Cache module for node and backendjs
- Generic cache outside of V8 heap, implements named sets of caches,
refers to a separate named cache with its own set of keys:-
put(name, key, value)
- save a key value pair in the named cache -
incr(name, key, value)
- increment a key value, non existent keys are assumed to be 0 -
get(name, key)
- return value for a key -
del(name, key)
- delete a key -
exists(name, key)
- returns true if a key exists -
- return a list of all keys in the named cache -
clear(name, ttl)
- delete all keys, if ttl is greater than 0 then it must be a number of seconds the cache will be alive till it expires, all subsequent items put in the cache will live until it expires automatically -
- returs all existing named caches -
- returns size of a cache -
each(name, callback)
- call a callback for each key -
- returns first key -
- returns next key or undefined when reached the end
- LRU internal cache outside of V8 heap:
- init LRU cache with max number of keys, this is in-memory cache which evicts older keys -
- return statistics about the LRU cache -
- return size of the current LRU cache -
- number of keys in the LRU cache -
lruPut(name, val [, expire])
- set/replace value by name, expire is the time in the future when this key becomes invalid -
lruGet(name [, now])
- return value by name, ifnow
is given in ms then a key with ttl below this timestamp will be considered invalid and deleted even if the expiration never been set before -
lruIncr(name, val [, expire])
- increase value by given number, non existent items assumed to be 0 -
- delete by name -
lruKeys([pattern] [,level])
- return all cache key names, if pattern is given match all keys beginning with it, if details is 1 then return an array with keys and expiration, if details is 2 then return an array with item key, value and expiration -
- clear LRU cache -
- remove the oldest item from the cache -
- return the oldest key
Vlad Seryakov