ( ) ;
customMessage . someField = {
a : 1
} ;
customMessage . type = ' newType ' ;
const matchingCustomMessage : { someField ?: { } } & IMessage = new Message ( )
. toMessage ( ) ;
matchingCustomMessage . text = ' this is text ' ;
matchingCustomMessage . type = ' newType ' ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session : Session ) => {
session . send ( customMessage ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' anything ' , customMessage )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' anything ' , matchingCustomMessage )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Address/multiuser cases
describe ( ' Address/multi user ' , ( ) => {
const defaultAddress = { channelId : ' console ' ,
user : { id : ' user1 ' , name : ' A ' } ,
bot : { id : ' bot ' , name : ' Bot ' } ,
conversation : { id : ' user1Conversation ' }
} ;
const user2Address = { channelId : ' console ' ,
user : { id : ' user2 ' , name : ' B ' } ,
bot : { id : ' bot ' , name : ' Bot ' } ,
conversation : { id : ' user2Conversation ' }
} ;
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => session . send ( session . message . address . user . name ) ) ;
} ) ;
Can check addressess, including partial addresses
it ( ' can ensure proper address being used for routing. Includes partial address ' , ( ) => {
const askForUser1Name = new Message ( )
. text ( ' What is my name? ' )
. address ( defaultAddress )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const expectedAddressInMessage = new Message ( )
. address ( defaultAddress )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const addr = {
user : {
id : ' user1 '
} as IAddress ;
const expectedPartialAddress = new Message ( )
. address ( addr )
. toMessage ( ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( askForUser1Name , expectedAddressInMessage )
. sendMessageToBot ( askForUser1Name , expectedPartialAddress )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Can have a default address assigned to the bot
it ( ' Can have a default address assigned to it and communicate to multiple users ' , ( ) => {
const askForUser1Name = new Message ( )
. text ( ' What is my name? ' )
. address ( defaultAddress )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const askForUser2Name = new Message ( )
. text ( ' What is my name? ' )
. address ( user2Address )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const user1ExpectedResponse = new Message ( )
. text ( ' A ' )
. address ( defaultAddress )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const user2ExpectedResponse = new Message ( )
. text ( ' B ' )
. address ( user2Address )
. toMessage ( ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot , { defaultAddress } )
. sendMessageToBot ( askForUser1Name , ' A ' )
. sendMessageToBot ( askForUser1Name , user1ExpectedResponse )
. sendMessageToBot ( askForUser2Name , user2ExpectedResponse )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
}) ;
Can test batch responses
it ( ' can handle batch responses ' , ( ) => {
const CUSTOMER_ADDRESS : IAddress = { channelId : ' console ' ,
user : { id : ' userId1 ' , name : ' user1 ' } ,
bot : { id : ' bot ' , name : ' Bot ' } ,
conversation : { id : ' user1Conversation ' }
} ;
const msg1 = new Message ( )
. address ( CUSTOMER_ADDRESS )
. text ( ' hello ' )
. toMessage ( ) ;
const msg2 = new Message ( )
. address ( CUSTOMER_ADDRESS )
. text ( ' there ' )
. toMessage ( ) ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session : Session ) => {
bot . send ( [ msg1 , msg2 ] ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot , { defaultAddress : CUSTOMER_ADDRESS } )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' anything ' , ' hello ' , ' there ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Can test using regex
it ( ' accepts RegExp ' , ( ) => {
const numberRegex = / ^ \d + / ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( session . message . text ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' 1 ' , numberRegex )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' 3156 ' , numberRegex )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' 8675309 ' , numberRegex )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
variable # args can have mixed type
it ( ' rest params can have mixed type ' , ( ) => {
const numberRegex = / ^ \d + / ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( session . message . text ) ;
session . send ( session . message . text ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' 123 ' , numberRegex , ' 123 ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Can perform arbitrary work between test steps
it ( ' can do arbitrary work between test steps ' , ( ) => {
let responseString = ' goodbye ' ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( responseString ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' you say ' , ' goodbye ' )
. then ( ( ) => responseString = ' hello ' )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' and i say ' , ' hello ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
Can wait between test steps
it ( ' can wait between test steps ' , ( ) => {
const delay = 1000 ;
let beforeDelayTime ;
let afterDelayTime ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
if ( afterDelayTime - beforeDelayTime >= delay ) {
session . send ( ' i waited some time ' ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. then ( ( ) => beforeDelayTime = Date . now ( ) )
. wait ( delay )
. then ( ( ) => afterDelayTime = Date . now ( ) )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' have you waited ? ' , ' i waited some time ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
can check messages while ignoring order
it ( ' can accept messages without expectations for order ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hi ' ) ;
session . send ( ' there ' ) ;
session . send ( ' how are you? ' ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. sendMessageToBotIgnoringResponseOrder ( ' anything ' , ' how are you? ' , ' hi ' , ' there ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
can apply one or more message filters in the BotTester options for messages to ignore
it ( ' can apply one or more message filters in the BotTester options for messages to ignore ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello ' ) ;
session . send ( ' how ' ) ;
session . send ( ' are ' ) ;
session . send ( ' you? ' ) ;
} ) ;
const ignoreHowMessage = ( message ) => ! message . text . includes ( ' how ' ) ;
const ignoreAreMessage = ( message ) => ! message . text . includes ( ' are ' ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot , { messageFilters : [ ignoreHowMessage , ignoreAreMessage ] } )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' intro ' , ' hello ' , ' you? ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
can modify BotTester options
describe ( ' can modifiy options in line in builder chain ' , ( ) => {
it ( ' add a message filter ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello ' ) ;
session . send ( ' there ' ) ;
session . send ( ' green ' ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. addMessageFilter ( ( msg ) => ! msg . text . includes ( ' hello ' ) )
. addMessageFilter ( ( msg ) => ! msg . text . includes ( ' there ' ) )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' hey ' , ' green ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( ' change timeout time ' , ( done ) => {
const timeout = 750 ;
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => session . send ( ' hi there ' ) , timeout * 2 ) ;
} ) ;
expect ( new BotTester ( bot )
. setTimeout ( timeout )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' hey ' , ' hi there ' )
. runTest ( )
) . to . be . rejected . notify ( done ) ;
} ) ;
it ( ' can ignore typing events ' , ( ) => {
bot . dialog ( ' / ' , ( session ) => {
session . send ( ' hello ' ) ;
session . sendTyping ( ) ;
session . send ( ' goodbye ' ) ;
} ) ;
return new BotTester ( bot )
. ignoreTypingEvent ( )
. sendMessageToBot ( ' hey ' , ' hello ' , ' goodbye ' )
. runTest ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;