AutoTrade Bazooka Framework
- Investors can just focus Order strategy
- Monitoring value & Value threshold
- Order Logic
- Exchange Or stock brokerage Can provide simple and consistent API
- This part can be a third party
- Does not change the Spec of the original API, Just impl this framework some classes
- Integrate trading strategies and APIs to make it more scalable and consistent.
- DRY for any auto trade or trade almost code.
- can Cross use different API
Investors Baisc Usage
npm i bzk
Follow this
const Reactiver = Reactiver;const BTCWarder = /* BTCWarder it`s extends require('./warder/Warder'); Thirst Party*/const OilWarder = /* OilWarder it`s extends require('./warder/Warder'); Thirst Party */const oilAPI = /* ; */ var btcWarder = Some Cofig;var oilWarder = Some Cofig; Reactiver // 監控變數 ;
Third party API developer
main js ( spec
moduleexport= name : 'unique name' warders : catalogue: name: 'method1' args: ref: moduleexportmethod1 //TODO
Setup / Modify this Porject
- Install Nodejs and npm
- Go to [Root]/AutoTradeBazookaFramework/
- type cmd :
npm install
- try is it working :
node server.js
then show this :
d:[object Warder]
d:[object Object]