
7.1.0 • Public • Published


This is a fork of the official Babel plugin for brunch, one which adds .babelrc reading.

Brunch plugin using babel to turn the latest ECMAScript standard code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime required.

All the .js files in your project will be run through the babel compiler, except those it is configured to ignore, unless you use the pattern option.

Additionally, starting Brunch 2.7.3, babel-brunch will also compile NPM dependencies.


npm install --save babel6-brunch


  • No configuration is required by default. The plugin will use your .babelrc file or the babel section of your package.json. If neither exist, it will use the env preset.
  • To add React preset:
    • Execute npm install --save-dev babel-preset-react, then adjust the presets option in brunch-config.js:
    • plugins: {babel: {presets: ['env', 'react']}}
  • Default behavior is to handle js and jsx files which are not dependencies.
  • To specify preset options: {presets: [['transform-es2015-template-literals', { spec: true }]]}


This plugin will read in your .babelrc file or the babel section of your package.json as the base for your configuration. These values will be overridden by anything in the brunch config file.

Set babel options in your brunch config (such as brunch-config.js) except for filename and sourceMap which are handled internally.

This plugin uses, by default, babel-preset-env. To configure, use env option:

plugins: {
  babel: {
    env: {
      targets: {
        safari: 7, // explicitly
        browsers: '>2%' // with browserslist query

Without providing any options, behavior will be like using babel-preset-latest (es2015, es2016, es2017).

To use no preset, set the configuration option to an empty array.

Additionally, you can set an ignore value to specify which .js files in your project should not be compiled by babel. By default, ignore is set to /^(bower_components|vendor)/.

You can also set pattern to a regular expression that will match the file paths you want compiled by babel, which will override the standard behavior of compiling every .js file.

plugins: {
  babel: {
    presets: ['env', 'react'], // env is default
    ignore: [
    pattern: /\.jsx?$/ // es6, js and jsx are defaults.

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See release notes page on GitHub



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  • colinbate