Google Cloud Storage plugin for Medusa by artwerk studios UG
Medusa Info
This starter is compatible with versions >= 1.17.0 of @medusajs/medusa
Getting Started
Visit the Quickstart Guide to set up a Medusa server.
Visit the Docs to learn more about the Medusa system requirements.
Plugin Installation
yarn add artwerk-file-google
Plugin Options
resolve: `artwerk-file-google`,
options: {
publicBucket: "<YOUR_PUBLIC_BUCKET>",
privateBucket: "<YOUR_PUBLIC_BUCKET>",
The public bucket will be called from traditional upload function. The private bucket will be called from the protected upload function. This bucket is used for files which have restricted access. See more in Medusa docs creating a file service The keyFileName has to contain the path to the credentials json. This file can be created in indentity and access manager in the google cloud console.