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1.0.3 • Public • Published

AWS Activate

Expose a set of CDK Stacks & Constructs to help you get started properly on AWS.


  1. Install

    npm install aws-activate
  2. Check the microservices/cdk/aws-activate

API Reference


Name Description
Account An AWS Account.
OrganizationsStack A Stack creating the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Organization.
CrossAccountDNSDelegator TODO: propose this to fix High-level construct that creates: 1. A public hosted zone in the current account 2. A record name in the hosted zone id of target account.
RootDns A class creating the main hosted zone and a role assumable by stages account to be able to set sub domain delegation.
SecureRootUser No description
ValidateEmail Email Validation.


Name Description
AccountSpec AWS Account input details.
OrganizationsStackProps Properties for AWS SDLC Organizations Stack.
OUSpec Organizational Unit Input details.
RootDnsProps Properties for RootDns.
ValidateEmailProps Properties of ValidateEmail.


Name Description
IAccountProps Properties of an AWS account.
ICrossAccountDNSDelegatorProps Properties to create delegated subzone of a zone hosted in a different account.


Name Description
AccountType No description

class Account

An AWS Account.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new Account(scope: Construct, id: string, accountProps: IAccountProps)


Name Type Description
accountId string
accountName string Constructor.
accountStageName? string Optional


registerAsDelegatedAdministrator(accountId, servicePrincipal)

registerAsDelegatedAdministrator(accountId: string, servicePrincipal: string): void
  • accountId (string) No description
  • servicePrincipal (string) No description

class OrganizationsStack

A Stack creating the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Organization.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable, ITaggable Extends: Stack


new OrganizationsStack(scope: Construct, id: string, props: OrganizationsStackProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (OrganizationsStackProps) No description
    • analyticsReporting (boolean) Include runtime versioning information in this Stack. Default: analyticsReporting setting of containing App, or value of 'aws:cdk:version-reporting' context key
    • description (string) A description of the stack. Default: No description.
    • env (Environment) The AWS environment (account/region) where this stack will be deployed. Default: The environment of the containing Stage if available, otherwise create the stack will be environment-agnostic.
    • stackName (string) Name to deploy the stack with. Default: Derived from construct path.
    • synthesizer (IStackSynthesizer) Synthesis method to use while deploying this stack. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer if the @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis feature flag is set, LegacyStackSynthesizer otherwise.
    • tags (Map<string, string>) Stack tags that will be applied to all the taggable resources and the stack itself. Default: {}
    • terminationProtection (boolean) Whether to enable termination protection for this stack. Default: false
    • email (string) Email address of the Root account.
    • nestedOU (Array<OUSpec>) Specification of the sub Organizational Unit.
    • forceEmailVerification (boolean) Enable Email Verification Process. Optional
    • rootHostedZoneDNSName (string) The main DNS domain name to manage. Optional
    • thirdPartyProviderDNSUsed (boolean) A boolean used to decide if domain should be requested through this delpoyment or if already registered through a third party. Optional

class CrossAccountDNSDelegator

TODO: propose this to fix High-level construct that creates: 1. A public hosted zone in the current account 2. A record name in the hosted zone id of target account.

Usage: Create a role with the following permission: { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "route53:GetHostedZone", "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/ZXXXXXXXXX" }

Then use the construct like this:

const crossAccountDNSDelegatorProps: ICrossAccountDNSDelegatorProps = { targetAccount: '1234567890', targetRoleToAssume: 'DelegateRecordUpdateRoleInThatAccount', targetHostedZoneId: 'ZXXXXXXXXX', zoneName: '', };

new CrossAccountDNSDelegator(this, 'CrossAccountDNSDelegatorStack', crossAccountDNSDelegatorProps);

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new CrossAccountDNSDelegator(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ICrossAccountDNSDelegatorProps)


Name Type Description
hostedZone HostedZone

class RootDns

A class creating the main hosted zone and a role assumable by stages account to be able to set sub domain delegation.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new RootDns(scope: Construct, id: string, props: RootDnsProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (RootDnsProps) No description
    • rootHostedZoneDNSName (string) The top level domain name.
    • stagesAccounts (Array<Account>) The stages Accounts taht will need their subzone delegation.
    • thirdPartyProviderDNSUsed (boolean) A boolean indicating if Domain name has already been registered to a third party or if you want this contruct to create it (the latter is not yet supported). Optional


Name Type Description
rootHostedZone IHostedZone


createDNSAutoUpdateRole(account, stageSubZone)

createDNSAutoUpdateRole(account: Account, stageSubZone: HostedZone): Role



createRootHostedZone(props: RootDnsProps): HostedZone
  • props (RootDnsProps) No description
    • rootHostedZoneDNSName (string) The top level domain name.
    • stagesAccounts (Array<Account>) The stages Accounts taht will need their subzone delegation.
    • thirdPartyProviderDNSUsed (boolean) A boolean indicating if Domain name has already been registered to a third party or if you want this contruct to create it (the latter is not yet supported). Optional


createStageSubZone(account, rootHostedZoneDNSName)

createStageSubZone(account: Account, rootHostedZoneDNSName: string): HostedZone
  • account (Account) No description
  • rootHostedZoneDNSName (string) No description


class SecureRootUser

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new SecureRootUser(scope: Construct, id: string, notificationEmail: string)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • notificationEmail (string) No description

class ValidateEmail

Email Validation.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct



new ValidateEmail(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ValidateEmailProps)
  • scope (Construct) The parent Construct instantiating this construct.
  • id (string) This instance name.
  • props (ValidateEmailProps) No description
    • email (string) Email address of the Root account.
    • timeout (Duration) No description Optional

struct AccountSpec

AWS Account input details.

Name Type Description
name string The name of the AWS account.
email? string The email associated to the AWS account.
hostedServices? Array List of your services that will be hosted in this account.
stageName? string The (optional) Stage name to be used in CI/CD pipeline.
stageOrder? number The (optional) Stage deployment order.
type? AccountType The account type.

struct OrganizationsStackProps 🔹

Properties for AWS SDLC Organizations Stack.

Name Type Description
email🔹 string Email address of the Root account.
nestedOU🔹 Array<OUSpec> Specification of the sub Organizational Unit.
analyticsReporting?🔹 boolean Include runtime versioning information in this Stack.
Default: analyticsReporting setting of containing App, or value of 'aws:cdk:version-reporting' context key
description?🔹 string A description of the stack.
Default: No description.
env?🔹 Environment The AWS environment (account/region) where this stack will be deployed.
Default: The environment of the containing Stage if available, otherwise create the stack will be environment-agnostic.
forceEmailVerification?🔹 boolean Enable Email Verification Process.
rootHostedZoneDNSName?🔹 string The main DNS domain name to manage.
stackName?🔹 string Name to deploy the stack with.
Default: Derived from construct path.
synthesizer?🔹 IStackSynthesizer Synthesis method to use while deploying this stack.
Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer if the @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis feature flag is set, LegacyStackSynthesizer otherwise.
tags?🔹 Map<string, string> Stack tags that will be applied to all the taggable resources and the stack itself.
Default: {}
terminationProtection?🔹 boolean Whether to enable termination protection for this stack.
Default: false
thirdPartyProviderDNSUsed?🔹 boolean A boolean used to decide if domain should be requested through this delpoyment or if already registered through a third party.

interface IAccountProps

Properties of an AWS account.


Name Type Description
email string The email to use to create the AWS account.
name string The name of the AWS Account.
hostedServices? Array List of your services that will be hosted in this account.
id? string The AWS account Id.
parentOrganizationalUnitId? string The potential Organizational Unit Id the account should be placed in.
parentOrganizationalUnitName? string The potential Organizational Unit Name the account should be placed in.
stageName? string The (optional) Stage name to be used in CI/CD pipeline.
stageOrder? number The (optional) Stage deployment order.
type? AccountType The account type.

interface ICrossAccountDNSDelegatorProps

Properties to create delegated subzone of a zone hosted in a different account.


Name Type Description
zoneName string The sub zone name to be created.
targetAccount? string The Account hosting the parent zone Optional since can be resolved if the system has been setup with aws-activate.
targetHostedZoneId? string The parent zone Id to add the sub zone delegation NS record to Optional since can be resolved if the system has been setup with aws-activate.
targetRoleToAssume? string The role to Assume in the parent zone's account which has permissions to update the parent zone Optional since can be resolved if the system has been setup with aws-activate.

struct OUSpec

Organizational Unit Input details.

Name Type Description
accounts Array<AccountSpec> Accounts' specification inside in this Organizational Unit.
name string Name of the Organizational Unit.
nestedOU? Array<OUSpec> Specification of sub Organizational Unit.

struct RootDnsProps

Properties for RootDns.

Name Type Description
rootHostedZoneDNSName string The top level domain name.
stagesAccounts Array<Account> The stages Accounts taht will need their subzone delegation.
thirdPartyProviderDNSUsed? boolean A boolean indicating if Domain name has already been registered to a third party or if you want this contruct to create it (the latter is not yet supported).

struct ValidateEmailProps

Properties of ValidateEmail.

Name Type Description
email string Email address of the Root account.
timeout? Duration Optional

enum AccountType

Name Description




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