Simple ES6 Array.prototype.find polyfill for older environments taken from es6-shim.
For browsers and node.js.
- Just include repo before your scripts.
npm install array.prototype.find
Array.prototype.find(predicate[, thisArg])
returns first item that matchespredicate
function. -
predicate(value, index, collection)
: takes three arguments-
: current collection element -
: current collection element index -
: the collection
// as a function
var find = require('array.prototype.find');
find([1, 2], function (x) { return x === 2; }); // 2
// to shim it
Code example:
// Default:
[1, 5, 10, 15].find(function (a) { return a > 9; }) // 10
Tests, fixes, and travis support added by _duncanhall
The MIT License (c) 2016 Paul Miller (