This repository contains the SDK for developing BigBlueButton plugins. Plugins are React components that can be loaded from external sources by the BigBlueButton HTML5 client to extend its functionalities.
A variety of example implementations to manipulate different parts of the
BBB client can be found in the samples
This is a general instruction on how to use a plugin. For a detailed configuration example of each use case, have a look at the READMEs in the respective samples-folders.
For development purposes you can run a plugin locally from source.
For example if you take the sample-action-button-dropdown-plugin
you do the following:
Start the development server:
cd $HOME/src/bigbluebutton-html-plugin-sdk/samples/sample-action-button-dropdown-plugin npm install npm start
Add reference to it on BigBlueButton's
:public: plugins: - name: SampleActionButtonDropdownPlugin url:
N.B.: Be aware that in this case the url is interpreted from the plugin in the browser, so the localhost is actually your local development machine.
To build a plugin for production use
(again, using the example of sample-action-button-dropdown-plugin
follow these steps:
cd $HOME/src/bigbluebutton-html-plugin-sdk/samples/sample-action-button-dropdown-plugin
npm install
npm run build-bundle
The above command will generate the dist
folder, containing the bundled JavaScript file named SampleActionButtonDropdownPlugin.js
This file can be hosted on any HTTPS server.
To use the plugin with BigBlueButton, add the plugin's URL to settings.yml
as shown below:
... // All app configurations
- name: SampleActionButtonDropdownPlugin
url: <<PLUGIN_URL>>
... // All other configurations
While the plugin can be hosted on any Server, it is also possible to host the bundled file directly on
a BigBlueButton server. For that you copy the dist/SampleActionButtonDropdownPlugin.js
to the folder /var/www/bigbluebutton-default/assets/plugins
In this case, the <<PLUGIN_URL>>
will be https://<your-host>/plugins/SampleActionButtonDropdownPlugin.js
Foreach of the following ui-extensible-area, we have a different setter function accessible via pluginApi
Mind that, although each area has its own structure, all the functions follows a certain argument structure, and returns nothing, that would be:
objectProperty1: 'string',
objectProperty2: 123,
See, it is basicaly a function that requires an array as an argument, with which the more items you push to that array, the more of that extensible area you will have.
That being said, here are the extensible areas we have so far:
- Action bar items (button, separator)
- Action Button Dropdown Items (option, separator)
- Audio settings dropdown items (option, separator)
- Camera settings dropdown items (option, separator)
- Options settings dropdown items (option, separator)
- Nav bar items (button, info)
- Presentation dropdown items (option, separator)
- Presentation toolbar items (button, separator, spinner)
- User camera settings dropdown items (option, separator)
- User list dropdown items (option, separator)
- User list item additional information (item, label)
- Floating window item (floatingWindow)
- Generic Content (main, sidekick)
Mind that no plugin will interfere into another's extensible area. So feel free to set whatever you need into a certain plugin with no worries.
: returns the user session token located on the user's URL. -
: returns the join url associated with the parameters passed as an argument. Since it fetches the BigBlueButton API, this getter method is asynchronous.
hook: provides information regarding the current presentation; -
hook: provides information regarding the loaded user list (displayed in the screen); -
hook: provides information regarding the current user; -
hook: provides information regarding all users (only crucial information: userId, name and role); -
hook: provides information regarding the loaded chat messages; -
hook: with this hook, the developer can query pretty much anything graphql can provide. Note: Make sure that, on BBB version change, the custom subscriptions you make will work as expected. -
hook: it provides all the specific settings regarding the current plugin it's been loaded from. -
hook: it gives you invormation on the user-voice data, that is, who is talking or muted. -
hook: it gives you information on the current meeting that the user is on.
So for these types of hooks, the return will follow the same structure:
export interface GraphqlResponseWrapper<TData> {
loading: boolean;
data?: TData;
error?: ApolloError;
So we have the data
, which is different for each hook, that's why it's a generic, the error, that will be set if, and only if, there is an error, otherwise it is undefined, and loading, which tells the developer if the query is still loading (being fetched) or not.
hook: this will allow you to exchange information (Send and receive) amongst different users through the same plugin;
So for this hook to read the data from the data channel, the developer will be able to choose the format in which they want it.The possible formats are described down below:
- ALL_ITEMS: Fetches all items from specific data-channel and specific subchannel-name since the begining of the meeting from the newest to the latest (It can be used as a history);
- LATEST_ITEM: Fetches only the latest item pushed to the data-channel within a specific subchannel-name since the begining of the meeting;
- NEW_ITEMS: Fetches the new items pushed to the data-channel within a specific subchannel-name since the moment that the
hook has been called (It will not see entries sent previous to that moment);
An interesting thing about this hook is that it is generic, so, you can use a custom type, and this will be found not only in the consumer part of the data structure returned, but also in functions in which you need to specify an object to be persisted, meaning it will force the object to be of the type you mentioned previously (that is the case for pushEntry
and replaceEntry
). One can find examples of usage of this in the data-channel plugin sample or most of the official ones. The syntax is described below:
const {
data: response, // Data that will be returned
pushEntry: pushEntryFunction, // Function to push another item to the data-channel
deleteEntry: deleteEntryFunction, // Function to delete specific item or wipe all
replaceEntry: replaceEntryFunction, // Function replace a specifi item
} = useDataChannel<CustomType>(
channelName, // Defined according to what is on settings.yml from bbb-htlm5
DataChannelTypes.All_ITEMS, // | LATEST_ITEM | NEW_ITEMS -> ALL_ITEMS is default
subChannelName = 'default', // If no subchannelName is specified, it will be 'default'
Wiping all data off will delete every item from the specific data-channel within the specific subchannel-name.
The data-channel name must be written in the settings.yml.
All the permission for writing and deleting must be in the yaml too just like the example ahead:
- name: PluginName
url: http://<your-hosted-plugin>/PluginName.js
- name: channel-name
# pushPermission options: moderator, presenter, all
pushPermission: ['moderator','presenter']
# replaceOrDeletePermission options: moderator, presenter, creator, all
- moderator
- sender
If no permission is mentioned in the yaml (writing or deleting), no one will be able proceed with that specific action:
The pushEntryFunction
has a minor detail to pay attention to, it is possible to specify the users who you want to send the item to, if none is specified, all will receive the item, such as done ahead:
pushEntryFunction(objectToBePushed: T, options: {
receivers?: ObjectTo[];
export interface ToUserId {
userId: string;
export interface ToRole {
role: DataChannelPushEntryFunctionUserRole;
export type ObjectTo = ToUserId | ToRole;
hook: This will return certain data from the UI depending on the parameter the developer uses. It works just like the useUiEvent hook, but instead of passing a callback as a parameter to be run everytime the event occurs, it will return the data directly, keep in mind that the second parameter is the default value that this function will assume. Possible choices:- IntlLocaleUiDataNames.CURRENT_LOCALE;
- ExternalVideoVolumeUiDataNames.CURRENT_VOLUME_VALUE;
- ExternalVideoVolumeUiDataNames.IS_VOLUME_MUTED;
- UserListUiDataNames.USER_LIST_IS_OPEN;
- LayoutPresentatioAreaUiDataNames.CURRENT_ELEMENT;
Example of usage:
const currentLocale = pluginApi.useUiData(IntlLocaleUiDataNames.CURRENT_LOCALE, {
locale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: 'en',
// Do something with the currentLocale:
Mind that foreach enum we have, a different type of fallback is needed as the second argument. In the example above, we want the intl
, so the second argument, will follow the structure depicted.
One other thing is that the type of the return is precisely the same type required as the second argument.
object: It basically contains all the possible commands available to the developer to interact with the core BBB UI, see the ones implemented down below:
- chat:
- form:
- open: this function will open the sidebar chat panel automatically;
- fill: this function will fill the form input field of the chat passed in the argument as {text: string}
- form:
- external-video:
- volume:
- set: this function will set the external video volume to a certain number between 0 and 1 (that is 0% and);
- volume:
- sidekick-options-container:
- open: this function will open the sidekick options panel automatically;
- close: this function will close the sidekick options panel automatically (and also the sidebar content if open, to avoid inconsistencies in ui);
- presentation-area:
- open: this function will open the presentation area content automatically;
- close: this function will close the presentation area content automatically;
See usage ahead:;{
text: 'Just an example message filled by the plugin',
So the idea is that we have a uiCommands
object and at a point, there will be the command to do the intended action, such as open the chat form and/or fill it, as demonstrated above
object: It contains all the possible commands available to the developer to interact with the BBB core server, see the ones implemented down below:
- chat:
- sendPublicMessage: this function sends a text message along with an optional custom metadata to the public chat
Note: messages sent by plugins are not natively rendered by the client. They have to be custom-rendered by plugins using
. - caption:
- save: this function saves the given text, locale and caption type
- addLocale: this function sends a locale to be added to the available options
hook: This hook will return the dom element of a chat message reactively, so one can modify whatever is inside, such as text, css, js, etc.; -
hook: This hook will return the dom element of each of the user's webcam corresponding to the streamIds passed reactively, so one can modify whatever is inside, such as text, css, js, etc., and also can get the video element within it;
: This function will send data for the bbb to render inside the plugin's table
The object structure of this function's argument must be:
interface GenericDataForLearningAnalyticsDashboard {
cardTitle: string; // Yet to be implemented (future updates)
columnTitle: string;
value: string;
So that the data will appear in the following form:
User | Count | <columnTitle> |
user-name | 1 | <value> |
How do I remove a certain extensible area that I don't want anymore? It is pretty simple: just set an empty array of elements of that specific extensible area. Or simply remove the specific item of the array and set the new array to that extensible area in the next iteration.
See example below:
// First iteration:
// Define both variables:
const dropdownToUserListItem = { ... };
const buttonToUserListItem = { ... };
pluginApi.setActionsBarItems([dropdownToUserListItem, buttonToUserListItem]);
// Second iteration:
// Redefine variable(s):
const newButtonToUserListItem = { ... };
// Third iteration:
// I don't want any of this extensible-area:
// All set from this plugin will disappear from the UI;
How to propperly build a plugin? Just go to your plugin folder, install dependencies and run the build command as follows:
cd my-plugin-folder/
npm i
npm run build-bundl
At this point, another folder will be created into the plugin directory called "dist/" inside of that folder you will find the plugin itself MyPlugin.js
. Remember that the name of this file will be the same as defined in the webpack.config.js
, such as:
module.exports = {
// ... Other configurations
output: {
filename: 'MyPlugin.js'
// ... Other configurations
Does the builded plugin need to be in the same BBB server?
No, feel free to host it anywhere you want, just make sure to point the URL from settings.yml
I am making my plugin based on a sample inside the SDK, but somehow, the sample is not working properly, what do I do to run it in dev mode and make it work? Well there are several motives to why the sample is not working properly, so I will go through each one of them briefly:
- The config has not been set properly inside
, see this section to configure your plugin; - The plugin is not even running in dev mode, it could be the port already in use, or typescript and/or javascript errors (Make sure to initialize the
as any of the samples inside a react function component); - It could be an error with that sample indeed, or that feature the plugin uses broke (it is not usual, but can happen since BBB is constantly changing and enhancing its features with its wonderful community). If that happens, just open an issue in the SDK's github detailing the error you are facing. And thank you in advance for reporting it back to us so we can improve each time.
How to troubleshoot the plugins? See if it has loaded in the BBB, for instance.
Well, each time a set of plugins are listed in the bbb-html5.yml
, it will fire some logs based on the amount of plugins that it need to load inside the client. So open the console in the browser by pressing F12 key in your keyboard and search for the following log:
<ratio of loaded plugins> plugins loaded
If 1 out of 5 plugins loaded, you'll see "1/5 plugins loaded", and so on.
Also, when a plugin loaded, the client will log it's name like:
Loaded plugin MyPlugin
Sometimes, there could be the case of a plugin to not load properly and an error will log with the following message:
Error when loading plugin MyPlugin, error: {"isTrusted":true}
In this case, the URL that leads to the plugin is not available or leads to an error. But it can log something different, so pay attention to what the error message will tell you.
Lastly, there are, of course, other scenarios and different informative logs, but these are the most common and important ones. Please contact us if you feel we left something out!