Analytics Storage Utils
Stand alone storage utilities used in analytics
By default, @analytics/storage-utils
will persist values in browser in this order:
- If no
, usecookies
- If no
, useglobal
If you want to specify which storage mechanism to use, use the options
Set a value.
import { setItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
* Basic usage
/* Save value to `localStorage` or `cookies` or `global` */
setItem('key', 'value')
// { value: "value", oldValue: "old", location: "localStorage" }
/** Setting values to specific location */
/* Set value to specifically localStorage */
setItem('key', 'otherValue', { storage: 'localStorage' })
// { value: "otherValue", oldValue: "value", location: "localStorage" }
/* Set value to specifically cookie */
setItem('keyTwo', 'cookieVal', { storage: 'cookie' })
// { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }
/* Set value from specifically the global window (or global this in node.js) */
setItem('keyThree', 'xyz', { storage: 'global' })
// { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }
Get a value.
import { getItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
/* Basic usage */
/* Lookup value from `localStorage` or `cookies` or `global` */
const value = getItem('key')
* Getting values to specific locations
// Get value to specifically localStorage
const getLocalStorageValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'localStorage' })
/* Get value to specifically cookie */
const getCookieValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'cookie' })
/* Get value from specifically the global window (or global this in node.js) */
const getGlobalValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'global' })
/* Get value from all locations */
const valueObj = getItem('otherKey', { storage: '*' })
// { cookie: undefined, localStorage: "hahaha", global: null }
Remote a value.
import { removeItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
/* Basic usage */
// Will try remove value from `localStorage` -> `cookies` -> `global`
/** Removing values to specific locations */
/* Remove value to specifically localStorage */
removeItem('key', { storage: 'localStorage' })
/* Remove value to specifically cookie */
removeItem('keyTwo', { storage: 'cookie' })
/* Remove value to specifically global */
removeItem('keyThree', { storage: 'global' })
/* Remove value from all locations */
removeItem('otherKey', { storage: '*' })