Sqlite module for node and backendjs
var sqlite = require("bkjs-sqlite");
var db = new sqlite.Database("test.db", sqlite.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, function(err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
this.runSync("PRAGMA cache_size=5000");
this.runSync("CREATE TABLE test(a int, b text)")
this.query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=?", ["table"], function(err, tables) {
console.log(err, tables);
Database class
new Database(filename, options, callback)
- create new database object, the callback will be called with an Error if occured. - Properties:
- return 1 if the db is open -
- returns number of rows affected by the last operation -
- last auto generated ID
- Methods:
exec(sql[, callback])
- execute the SQL statememt in a worker thread -
run(sql, [values], [callback])
- execute a DDL statement in a worker thread, supports parameters in the statement -
runSync(sql, [values])
- execute a DDL statement synchronously -
query(sql, [values], [callback])
- execute any SQL statement in a worker thread, if a callback is given it will be passed an array with result if exists, otherwise empty array -
querySync(sql, [values])
- execute a SQL statement synchronously, returns array with result -
- close the database in a worker thread -
- close the database in the main thread -
- copy currently open database into another, db2 can be an open db object or a file name
Statement class
new Statement(db, sql, callback)
- create new SQL statement object for a database and SQL statement, a callback will be called with an error if occured, otherwise prepared statement is ready for execution - Methods:
prepare(sql, [callback])
- prepare another SQL statement in the existing statement object -
- execute prepared DDL statement in a worker thread -
- execute prepared DDL statememnt in the main thread -
query([values], [callback])
- execute prepared statement with values for the parameters, if callback is given it will be passed the results -
- execute prepared statement with values for the parameters in the main thread -
- close and free the statement, it cannot be used anymore and will be deleted eventually
Vlad Seryakov