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A Javascript assertion library.


This is legacy mode by default.


Strict mode is available.


assert-x~AssertionError ⇐ Error

Kind: inner class of assert-x
Extends: Error

new AssertionError([message])

Error constructor for test and validation frameworks that implement the standardized AssertionError specification.

Param Type Description
[message] Object Need to document the properties.


Tests for deep equality, coercive equality with the equal comparison operator ( == ) and equivalent.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests for deep equality, coercive equality with the equal comparison operator ( === ) and equivalent.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Expects block not to throw an error, see assert~throws for details.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
block function The function block to be executed in testing.
[error] constructor The comparator.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests shallow, coercive equality with the equal comparison operator ( == ).

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Throws an exception that displays the values for actual and expected separated by the provided operator.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

  • Error Throws an AssertionError.
Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.
operator string The compare operator.


Tests if value is not a falsy value, throws if it is a truthy value. Useful when testing the first argument, error in callbacks.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

  • * The value err if truthy.
Param Type Description
err * The value to be tested for truthiness.


Tests for any deep inequality. Opposite of deepEqual.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests for deep inequality. Opposite of deepStrictEqual.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests shallow, coercive non-equality with the not equal comparison operator ( != ).

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests strict non-equality, as determined by the strict not equal operator ( !== ).

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests if value is truthy, it is equivalent to equal(!!value, true, message).

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
value * The value to be tested.
[message] string Text description of test.


Tests strict equality, as determined by the strict equality operator ( === ).

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
actual * The actual value to be tested.
expected * The expected value to compare against actual.
[message] string Text description of test.


Expects block to throw an error. error can be constructor, regexp or validation function.

Kind: inner property of assert-x

Param Type Description
block function The function block to be executed in testing.
[error] constructor | RegExp | function The comparator.
[message] string Text description of test.

assert-x~$assert(value, message)

Tests if value is truthy, it is equivalent to equal(!!value, true, message).

Kind: inner method of assert-x

Param Type Description
value * The value to be tested.
message string Text description of test.

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