is a Babel plugin designed to replace occurrences of
in your code with the corresponding environment variable values at build time. If the environment variable
does not exist during the build, it will be replaced with undefined. This plugin helps to inject environment variables during the build process, optimizing code execution and improving performance.
// This plugin replaces with the corresponding environment variable values
module.exports = function ({ types: t }) {
function isLeftSideOfAssignmentExpression(path) {
return t.isAssignmentExpression(path.parent) && path.parent.left === path.node;
return {
name: 'babel-plugin-replace-env-vars',
visitor: {
MemberExpression(path, { opts: { exclude } = {} }) {
// Check if it's a expression
if (path.get('object').matchesPattern('process.env')) {
const key = path.toComputedKey();
// Ensure the key is a string literal, not on the left side of an assignment, and not in the exclude list
if (t.isStringLiteral(key) && !isLeftSideOfAssignmentExpression(path) && (!exclude || exclude.indexOf(key.value) === -1)) {
const value = process.env[key.value];
// If the environment variable does not exist, replace with undefined
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
} else {
// Otherwise, replace with the corresponding value
This plugin traverses all member expression nodes (MemberExpression) in the code, checking if they are expressions. It then replaces them based on the following conditions:
The xxx key is a string literal. The expression is not on the left side of an assignment (e.g., = value). The xxx key is not in the exclude list provided by the plugin options. When all these conditions are met, the plugin replaces the expression with the value from process.env:
If the environment variable exists, it replaces the expression with its value. If the environment variable does not exist, it replaces the expression with undefined.
Add the plugin to your project. Reference the plugin in your Babel configuration file.
// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: [
// other presets
plugins: [
['babel-plugin-replace-env-vars', { exclude: ['NODE_ENV'] }]
By using babel-plugin-replace-env-vars
, you can dynamically inject environment variables into your code at build time, enhancing the flexibility and performance of your application.