Simple command line tool to backup/download Bitbucket Repositories.
You'll need git
and node
with npm
And for this to work you'll also need a client id and a client secret from Bitbucket. Go to{username}/api
and click on "Add consumer" to create the client id and client secret, make sure you at least select read rights on repositories.
npm i -g bitbuckup
How to use it
Create a .env
file in the folder you want the backups to be created, containing the following information:
Then open a terminal with that folder and run:
Or if you don't want to install it, you can also run:
npx bitbuckup
What it does
BitbuckUp clones all repos and fetches all branches, for each username/team provided. It has access to all repos that the user that created the client id/secret has access too, which includes all public repos.
It creats the following folder structure:
.envrepos/├── user1.json├── user1/│ ├── repo1/│ └── repo2/└── ...