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Lightweight MySQL escaping library providing helpers to write readable TypeScript MySQL queries.

How to use 📦

Starting by adding the library in your project.

npm install --save beautiful-sqlstring
yarn add beautiful-sqlstring
pnpm add beautiful-sqlstring

beautiful-sqlstring provides 3 main functions to escape and format your SQL queries:

  • sql allows you to escape a MySQL query using string templates
  • sqlUpdate allows to write bulk update queries from a list of objects.
  • sqlKey transforms a string into a MySQL key (table name, column name, etc.) that will be left untouched by the sql function

Select query

Use sqlKey to escape table, column names, etc. that you want to store as variables.

import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

const query1 = sql`
  SELECT id, name
  FROM ${sqlKey('users')}
  WHERE name LIKE ${"%john%"}
// SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name LIKE "%john%"
import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

function getUsers(shouldIncludeName: boolean) {
  const query2 = sql`
      ${sqlKey(shouldIncludeName ? ', name' : '')}
      createdAt > ${new Date("2023-01-01")}`;
  // ...

Insert query

You can directly pass a list of elements to sql to generate a bulk insert query.

import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

const query = sql`
  INSERT INTO ${sqlKey(TABLE_NAME)} (name, age)
  VALUES ${[
    ['John', 20],
    ['Jane', 21],
// INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES ("John", 20), ("Jane", 21)
import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

function insertUsers(users: { name: string; age: number }[]) {
  const query = sql`
    INSERT INTO ${sqlKey(TABLE_NAME)} (name, age)
    VALUES ${ => [, user.age])}
  // ...

Update query

Simple update query

For simple update queries, you can provide a list of object to sql to generate the query.

import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

const query = sql`
  SET ${{ name: 'John', age: 20 }}
  WHERE id = ${1}`;
// UPDATE users SET name = "John", age = 20 WHERE id = 1
import { sql, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const TABLE_NAME = 'users';

function updateUser(user: { name: string, age: number, id: number }) {
  const {id, } = user
  const query = sql`
    UPDATE ${sqlKey(TABLE_NAME)}
    SET ${rest}
    WHERE id = ${id}`;
  // ...

Bulk update query

For bulk update queries, you'll probably want to run an UPDATE CASE statement that can end up being tricky to write. sqlUpdate allows you to write a bulk update query from a list of objects.

import { sql, sqlUpdate, sqlKey } from 'beautiful-sqlstring';

const [ids, statement] = sqlUpdate(
    { id: 1, name: 'John', age: 20 },
    { id: 2, name: 'Jane', age: 21 },
const query = sql`
  SET ${statement}
  WHERE id IN (${ids})`;
// Output:
// UPDATE users
// SET name = CASE id WHEN 1 THEN "John" WHEN 2 THEN "Jane" END,
//     age = CASE id WHEN 1 THEN 20 WHEN 2 THEN 21 END
// WHERE id IN (1, 2)

function updateUsers(users: { name: string; age: number; id: number }[]) {
  const [ids, statement] = sqlUpdate(users, 'id');
  const query = sql`
    UPDATE ${sqlKey(TABLE_NAME)}
    SET ${statement}
    WHERE id IN (${ids})`;
  return mysql.query(query);

Escaping rules

Input type Description Example
string Strings are escaped ${'string'} ➡️ "string"
number Numbers are left untouched ${1} ➡️ 1
boolean Booleans are converted to true or false ${true} ➡️ 1
Date Dates are converted to MySQL date format ${new Date('2021-01-01')} ➡️ "2021-01-01 00:00:00"
null / undefined null and undefined are converted to NULL ${null} ➡️ NULL
Buffer Buffers are converted to hex strings ${Buffer.from('test')} ➡️ X'74657374'
Param[] Arrays are converted to a list of escaped values ${[1, 2, 3]} ➡️ 1, 2, 3
Param[][] Nested arrays are turned into grouped lists (for bulk inserts) ${[['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]} ➡️ ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')
Object Objects are converted to a list of escaped key / value pairs ${{ a: 1, b: 2 }} ➡️ a = 1, b = 2
sqlKey sqlKey is used to escape table, column names, etc. ${sqlKey('users')} ➡️ users

Development 🧑🏼‍💻

To bundle this project you first need to install nvm (this will allow you to install and use the correct version of Node.js / npm for this project).

  1. Install the right version of node / npm
nvm install && nvm use
  1. Install dependencies
npm ci
  1. You can run your tests with the following commands
npm run test:watch
  1. You can build your code with the following command (once the command works properly, you will see dist folder)
  2. To publish your package to npm, you'll need to push your version in package.json, push your changes to your branch and open / merge a Pull Request to main branch.
npm version patch | minor | major
git push origin your-branch


  • Remove sqlstring dependency

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npm i beautiful-sqlstring

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  • marwaneb