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5.0.2 • Public • Published

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Contains various implementations of the API contract described in interface-blockstore


Various Blockstore implementations are available.


Example - BaseBlockstore

Provides a complete implementation of the Blockstore interface. You must implement .get, .put, etc.

import { BaseBlockstore } from 'blockstore-core/base'

class MyCustomBlockstore extends BaseBlockstore {
  put (key, val, options) {
    // store a block

  get (key, options) {
    // retrieve a block

  // ...etc

Example - MemoryBlockstore

A simple Blockstore that stores blocks in memory.

import { MemoryBlockstore } from 'blockstore-core/memory'

const store = new MemoryBlockstore()

Example - BlackHoleBlockstore

A Blockstore that does not store any blocks.

import { BlackHoleBlockstore } from 'blockstore-core/black-hole'

const store = new BlackHoleBlockstore()

Example - TieredBlockstore

A tiered blockstore wraps one or more blockstores and will query each in parallel to retrieve a block - the operation will succeed if any wrapped store has the block.

Writes are invoked on all wrapped blockstores.

import { TieredBlockstore } from 'blockstore-core/tiered'

const store = new TieredBlockstore([
  // ...etc

Example - IdentityBlockstore

An identity blockstore is one that deals exclusively in Identity CIDs - this is a special CID with the codec 0x00 where the multihash digest is the data that makes up the block.

import { IdentityBlockstore } from 'blockstore-core/identity'
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'

const blockstore = new IdentityBlockstore()

blockstore.has(CID.parse('QmFoo')) // false

blockstore.has(CID.parse('bafkqac3imvwgy3zao5xxe3de')) // true


$ npm i blockstore-core

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make its exports available as BlockstoreCore in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>

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