
1.0.0 • Public • Published


BlackOrphan is a tool built with Bash/nodejs mainly for gaining a remote shell access to a linux BoX


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run blackorphan from the command line

1. Create a server
2. Start a Listerner
3. About
q. Exit

choosing 1 allows you to create a package with the reverse shell listener script embeded in the package

Select the target Operating System
1. Debian base linux system
2. Rpm base Linux system
3. Puppy Linux (.pet)
4. Arch Linux 
r. Run
b. Go back to previous menu
q. Exit

choosing any of the option apart from b,r and q allows you to choose the kind of package you want to create

it is adivisable to create a package ( maybe a deb package ) and use alient to convert it to support other platforms


at that prompt you have to set the ip and port of the attacker with this command. This will be used for the reverse connection

    set lhost_lport ip_address port

hit the r key here to start creating hte package

Create a new debian package for the Malware?[y|n]:

hit y to create a new package or hit n to specify a package that the malware will be embeded into

Specify script to bind with: 

specify the absolute path to the script to bind with , supported scripts are ( py,pl and sh )

hit Ctrl + C to close blackorphan

start listener.js with the port number to use for the connection

./listener.js 4444

you can now send the package to the victim, when the victim installs the package and run the script you will be able to remotely access the victims box

the commands supported by listener.js for now are

  1. killclient

  2. list

  3. switch


killclient temporary stops you from accessing the victims box, it takes an id , which is just a number

for example

killclient 1 >> kills a client with the id of 1


lists all the currently connected victims


it switches or changes the socket object to point to another victim. It takes a single option which is the id of the victim

for example

switch 3 >> changes to the client with an id of 3

Regular updates will be added to BlackOrphan every 2 weeks

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  • zombieleet