
1.1.4 • Public • Published


This package provides an autocomplete search functionality using a Trie data structure. It can be used to quickly search for suggestions based on a user's input.


To install the package, run the following command:

npm install autocomplete-trie-search

Unit test project using angular

run command: ng test


Creating a new instance of the autocomplete search To create a new instance of the autocomplete search, import the package and create a new instance:

import { AutoCompleteTrieSearch } from "autocomplete-trie-search";

const search = new AutoCompleteTrieSearch();

Hanlde update event

const search = new AutoCompleteTrieSearch();

search.onUpdate((product: any) => {
    // rank updated, handle your product from here

search.insertOrUpddate({text:'hello', value: {id: 'ksldkjflksdjf'}});
search.insertOrUpddate({text:'hello', value: {id: 'testing update operation'}});

Inserting nodes into the Trie

const node = { text: "example", value: { text:'example', id: 1 }, weight: 5 };

const nodes = [
  { text: "example", value: { text:'example', id: 1 }, weight: 5 },
  { text: "sample", value: { text:'sample', id: 2 }, weight: 3 },

Removing nodes from the Trie

To remove a node from the Trie, call the delete() method on the search instance, passing in the node to remove:

const node = { text: "example", value: { id: 1 }, weight: 5 };

Generating suggestions

To generate suggestions for a user's input, call the suggestion() method on the search instance, passing in the input text:

const text = "exam";
const suggestions = search.suggestion(text);
console.log(suggestions); // [{text:"example",id:1}]

Updating search options

const newOptions = {
  maxSuggestion: 5,
  allowedMismatchCount: 2


Clearing the Trie

To clear all nodes from the Trie, call the clear() method on the search instance:



AutoCompleteTrieSearch() Creates a new instance of the autocomplete search.

insertOrUpddate(node: INodeValue | INodeValue[]): boolean Inserts one or more nodes into the Trie, or updates existing nodes if they already exist. Returns true if the nodes were inserted or updated successfully, false otherwise.

delete(node: INodeValue): boolean Removes a node from the Trie. Returns true if the node was removed successfully, false otherwise.

suggestion(text: string): any[] Returns an array of autocomplete suggestions for the given text.

updateOptions(options: AutoCompleteTrieSearchOptions): void Updates the options used by the autocomplete search.

clear(): void Clears all nodes from the Trie.


IRank Interface representing a rank object that stores the frequency of a word that passes through a Trie node.

INodeValue Interface representing the value of a Trie Node.

ITrieNode Interface representing a Trie Node.

AutoCompleteTrieSearchOptions Options for configuring an autocomplete search using a Trie data structure.

IAutoCompleteTrieSearch Interface representing an autocomplete search using a Trie data structure.


it('Performance test by inserting 10000 data', () => {
    const autoCompleteTrieSearch = new AutoCompleteTrieSearch();
    const start =;

    for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){
    const node: INodeValue = {
        text: uuid.v4(),
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: i},
        weight: 1

    const takenTime = - start;

    console.log("Time taken to insert 100000 data: " + takenTime + "milisecond.");


it('Suggestion performances by inserting are 10000 data', () => {
    const search = new AutoCompleteTrieSearch({maxSuggestion: 10, allowedMismatchCount: 3});

    for(let i = 0; i<10000; i++){
    const node: INodeValue = {
        text: uuid.v4(),
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: i},
        weight: 1

    var list = [
        text: "hello123world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 4
        text: "hello231world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 5
        text: "hello3423world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 6
        text: "hello423world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 7
        text: "hello53world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 8
        text: "hello43543world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 9
        text: "hello4534world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 11
        text: "hello545world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 12
        text: "hello4543world",
        value: {id: uuid.v4(), text: 'AL AMIN'},
        weight: 13
    const sStart =;

    console.log('Autocomplete suggessions1 => ', search.suggession("hello"));
    const takenForSuggesion = - sStart;
    console.log("Time taken for providing suggesion : "+ takenForSuggesion + " in millisecond.", 'nodecount: ', search.nodeCount)

For inserting 10000 data it's taking only 225 ms

For providing suggestion, the suggestion method take onle 5 ms

Same time will take for update, delete a text from this data structure.

Products usage

Our autocomplete-trie-search package could be used for product suggestions on a website:

Search Bar Autocomplete: As users start typing into the search bar, our package could be used to provide a list of suggestions based on the products available on the website. This can help users to easily find the products they are looking for, without having to type out the entire product name.

Related Products: On product pages, our package could be used to suggest related products that the user may be interested in. This could be based on the user's past search history, as well as the products they have recently viewed or purchased.

Upsell/Cross-sell Suggestions: Our package could also be used to suggest complementary or alternative products that the user may be interested in. For example, if a user is viewing a particular item of clothing, our package could suggest matching accessories or similar items from the same collection.

By using our autocomplete-trie-search package to provide intelligent product suggestions, website owners can enhance the user experience and increase the likelihood of users finding and purchasing products on their site.

Case Study

Our autocomplete-trie-search package could be used for product suggestions on a website:

Search Bar Autocomplete: As users start typing into the search bar, our package could be used to provide a list of suggestions based on the products available on the website. This can help users to easily find the products they are looking for, without having to type out the entire product name.

Related Products: On product pages, our package could be used to suggest related products that the user may be interested in. This could be based on the user's past search history, as well as the products they have recently viewed or purchased.

Upsell/Cross-sell Suggestions: Our package could also be used to suggest complementary or alternative products that the user may be interested in. For example, if a user is viewing a particular item of clothing, our package could suggest matching accessories or similar items from the same collection.

By using our autocomplete-trie-search package to provide intelligent product suggestions, website owners can enhance the user experience and increase the likelihood of users finding and purchasing products on their site.

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npm i autocomplete-trie-search

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  • iamalamin