
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Astro Feather Icons

Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency, and flexibility.

npm install astro-feather-icons
pnpm i astro-feather-icons
yarn add astro-feather-icons

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All of the icons are available from a single import.

import { AirPlay, AtSign, Zap } from 'astro-feather-icons'
<AirPlay />
<AtSign />
<Zap size="60" fill="gold" />

When importing all of the icons, only the ones that get used will be added to the page

import * as Icon from 'astro-feather-icons'
<Icon.AirPlay />
<Icon.AtSign />
<Icon.Zap size="60" fill="gold" />

The icons are also available as individual imports.

import AirPlayIcon from 'astro-feather-icons/AirPlay'
import AtSignIcon from 'astro-feather-icons/AtSign'
import ZapIcon from 'astro-feather-icons/Zap'
<AirPlayIcon />
<AtSignIcon />
<ZapIcon size="60" fill="gold" />

Prop Types

The following Props interface is available to every icon:

export interface Props {
  'fill'?: string;
  'fill-opacity'?: number | string;
  'fill-rule'?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit";
  'height'?: number | string;
  'size'?: number | string;
  'stroke'?: string;
  'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number;
  'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number;
  'stroke-linecap'?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
  'stroke-linejoin'?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit";
  'stroke-miterlimit'?: number | string;
  'stroke-opacity'?: number | string;
  'stroke-width'?: number | string;
  'viewBox'?: string;
  'width'?: number | string;
  • The Props interface additionally includes:
    • All HTML global attributes.
    • All WAI-ARIA attributes and the WAI-ARIA role attribute.
  • The title attribute transforms into a <title> element within the <svg>.
  • The size attribute transforms values like 1.5x into 1.5em.
  • The size attribute is used as the default values for width and height.


This package is maintained by Edazpotato and based on svelte-feather-icons by dylanblokhuis.

Licensed under the MIT License. Feather Icons & Feather name Copyright © 2013–present Cole Bemis.

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  • edazpotato_