Converts various types of streams to Bacon.js streams. This is intended for use by libraries which use Bacon internally, but want to be able to accept streams from other libraries or other versions of Bacon as arguments given by the application.
- Supports converting RxJS (v2-v5) Observables into Bacon streams.
- Supports converting Kefir streams into Bacon streams.
- Supports converting a Bacon stream created by one instance of the Bacon library into a stream usable by a different instance of a Bacon library. (Bacon does not support using streams from different Bacon libraries together directly!)
- Casts non-streams into a Bacon stream of one item by using Bacon.once().
BaconCast is intended for use in nodejs and in browsers via CommonJS bundlers like Browserify. This project is in NPM and can be installed with
npm install bacon-cast
The related project KefirCast exists to convert streams to Kefir streams.
Suppose you have a library that exports a single function doStuff
, which can
take a stream as an argument. By using BaconCast, you can support any RxJS
streams, Kefir streams, Bacon.js streams, or constants that your users might
pass to you.
var Bacon = ;var baconCast = ; module { var inputStream = ; // Log anything that comes through the stream for 5 seconds. inputStream;};
If you did not use BaconCast, then your users would be required to use the same version and instance of Bacon as you, you wouldn't support RxJS or Kefir streams without more work, and you would have to handle non-stream constant values specially.
baconCast(Bacon, input)
takes your Bacon library instance as the first
argument, and the input stream or constant to convert into a Bacon stream as
the second argument. A Bacon EventStream compatible with the given Bacon library
will be returned.