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1.6.4 • Public • Published

Architwin Library

ArchiTwin Library

Table of Contents


Install Using NPM

To install the latest ArchiTwin package:

npm i architwin

Getting Started


Before you start coding your architwin powered app, there are a few things you need to have ready to ensure that you are able to run the app properly without interruptions. For a seamless development experience, make sure to have the following ready:

  • appKey: your appKey is used to authenticate your connection when loading the 3D showcase. For security purposes, the appKey can only be used by a domain (e.g. it is associated with. This key is important especially when you launch your app in production and utilize your own site domain. Please contact us to request your appKey
  • apiKey: not to be confused with the appKey, the apiKey is used to authenticate all API requests sent to our servers including user authentication and fetching object data connected to a showcase. Please contact us to request your apiKey
  • apiURL: an optional key in the auth object which if set, will point all internal API calls to the api endpoint or base URL you assign. If this is not set, all api calls will be directed to the proxy address set in the vite.config.ts file during local development. Example: apiURL: "" will resolve internally to or It is important to add /api to the base url of your custom apiURL to ensure the api requests are properly sent. There is no need to add a forward slash at the end of our custom apiURL. Please take note that you may have to setup a proxy server to bypass CORS issues when you deploy your application on your production servers
  • Username and password: User credentials used to authenticate the user. Please contact us to request your username and password

Define an iFrame as target for the Showcase

This example uses Vue's ref attribute to reference the target iFrame. Please consult the official documentation of your preferred framework of choice on how to reference a target component.

  <div class="at_showcase_container" id="showcase-container">
    <iframe id="mp-showcase" class="showcase" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0" allow="xr-spatial-tracking" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <div class="at_map_container">
      <div id="at-map">

Import the library

<script lang="ts">
import * as atwin from 'architwin';
//We also support default imports using import * as atwin from 'architwin';
import type { IMPConfig, IUser } from 'architwin/lib/types'; //for typescript projects
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';

const mpIframe = ref<HTMLIFrameElement>()

// replace with your api key and user
const apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY" 
const authUser = {
  email: "",
  password: "su123"
} as IUser


Setup your proxy

In your vite.config.ts, add the followig block of code. This will allow your app in your development environment to send API request to our servers and circumvent CORS issues. If you are not using vite as your build tool, please refer on the official documentation of your build tool of choice on how to setup the proxy.

You may have to change the VITE_PROXY value if you intend to direct your api requests on another server during development.

During production deployment you may need to setup proxy settings using your web or proxy server (ie: nginx, apache).

import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "node:url";

import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"; //for Vue projects
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte' //for Svelte projects
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react' //for React projects
import dotenv from "dotenv";

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd(), "");
  console.log("=== env ===", mode, JSON.stringify(env));

  const VITE_PROXY = "";

  return {
    env: env,
    plugins: [
      vue(), //for vue projects,
      svelte(), //for svelte projects,
      react(), //for react projects
    server: {
      host: true,
      port: 5173,
      proxy: {
        "/api": {
          target: VITE_PROXY,
          secure: false,
          changeOrigin: true,
        "/admin": { target: VITE_PROXY, secure: false, changeOrigin: true },
        "/default": { target: VITE_PROXY, secure: false, changeOrigin: true },

    devServer: {
      host: true,
      port: 5173,
      proxy: {
        "/api": { target: VITE_PROXY, secure: false, changeOrigin: true},
        "/admin": { target: VITE_PROXY, secure: false, 
          changeOrigin: true },
        "/default": { target: VITE_PROXY, true: false, changeOrigin: true },
    resolve: {
      alias: {
        "@": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
    test: {
      globals: true,
      environment: "jsdom",

Connect to a Space

In order to connect to space you may use connectSpace() method.

<script lang="ts">

  onMounted( async() => {

  // set spaceUrl
  const spaceUrl = "";

  // space url can also be a matterport url 
  // ex: const spaceUrl = "";

  const auth = {
    apiURL: 'YOUR-API-URL'
    apiKey: apiKey,
    user: authUser

  const config: IMPConfig = {
    iframeId: 'mp-showcase',
    bundlePath: "path/to/bundle/", // optional. Iframe src should be something like this: <bundlePath>/showcase.html?
    appKey: 'YOUR-APP-KEY'
    play: 1,

  // more config options as explain later
  await atwin.connectSpace(spaceUrl, auth, config)
  // after connected to space, the following objects should be available
  // tags - an array of tag objects found in the space
  // sweeps - an array of sweep objects found in the space



Once connected, the interactive Space will be rendered in the target iFrame.
A Space generally contains Tags, 3D objects, Video Screens , Slideshow Screens and Sweeps.
You should be able to move around the Space using keyboard and mouse.

Or programmatically using methods defined in this library.

Executing methods on specific App Phases

WARNING: This feature is deprecated, subscribe using Space Events instead

Your application may need to execute certain methods during the initialization of your 3D space. For example, you may want to useaddObjectToSpace() method to render a model to your 3D space the moment the 3D space becomes interactive. While you can always just invoke the function after the connectSpace() method there may be times where this will cause an error as the connectSpace() method which is an async method, may have not finished initializing the necessary internal variables that allow other methods to work properly. When you invoke the connectSpace() method, the library does some internal validation and then goes to several phases to render your 3D space and make it interactive. These phases are the following:


  • LOADING: Initial fetch request to matterport. This is where the bundle downloads the 3D space from matterport and starts rendering it
  • STARTING: Matterport begins the transition to the start location
  • PLAYING The 3D space is now ready for user interaction

You can also view the technical diagram of how this work below:

To invoke a function from your application during one of the phases. Simply pass the function name as a parameter in the connectSpace() method. Make sure to not add a parenthesis to your function name when you pass it as a parameter to avoid invoking the function prematurely.


//Your application side function
async function runThisOnPlayState(){
const tags = await axios.get('my-custom-endpoint')

//Keep in mind that you should map the data from your endpoint into an object structure that the library supports

await atwin.showTags(tags)

await atwin.connectSpace(spaceUrl, auth, config,{onPlay:runThisOnPlayState})

In this example, the method named runThisOnPlayState is passed as a value to the onPlay key of an object. This will invoke the function during the PLAYING phase of the library. To invoke your function in a different phase, simply pass it to a different key in the object. You can pass your functions to onLoad,onStart, and onPlay. Async and synchronous functions are valid. Refer to the table below for more information

parameter type required default values
onLoad Function no none async or non-async function
onStart Function no none async or non-async function
onPlay Function no none async or non-async function

Space Overview

Space - Space is an immersive and realistic Digital Twin model of a physical space, with virtual custom objects like animated 3D objects, Video Screens, Slideshow Screens and Tags, co-existing and enhancing the real objects.

A user should be able to navigate around using PC or devices (keyboard and mouse), measure real object dimensions and interact with the virtual objects as if you are actually visiting the physical space.

Sweeps - Space have static sweep markers (white circles on floor) which serves as primary navigation points. Users can go to sweeps (or click), stand and look around.

Tags - Space also have tags which are virtual markers attached to Objects or Locations in space. Tags can be clicked which will render and display relevant contents like web pages, videos, images or text descriptions. It is possible to go directly to any specifig tag (gotoTag) from anywhere in Space.

It can be used as quick way to navigate around the space.

3D Objects - Space usually contains 3D objects or three-dimentional models. Some 3D objects may have some simple animations.

Video Screens - Another interesting objects that can be found inside the space are Video Screens. They practially look like TV screens placed at selected locations. The Video screens will automatically play when a User is nearby (2 meters). And automatically turns off when the User leaves.

Slideshow Screens - Space can also contain Image Slideshow Screens. This is similar to the Video Screen, but uses static images. Clicking on the right section of the current slide image will display the next slide. Clicking on the the left section will display the previous slide.

The slideshow can be auto played in whole by clicking the lower-right corner.

Note: We use the word Space and Showcase interchangeably.

Subscribing to Space Events

Your 3D space allows your users to move around and interact with objects loaded into that space. Interactions such as clicking and dragging 3D objects in a space are events that your app may need to listen to and subsequently trigger the appropriate function for such an event.

You can subscribe to a particular event and pass callback method or methods to trigger when a subscribed event is fired using the subscribeSpaceEvent() method.

The method accepts the following as its parameters:

parameter type required default values
eventType SPACE_EVENTS or string yes none valid event type
callback Function or Array of Functions yes none function or async function

Subscribing a method to an event

To subscribe to an event, simpley call the subscribeSpaceEvent() and pass the event you want to subscribe to and the method you want to trigger. Subscribing to an event will also return to you the data of an object if you are interacting with one. Said object data will implement the IShowcaseObject interface.


function myFunction(objectData){
  console.log("I will run during a DRAG_END event",objectData)


You can subscribe your method to more than one event. Currently, we support subscribing only the following events but we are working to add more events in the future.


  • DRAG

For more information regarding the loading,starting, and playing phase events. Please refer to this section

Subscribing multiple methods to an event

If you wish to subscribe multiple methods to an event. You can use the folliwing methods listed below

Method 1: Subscribing each method one at a time

function myFunction(objectData){
  console.log("Function 1")

function myFunction2(objectData){
  console.log("Function 2")


Method 2: Placing multiple methods in a parent method and passing it to the subscribeSpaceEvent method

function myFunction(){
  console.log("Function 1")

function myFunction2(){
  console.log("Function 2")

function parentFunction(objectData) {


Method 3: Inserting multiple methods into an array and passing it to the subscribeSpaceEvent method.

function myFunction(){
  console.log("Function 1")

function myFunction2(){
  console.log("Function 2")

const functionArray = [myFunction,myFunction2]


Keep in mind that the library's event system utilizes an FIFO algorithm. Your functions will always be executed in chronological order meaning functions that were subscribed first will be executed first.

Unsubscribing a method from an event

If you wish to unsubscribe your method from a subscribed event, simply call the unsubscribeSpaceEvent() method to so. The method accepts the following parameters:

The method accepts the following as its parameters:

parameter type required default values
eventType SPACE_EVENTS or string yes none valid event type
callback Function or Array of Functions yes none function or async function


function myFunction(){
  console.log("I will be unsubscribed and no longer trigger during the next DRAG_END event")


If you used Method 3 in subscribing multiple methods. You can pass the same array to the unsubscribeSpaceEvent() method and they will all be unsubscribed from the event.

const functionArray = [myFunction,myFunction2]


Creating Custom Events

The library has a list of default event types you can subscribe to but you may at times need to create your own event type to use for a specific task. You can easily create and subscribe to your own custom event by using registerCustomSpaceEvent() and subscribeSpaceEvent() respectively. Here is how to do it.

IMPORTANT: Your custom event type name must not be the same as an existing custom event type or a default event type. Doing so will return an error and the registration will fail.

STEP 1: Register your event type name. As a convention, the name of your event type should be in uppercase and use snake_case (e.g. FOO_BAR). It is important to register you custom event type first before subscribing a method to it. You can register one or multiple events using the method.

//Register one custom event type

//Register multiple custom events
const newEvents = ['FOO','BAR','MY_EVENT']

STEP 2: Subscribe to your custom event

function myFunction(objectData){
  console.log("Function 1")


To trigger your custom event, you can use the dispatchSpaceEvent() in your app. You can also optionally pass a data payload with said event. Just make sure that you have done steps 1 and 2 before doing so.

The dispatchSpaceEvent() method accepts the following as its parameters:

parameter type required default values
eventType SPACE_EVENTS or string yes none valid event type
payload any no none any
const someData = {
  //some data here


Points of Interest

Tags are primarily use to mark locations or objects in space for quick and direct navigation. Tags usually contain additional content that will be rendered when hovered. Contents can be web pages, text descriptions, videos, or images.

You may use the getTags() method in order to get a list of Tags found in the space.

You may use the goToTag() method in order to navigate to specific Tag

You may use the getSweeps() method in order get a list of Sweeps found in the Space.

You may use the moveToSweep() method in order to move to a specific Sweep

parameter type required default values
sweepId string yes Id of the sweep
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const spaceUrl = ""

const ispace = {
  id: 1;
  name: "mySpace";
  space_url: spaceUrl;
  tagpin_image: null;
} as ISpace

const tagId = "5"
const sweepId = "10"

// returns a list of Tags found in the Space
await atwin.getTags(ispace)

// to navigate to specific Tag and accepts a Tag's ID
await atwin.goToTag(tagId)

// returns a list of Sweeps found in the Space
await atwin.getSweeps()

// to move to a specific Sweep
await atwin.moveToSweep(sweepId)


More Examples:

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


// get current sweep data
await atwin.getCurrentSweep()


Adding, removing and customizing Tags

Tags are interactive elements that can be added to a 3D Space. Tags are essentially clickable anotations or markers that can be placed within the 3D model of a space, typically linking to additional information or media. They enhance the user experience by providing context and additional details about specific features or objects within the Space.

To render a tag in the Space, you can use renderTag() method. The renderTag() method accepts payload input.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tag: { /* Define your tag descriptor here */ },
  relocate: true,
  attachments: ['attachment1.png', 'attachment2.png'],
  icon: 'icon.png'

try {
  const renderedTag = await atwin.renderTag(payload);
  console.log('Rendered Tag:', renderedTag);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error rendering tag:', error);

You can define your tag descriptor like this:

const tag = {
  id?: string;
  anchorPosition: Vector3;
  stemVector: Vector3;
  stemVisible?: boolean;
  label?: string;
  description?: string;
  color?: Color;
  opacity?: number;
  iconId?: string;
  attachments?: string[];

To remove a tag in the Space, you can use disposeTags(). The disposeTags() has no parameter.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Example usage of the disposeTags function
async function removeTagsFromSpace() {
  try {
    console.log("Removing Mattertags from space...");
    await atwin.disposeTags();
    console.log("Mattertags removed successfully.");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error removing Mattertags:", error);

// Call the function to remove Mattertags from the space

Removing a specific tag in the Space, the disposeTag is the right method to use.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID

try {
  await atwin.disposeTag(payload);
  console.log('Tag disposed successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error disposing the tag:', error);

Tags are customizables, you customize tag labels, description, stem, icon and its color.

editTagLabel() is the right method to change or edit the label of a specific tag.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  label: 'New Label' // Specify the new label for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagLabel(payload);
  console.log('Tag label edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag label:', error);

To edit or change the description of a tag, the editTagDescription() is the method you can use.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  description: 'New Description' // Specify the new description for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagDescription(payload);
  console.log('Tag description edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag description:', error);

You can also choose not show or hide the tag stem by invoking editTagStem().


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  stemVisible: true // Specify the new stem visibility value

try {
  await atwin.editTagStem(payload);
  console.log('Tag stem visibility edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag stem visibility:', error);

Tag icon also editable, you can utilize the editTagIcon() method for this.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  icon: 'new-icon.png', // Specify the new icon file path or reference (optional)
  color: 'blue' // Specify the new color for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagIcon(payload);
  console.log('Tag icon and color edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag icon and color:', error);

You can also change the color of the tag itself, just use the editTagColor() method.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 } // Specify the new color (RGB format)

try {
  await atwin.editTagColor(payload);
  console.log('Tag color edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag color:', error);

Ataching media to a tag is also possible, you can utilize the attachTagMedia() method.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  attachments: ['media1.jpg', 'media2.jpg'] // Specify the media file paths

try {
  await atwin.attachTagMedia(payload);
  console.log('Media attached to the tag successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error attaching media to the tag:', error);

You can also remove the attached media, just call the detachTagMedia() method.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  attachmentIds: ['attachment1', 'attachment2'] // Specify the attachment IDs to detach

try {
  await atwin.detachTagMedia(payload);
  console.log('Media detached from the tag successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error detaching media from the tag:', error);

Please explore the Tags related function to learn more what you can do with tags.

Accessing List of Rendered Objects and Object Structure

Objects that have been loaded and rendered into the 3D space are stored in an array called _3DXObjects which you can access by doing calling it this way


All the elements in this array implement the IObjectData interface. Each element in the array contains all the data you would need manipulate the object.

interface used (TS)

interface IObjectData {
  collider?: any
  object: IShowcaseObject
  component: Scene.IComponent
  node: Scene.INode
  type?: string

Each object element inside atwin._3DXObjects contains the value keys:

collider - Collider components define the shape of an 3D/2D object for the purposes of physical collisions. A collider, which is invisible, does not need to be the exact same shape as the GameObject’s mesh.

object - The object key is an object that implements the IShowcaseObject interface. This is one of the most important values as the object contains all the information about an object such as its id,name,position,rotation,scale,amazon_uri link, and etc. You can look at the interface below to view the full makeup of the object key.

interface used (TS)

export interface IShowcaseObject {
  id: number;
  showcase_id: number;
  object_id: number;
  user_id: number;
  object_position: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  object_rotation: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  object_scale: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  autoplay: boolean;
  autoplay_distance: number;
  offset_position: number;
  offset_rotation: number;
  position_unit: string;
  showcase_object_name: string;
  is_deleted: boolean;
  is_read: boolean;
  is_new: boolean;
  object_data: I3DObject;

component: This objects contains functions and variables responsible for intializing, updating, and destroying a rendered objects mesh, texture, etc. This object also contains the three.js instance. Since the 3D space is rendered with Three.js under the hood. You can use this instance to invoke methods made available by three.js. This gives you a lot of flexibility and control provided you know how to use it. This documentation will not cover Three.js specific methods. Visit their official website if you want to learn more about it.

node: The node is responsible for managing the lifecycle of a 3D/2D objects. The node can be used to start() and stop() a rendered model. Invoking start() will render the model into the scene while stop() will destroy it and remove it from the scene.

type: A string that states the file or object type of a 3D/2D object. The file type could be any of the following

Valid Types

type context description
GLB 3D model A 3D model with or without animation
FBX 3D model A 3D model with or without animation
FRAME Media Screen A customizable media screen
ZIP slideshow A zip file rendered as a image slideshow

The atwin.selectedObject variable is an example of a variable that implements this interfacea and contains this data.

Transforming Objects

Transformation such as translate, scale, and rotate are actions used to manipulate objects in a 3D space. These transformations allow you to change an object's position, size, and orientation respectively.

NOTE: Please be aware that transform controls are disabled when viewMode in the config object you pass into connectSpace is undefined or is set to public. To enable transform controls in your 3D space. Make sure to set viewMode to 'interactive'.

Translate - Translation refers to moving an object from one position to another in space. It involves shifting the object's entire coordinate system without altering its orientation.

Scale - Scaling is the process of changing the size of an object by uniformly increasing or decreasing its dimensions along each axis. It can make an object larger (scaling up) or smaller (scaling down).

Rotate - Rotation involves changing the orientation or angle of an object around a specified point or axis. It rotates the object clockwise or counterclockwise by a certain angle.

There are several methods that allows you to transform an object. Let's go through each one

Transforming Object by clicking it

Clicking on any object in the space will attach the axis controls to it. By default, clicking on an object will show axis controls for translating the object. You can then use your mouse cursor to click and drag the object to modify its position,rotation, and scale in however way that pleases you. See screenshot for reference

You can switch the transform mode on the currently selected object by using the setTransformMode() method.

Please take note that transform controls can only be attached to one object at a time. Clicking on another object will remove the transform controls in the previous object and add it the currently selected object. It is impractical to attach multiple transform controls on more than one object. If you wish to programmatically transform multiple methods, then the next method offers a solution.

If you wish the to access the object data of the object that has been clicked on. You can do so by calling the atwin.selectedObject variable which returns an object implementing the IObjectData interface containing all the necessary data you need. Know more about the structure of an object by going to this section

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


console.log("Selected object data", atwin.selectedObject)


Switching Transform Modes

If you wish switch transformation mode, you can pass either 'translate' or 'scale' or 'rotate' as parameters to the setTransformMode() method. This will switch the transform controls on the currently selected object

parameter type required default values
mode string yes 'translate' or 'scale' or 'rotate'
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


// set the transform mode into translate

// set the transform mode into scale

// set the transform mode into rotate


Programmatically transforming objects

If you need to transform the position,rotation, and scale of one or more objects without having to use the mouse then the setObjectTransformation() method will allow you to do so. The method accepts the following parameters

parameter type required default values
node Scene.INode yes none The node of the object
transform Object3DPosition yes Object containing object position,rotation,scale. More information below

The transform object contains the following key-value pairs. These values when set will be applied to your target object

parameter type required default values
object_position Vector3 yes none Valid x,y,z coordinates
object_rotation Vector3 yes none Valid x,y,z coordinates
object_scale Vector3 yes none Valid x,y,z coordinates

In this example, we will get a random 3D model from the array of rendered objects stored in atwin._3DXObjects and manipulate it using the method. The object we will be manipulating in this example is a 3D model with a file type of GLB (You can also transform other object types such as a media screen). This will return a javascript object that contains the rendered object's data which implement the IObjectData interface. You can know more about that by going to this section

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const targetObject = atwin._3DXObjects.find(obj => obj.object.object_data.object_type == 'GLB')

const transform = {
  object_position: {
    x: 12.345435,
    y: 0,
    z: 4.54754732
  object_rotation: {x:0,y:12,z:8},
  object_scale: {x:2,y:2,z:2}



NOTE: You can also mirror an object by knowing the center position first then add and subtract (depending whether you want to mirror it to the left or to the right) values on either x, y, or z in the object_position.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const centerPosition:Vector3 = {x:6, y:6,z:6}

// add 5 values in either x, y, or z in the object_position to the mediaScreen to be positioned in the left
const mediaScreen = ArrayOfMediaScreen.value[0]
const newObjectPosition = {
    object_position: {x:centerPosition.x+5, y:centerPosition.y, z:centerPosition.z},
    object_rotation: {x:0, y:0, z:0},
    object_scale: {x:4, y:4, z:1} 
  } as Object3DPosition;

atwin.setObjectTransformation(mediaScreen.node, newObjectPosition)

// subtract 5 values in either x, y, or z in the object_position to the mediaScreen to be positioned in the right
const mirrorMediaScreen = ArrayOfMediaScreen.value[1]
const mirrorObjectPosition = {
    object_position: {x:centerPosition.x-5, y:centerPosition.y, z:centerPosition.z},
    object_rotation: {x:0, y:0, z:0},
    object_scale: {x:4, y:4, z:1} 
  } as Object3DPosition;

atwin.setObjectTransformation(mirrorMediaScreen.node, mirrorObjectPosition)


If done correctly, you should see your target object(s) display or reposition to your intended position, rotation, and scale. Please take note that the transform controls UI will not be attached to the object if you use this method

Undoing and Redoing Transformation Changes

Redo and undo are actions that allow you to revert or replay previous transformations performed on an object. They provide a way to navigate through the history of transformations and make adjustments or restore previous states.

Assuming that you have already selected an object and already performed different transformation actions. You can use the methods in the library to redo and undo the changes.

In order to do this, you may use the revertTransform() method to revert changes. By default, the action is set to 'undo'.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';




If you want to redo a tranformation, change the parameter to 'redo'.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';




Adding Objects To Your Space

Adding an object to your space refers to the process of incorporating a pre-existing 2D or 3D object from the database into the 3D space. It allows for the creation of visualizations, simulations, and interactive experiences in your space.

In order to add an object, you may use the addObjectToSpace() method.

parameter type required default values
objectUrl string yes none valid url to media/object
objectType string yes none valid supported file type (GLB,FBX)
config ObjectConfig yes valid config object

There are two ways you can use the addObjectToSpace() method. We will go through each one

Method 1: Adding Programmatically

If you wish to add new object to your space to a pre-defined position, you can use the addObjectToSpace() method and pass the objectConfig along.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


let objectUrl:string = "";
let objectType:string = "GLB"

const yourTargetPosition = {
  x: 12.345435,
  y: 0,
  z: 4.54754732
const objScale = {x:1,y:1,z:1}
const objRotation = {x:0,y:0,z:0}

let objectConfig = {
  position: yourTargetPosition,
  scale: objScale,
  rotation: objRotation,
} as ObjectConfig;

atwin.addObjectToSpace(objectUrl,objectType, objectConfig)


Method 2: Adding with click method using getTargetPosition

The library has several helper methods that provide a range of commmon functionalities to help you achieve certain actions easier. If for example, you do not have your intended position coordinates stored in the database or in a local area and wish to click a specific area of the 3D space and get that the coordinates of the area you clicked, you may do some by using the getTargetPosition() helper method in tangent with the addObjectToSpace() method to do so. You can click here to know more about the getTargetPosition() method

Here is an example of how you can use the two methods together. This is just one example, it is up to you on how you wish to combine different methods provided by the library

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


function myCallbackFunction(clickedPosition){
  let objectUrl:string = "";
  let objectType:string = "GLB"

  const objRotation = {x:0,y:0,z:0}
  const objScale = {x:1,y:1,z:1}

  let objectConfig = {
    position: clickedPosition,
    scale: objScale,
    rotation: objRotation,
  } as ObjectConfig;

  await atwin.addObjectToSpace(objectUrl,objectType, objectConfig)



Creating a Customizable Media Screen

A Media Screen is a customizable 2D object whose content can be used to display either an image or a video in the 3D space. You may for example use it in your 3D space and allow your users to interact with it and change its content.

Adding a Media Screen

In order to add a media screen, you may use the addMediaScreen() method. The addMediaScreen() method accepts the following parameters:

Media Screen Parameter Reference

parameter type required default values
mediaUrl string no empty string valid public url to an image
transform {Vector3,Vector3,Vector3} yes Refer to information below**
readonly boolean no false true or false
autoplay boolean no false true or false

The transform object is an object that contains the following key-value pairs

parameter type required default values
position Vector3 yes no default valid numeric x,y,z values
scale Vector3 no {x:1,y:1,z:1} valid numeric x,y,z values
rotation Vector3 no {x:0,y:0,z:0} valid numeric x,y,z values

By default, your media screen will show a blank white canvas if you set the mediaUrl parameter of the addMediaScreen() method as an empty string or undefined.

IMPORTANT: The link to your media you provide to the mediaUrl MUST be publicly accessible and have the appropriate CORS headers, otherwise, your media will not load into the media screen.

There are many ways you can use this method to add a media screen to your 3D space. Let's go through each one.

NOTE: The following examples utilize typescript and will utilize the TypeScript (TS) interfaces the library provides. While you can use just plain JavaScript (JS) for your project and copy the following code snippets (minus the TS interfaces) to your plain JS project, we highly recommend that you use TypeScript instead for your Architwin powered projects to take advantage of the type-safety and the custom interfaces provided by the library

Method 1: Adding Programmatically

To create a media screen on a pre-defined position, you can create an object that contains the position,rotation,and scale.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const yourTargetPosition = {
  x: 12.345435,
  y: 0,
  z: 4.54754732
const objRotation = {x:0,y:0,z:0}
const objScale = {x:1,y:1,z:1}

const transform = {
  position: yourTargetPosition,
  rotation: objRotation,
  scale: objScale

await atwin.addMediaScreen('',transform)


If done correctly, you should be able to see your media screen in your intended position. This method is useful if you already have the position, rotation, and scale values stored in a database or possibly in a local array

Method 2: Adding with click method using getTargetPosition

The library has several helper methods that provide a range of commmon functionalities to help you achieve certain actions easier. If for example, you do not have your intended position coordinates stored in the database or in a local area and wish to click a specific area of the 3D space and get that the coordinates of the area you clicked, you may do some by using the getTargetPosition() helper method in tangent with the addMediaScreen() method to do so. You can click here to know more about the getTargetPosition() method

Here is an example of how you can use the two methods together. This is just one example, it is up to you on how you wish to combine different methods provided by the library

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


function myCallbackFunction(clickedPosition){
  const objRotation = {x:0,y:0,z:0}
  const objScale = {x:1,y:1,z:1}

  const transform = {
    position: clickedPosition,
    rotation: objRotation,
    scale: objScale

  return coords

await atwin.getTargetPosition(myCallbackFunction)


Attaching an image or video to a Media Screen

Attach Media Screen Parameters

parameter type required default values
mediaScreenId number yes none id of object
mediaUrl string yes none valid public url to the media
mediaType string no image 'image' or 'video'

IMPORTANT: The link to your media you provide to the mediaUrl MUST be publicly accessible and have the appropriate CORS headers, otherwise, your media will not load into the media screen.

In this example, we are using a link pointing to the media stored in an s3 bucket as the mediaUrl and a random media screen id. You will have to substitute the id with an actual id of a rendered media screen.

Example with image:

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const targetMediaScreenId = 12
const validUrl = ''

atwin.attachMediaScreenContent(targetMediaScreenId, validUrl, 'image')


Example with video:

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const targetMediaScreenId = 12
const validUrl = ''

await atwin.attachMediaScreenContent(targetMediaScreenId, validUrl, 'video')


When setting a video as the media screen content. You can use the setVideoPlayback() method to programmatically play,pause,mute,and unmute a video. You can navigate to the playback controls section to learn more about the method. Here is an example on how to use it.

In this example, we are getting a random media screen from the atwin._3DXObject array which contains all the objects rendered in the space. Media screens whose media type is a video will have a variable called planeElement inside the object's component which contains an HTML video element that we can manipulate using the setVideoPlayback() method. Please take note that this variable is not acessible if the media type of the media screen content is an image.

Interface used

export interface IObjectData {
  collider?: any
  object: IShowcaseObject
  component: Scene.IComponent
  node: Scene.INode
  type?: string


import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const randomMediaScreen:IObjectData = atwin._3DXObject.find(obj => obj.object.object_data.object_type == 'FRAME')

// plays the video
atwin.setVideoPlayback('play', randomMediaScreen.component.planeElement)


You can use the transform controls to change the position, scale, and rotation of the media screen using the mouse cursor.

Hiding expand/dock buttons of Media Screens

Media screens by default will display a dock button on each corner of the displayed media that allows you to dock the media screen in the 4 corners of your FOV inside a space. To hide these buttons, you may add the following in your config object.

const config = {
  //other configs
  mediaScreenConfig: {
    showExpandButton: false

Setting Video Playback in the Space

Setting video playback refers to the act of adjusting various controls associated with the playback of a video in the space. It involves manipulating controls such as pause, play, mute, and unmute to modify the playback behavior according to user's preferences.

Pause - Pausing a video temporarily allows user to freeze the video at a specific moment.

Play - Playing a video resumes its playback from paused state, allowing the user to watch the video in real-time .

Mute - Muting a video disables the audio playback, suppressing any sound embedded within the video.

Unmute - Unmuting a video enables the audio playback, restoring any sound embedded within the video.

Assuming that you have already selected a video, you can now set the playback of the video.

Inorder to set the playback of a video, you may use the setVideoPlayback() method.

parameter type required default values
action string yes none 'play' or 'pause' or 'mute' or 'unmute'
element HTMLVideoElement yes none supported html video element

If you wish to change the action of the playback, add a parameter such as 'play','pause', 'mute', 'unmute' depending on your preference.


import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const randomMediaScreen:IObjectData = atwin._3DXObject.find(obj => obj.object.object_data.object_type == 'FRAME')

// plays the video
atwin.setVideoPlayback('play', targetVideoElement)

// pauses the video 
atwin.setVideoPlayback('pause', targetVideoElement)

// mutes the video
atwin.setVideoPlayback('mute', targetVideoElement)

// unmutes the video
atwin.setVideoPlayback('unmute', targetVideoElement)


NOTE: Please take note that this variable is not acessible if the media type of the media screen content is an image.

Setting Animation Control in the Space

Setting animation control refers to the process of manipulating the playback of animations applied to 3D objects in the space. It involves utilizing controls such as play and pause to control the the animation.

Assuming that you have already selected an animated 3D object, you can now control the setting of the animation.

In order to set the animation control of a 3D object, you may use the setAnimationState() method. By default the action is set to 'play'.

NOTE: Please take note that the 3D object MUST be fully rendered first in the space before you can manipuate its animation state. This method will have no affect on 3D objects that do not have any animations in them.

parameter type required default values
action string yes play 'play' or 'pause'
modelId number yes none showcase id of the 3D model
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const modelID = 17
atwin.setAnimationState('play', modelID)


If you wish to pause the Animation of the 3D object, change the parameter to 'pause'.

import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const modelID = 17
atwin.setAnimationState('pause', modelID)


Copying object To Your Space

Copying an object refers to creating a duplicate or clone of an object. When an object is copied in the space, it means that the object's data is duplicated.

Assuming that you have already selected an object to be copied, you may now copy the object by calling copyObject() method. You may also specify a custom offset position and rotation of the object to be cloned.

parameter type required default values
payload IShowcaseObject yes object payload
position_offset Vector3 no +0.5
rotation_offset Vector3 no +0.5
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


let offsetPos:Vector3 = {x:0,y:0,z:0}
let offsetRot:Vector3 = {x:0,y:0,z:0}

if (atwin.selectedObject.object) {
  await atwin.copyObject(atwin.selectedObject.object, offsetPos, offsetRot)


NOTE: rotation_offset can be manipulated in order to mirror the object

Navigate to Object

Navigating to an object in space refers to the process of moving the camera's location near to the object.

Assuming that you have already selected an object to navigate to, you may now navigate to the object by using goToModel() method.

parameter type required default values
objectId number yes
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


await atwin.goToModel(objectId)


Deleting Object To Your Space

Deleting an object in space refers to the process of removing a pre-existing 2D or 3D object from the 3D environment or space. This action results in the elimination of the visual representation and physical presence of the object within the virtual space. By removing the object, users can maintain control over the composition and contents of their space, allowing for more dynamic and tailored virtual experiences.

Assuming that you have already selected an object to be deleted, you may now delete the object by using deleteObjectFromSpace() method.

parameter type required default values
selected IObjectData yes
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


// this function handles the object to be deleted from space
async function handleDeleteObjectFromSpace() {
  await atwin.deleteObjectFromSpace(atwin.selectedObject)


NOTE: This is only deleting the object from the space and not from the database.

Replacing Object To Your Space

Replacing an object in space refers to the process of substituting a pre-existing 2D or 3D object within a 3D environment or space with another object. This action involves removing the original object and introducing a new one in its place, while maintaining the object's location and any associated properties or attributes.

Assuming that you have already selected an object to be replaced, you may now replace the object by using replaceObject() method.

parameter type required default values
payload I3DObject yes
target IObjectData yes
options Object no null
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


// id of the object
const objectId:number = 5
// object that will replace
const objectData = await atwin.getObject(objectId)
// object to be replaced
const objectDataToBeReplaced = atwin.selectedObject

// this function handles the replaceObject() method
async function handleReplaceObject() {
  await atwin.replaceObject(objectData, objectDataToBeReplaced)


Creating Text Markup Screen in the space

A text markup screen is a graphical user interface objecet that allows users to input and display formatted text in the 3D space. The method internally generates elements and programmatically applies CSS styling. You can use this method to display text messages to the 3D screen.

In order to add a text markup screen in your space, you may use the addTextMarkupScreen() method.

parameter type required default values
title string no empty string title of message
message string yes none message content
textScreenName string yes none name of text frame
transform {Vector3, Vector3, Vector3} yes none numeric value for x, y, z
textColor string no black valid color value
backgroundColor string no '#fffff' valid color value
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const title:string = 'My Text Markup Screen'
const message:string = 'This is my message'
const position = {
  x: 12.345435,
  y: 0,
  z: 4.54754732
const scale = {x:0, y:0, z:0}
const rotation = {x:0, y:0, z:0}

const transform = {
  position: position,
  scale: scale,
  rotation: rotation

atwin.addTextMarkupScreen(title, message, transform)


Setting Content to Text Markup Screen

If you wish to update the style and content for the text frame, you may use the setTextMarkupScreenContent() method. You can customize the text content as well as the foreground and background color of the target text markup screen.

parameter type required default values
showcase_id number yes none id of target object
title string no empty string title of the content
text string no empty string body of the content
textColor string no black valid color value
backgroundColor string no '#fffff' valid color value
import * as atwin from 'architwin';


const id = 10
const title = 'My title'
const text = 'This is the content of the body'
const textColor = 'white'
const backgroundColor = '#00000'

atwin.setTextMarkupScreenContent(id, title, text, textColor, backgroundColor)


Typescript Interface Reference

We encourage that you use typescript for any new project you intend to use the library with. With typescript, you can take advantage of the type interfaces provided by the library. This helps you catch errors more easily on your IDE instead of seeing it on production. If you do intend to just use vanilla JS for your project, you can still use this section as reference on how how to structure the javascript objects in yours project

You can use the library's type interfaces by importing it using the following import path

import type {IShowcaseObject} from 'architwin/lib/types'

const spaceObject:IShowcaseObject = {}

The library also exports a couple enums that you can use in your project too. Here are a few ways of importing enums

//Method 1: Import interface and enums in one line
import {type IShowcaseObject,SPACE_EVENTS} from 'architwin/lib/types'

//Method 2: Import interface and enums separately
import type {IShowcaseObject} from 'archtwin/lib/types'
import {SPACE_EVENTS} from 'architwin/lib/types'

const spaceObject:IShowcaseObject = {}

As a convention, interfaces provided by the library are written in PascalCase while enums are written in an uppercase SNAKE_CASE. We recommend that you follow this convention for your own interfaces for uniformity.

Tag Interfaces

interface ITag {
  id: number,
  tag_name: string, // required
  showcase_id: number, // required
  floor_id: number, // required
  color_id: number, // required
  details?: string,
  remarks?: string,
  json_data: MpSdk.Tag.TagData, // required (mp tag data)
  tag_type_id?: number,
  sid: string,
  bid?: string,
  filename?: string,
  tag_image?: string,
  tag_url?: string,
  tag_order?: number,
  label: number, // required
interface ITagPublic {
  id: string;
  name: string;

Object Interfaces

interface IShowcaseObject {
  id: number;
  showcase_id: number;
  object_id: number;
  user_id: number;
  uuid?: string;
  space_uuid?: string;
  object_uuid?: string;
  object_position: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  object_rotation: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  object_scale: {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
  autoplay: boolean;
  autoplay_distance: number;
  offset_position: number;
  offset_rotation: number;
  position_unit: string;
  showcase_object_name: string;
  is_deleted: boolean;
  is_read: boolean;
  is_new: boolean;
  object_data: I3DObject;
interface I3DObject {
  id: number;
  uuid?: string;
  upload_file: string;
  upload_filename: string;
  filename: string;
  user_id: number;
  name: string;
  description: string;
  object_type: string;
  object_key: string;
  amazon_uri: string;
  object_thumbnail?: string;
  thumbnail_key?: string;
  thumbnail_type?: string;
interface IObjectData {
  collider?: any
  object: IShowcaseObject
  component: Scene.IComponent
  node: Scene.INode
  type?: string
interface NearbyObjects {
  x3d: Array<IObjectData>
  videos: Array<IObjectData>
  slideshows: Array<IObjectData>
interface ObjectConfig {
  options?: {
    name?: string | undefined
    title?: string | undefined
    type?: string | undefined
    url?: string | undefined
    iframeId?: string | undefined
    wrapperId?: string | undefined
    textColor?: string | undefined
    backgroundColor?: string | undefined
    visible?: boolean | undefined
    aspectRatio?: number | undefined
    text?: string | undefined
    fontSize?: number | undefined
    background?: boolean | undefined
    centered?: boolean | undefined
    height?: number | undefined
    curveSegments?: number | undefined
    bevelEnabled?: boolean | undefined
    bevelThickness?: number | undefined
    bevelSize?: number | undefined
    bevelOffset?: number | undefined
    bevelSegments?: number | undefined
  position?: Vector3
  scale?: Vector3
  rotation?: Vector3
interface MediaScreenConfig {
  mediaUrl?: string
  transform?: VectorCoords
  readonly?: boolean
export interface VectorCoords {
  object_position: Vector3
  object_rotation: Vector3

Meeting Interfaces

interface MeetingInfo {
  space_id: string;
  meeting_id?: string;
  host_name?: string;
  title?: string;
  meeting_start?: Date;
  meeting_status?: MeetingStatus;
  duration?: number;
  password?: string;
interface MeetingConfig {
  customColors?: MeetingCustomColors;
  customAvatars?: Avatar[];
  deviceControl?: MeetingDeviceControl;
  meetingBarPosition?: MeetingBarPosition;
interface MeetingDeviceControl {
  videoInput: boolean;
  audioInput: boolean;
  audioOutput: boolean;
interface Avatar {
  model: string;
  thumbnail: string;
interface MeetingConfig {
  customColors?: MeetingCustomColors;
  customAvatars?: Avatar[];
  deviceControl?: MeetingDeviceControl;
  meetingBarPosition?: MeetingBarPosition;
interface MeetingDeviceControl {
  videoInput: boolean;
  audioInput: boolean;
  audioOutput: boolean;
interface IParticipant {
  id?: string;
  name?: string;
  type?: IParticipantType;
  color?: string;
  avatar?: Avatar;
  shapeNum?: number;
interface IMpParticipant{
  avatar: {
    model: string,
    thumbnail: string,
  avatarConfig: {
    height: number,
    scale: number,
    laserOrigin: {x: number, y: number, z: number}
  id: string,
  name: string,
  color?: string,
  shape?: PShapes,
  position: {x: number, y: number, z: number},
  rotation: {x: number, y: number, z: number},

Meeting UI Guide

Hosting Live Virtual Meetings inside 3D Space using Video SDK

This meeting feature utilizes the Video SDK to host virtual conferences within a 3D Space View. It includes a custom-designed meeting UI displayed as a sidebar on the left side of the screen. This allows the user to create, share, and join meetings using a meeting link provided by the host.

The next few sections will explain how you can get started in creating or hosting your own virtual meeting inside your 3D Spaces.

Enable Meeting Sidebar

Before you can start hosting or joining meetings, make sure that meeting sidebar is enabled in toolbar Config.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: isAtwinSideBarEnabled.value,
        lang: lang.value,
        menuItems: {
            meeting: true
  } as IMPConfig;

Create Meeting

Once the meeting sidebar is enabled, click the video icon in the toolbar, and the first screen that appears will be the create meeting screen.

The following data are required to proceed from the create meeting screen:

  • Meeting Topic : string - The name or topic of the meeting.
  • Fullname : string - The name of the participant.

Pre-Meeting Setup

This screen will allow users to set up their audio, speakers, and camera settings before entering the virtual conference.


  • Audio: Users can mute/unmute audio before joining the meeting.
  • Camera: Users can disable/enable camera view before joining the meeting.
  • Choose Avatar: Users can select an avatar and set as their profile during the meeting.
Select video and audio device
  • Video: Users can select any connected camera device they wish to use.
  • Speaker: Users can select any connected speaker device they wish to use.
  • Microphone: Users can select any connected microphone device they wish to use.

Join Meeting

Once a user visits the meeting link provided by the host, they will be automatically directed to the 3D Space view specific to that meeting. At the same time, the join meeting screen will be displayed, allowing users to enter the meeting. To proceed, users are required to input their name in the "Fullname" field before joining the meeting.


This screen is where the virtual conference will take place. Both the host and participants can see and interact with each other through visual and audio communication.


  • Meeting Controls: The list of meeting controls includes settings, screen sharing, and toggles for video and audio.
    • Settings: This three-dots represents the settings of the sidebar. This is where users can view the list of participants, can follow a participant inside space view, and copy the meeting link.
    • Share screen: This screen button will allow users to share their screen to other participants within the meeting.
    • Video: This video icon button toggles the user's camera on or off.
    • Audio: This audio icon button toggles the user's microphone on or off.

Function Reference

Some Functions are async; when invoking them, Use keyword await or .then syntax



Connect and load a 3D space into an HTML iframe asynchronously using this function. It initializes various configuration settings and view modes based on the provided parameters.

async function connectSpace(
  url: string,
  auth: { apiURL?: string; apiKey: string; user: IUser } | null,
  config: IMPConfig,
  callbacks: { onLoad: Function; onStart: Function; onPlay: Function } | undefined = undefined
): Promise<void>
parameter type required default values
url string yes valid space URL
auth { string; string; IUser } yes
config IMPConfig yes

url - the URL of the space you wish to connect to.

  • The connectSpace method can also accomodate the following URL parameters:
    • "tagId" : ID of the tag

      • In cases where the 'tag' is included in the URL with an assigned value, the camera location will swiftly adjust to the specified tag within the 3D space once the loading is complete. The particular tag to focus on will be determined by the value of the 'tag' parameter.
    • "sweepId" : ID of the sweep

      • If the 'sweep' is present in the URL with a value, the camera location will immediately navigate to the specific sweep within the 3D space after loading. This specific sweep will be identified using the value of the 'sweep' parameter.
    • "brand" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Remove the 'Presented By' information upon model launch. Additionally, hide contact details within the "About" panel located in the upper-left corner of the 3D Showcase interface.
      • 1 (Default) : Show all branding-related information within the "About" panel positioned at the top-left corner of the 3D Showcase interface.
    • "hr" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Hide the highlight reel located at the bottom of the 3D Showcase user interface.
      • 1 (Default) : Dispaly highlight reel
    • "tour" : 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

      • 0 : Tour controls and highlight reel will not be visible.
      • 1 (Default) : The saved tour mode within the model is used.
      • 2 : Story mode tour is used.
      • 3: Highlight reel mode tour is used.
    • "dh" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Hide the Dollhouse View during the introductory fly-in. Additionally, hide the Dollhouse Button located in the bottom left corner of the 3D Showcase user interface. Moreover, remove the snapshots of the Dollhouse and Floorplan views from the highlight reel.
      • 1 (Default) : Display Dollhouse View
    • "tagNav" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Removes the < and > buttons from Tags and disables navigation through Tags using the "," and "." keys.
      • 1 (Default): Displays the < and > buttons for Tags and permits navigation through Tags using the "," and "." keys.
    • "mt" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Conceal Mattertags and "Mattertag™ Content" toggle in the "About" panel.
      • 1 (Default) : Display Mattertag™ Posts
    • "mls": 0 | 1 | 2

      • 0 (Default) : Show branding information, links in Mattertag™ Posts, and VR.
      • 1 : Show the MLS-friendly version of the Matterport model. This hides branding, hides links in Mattertag™ Posts, and hides VR.
      • 2 : Same behavior as &mls=1 but also hides the "About" panel in the top-left corner after loading.
    • "f" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Hide the option to switch floors. This treats the Matterport model as "all one floor".
      • 1 (Default) : Allow the user navigate the 3D model floor by floor.
    • "fp" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Hide the floor plan view button from the bottom-left corner of the 3D Showcase UI.
      • 1 (Default) : Display the floor plan view button in the bottom-left corner of the 3D Showcase UI.
    • "search" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Hide the magnifying glass (search) icon from the upper-left corner of the 3D Showcase UI.
      • 1 (Default) : Display the magnifying glass (search) icon in the upper-left corner of the 3D Showcase UI. If Space Search is disabled at the account level, this parameter has no effect.
    • "title" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : The space title is not being shown, and the top-left about panel is also not visible.
      • 1 (Default) : "The space title is being shown. The top-left about panel is visible."
    • "vr" : 0 | 1

      • 0 : Remove the VR button.
      • 1 (Default) : Display the VR button.

If the parameters 'objectId,' 'tag,' and 'sweep' are present in the URL with values, the first parameter among the three will be accommodated based on the URL structure.

auth - an authentication object with the apiKey and user credentials. Default user credentials will be provided by ArchiTwin for testing which you can change anytime to your own user credentials. The auth object passed to the connectSpace method may consist of the following keys:

  • apiURL: (string) an optional key which if set, will point all internal API calls to the api endpoint or base URL you assign. If this is not set, all api calls will be directed to the proxy address set in the vite.config.ts file during local development. Example: apiURL: "" will resolve internally to or It is important to add /api to the base url of your custom apiURL to ensure the api requests are properly sent. There is no need to add a forward slash at the end of our custom apiURL. Please take note that you may have to setup a proxy server to bypass CORS issues when you deploy your application on your production servers
  • apiKey: (string) sets the required apiKey that is inserted into the authorization headers of each API request
  • user: (IUser | Object) an object that contains the email and password of the user.

config - a config object to set some default space behavior. You can learn more about the config object below.

Config Options
export interface IMPConfig {
  iframeId: string;
  appKey?: string;
  bundlePath?: string;
  mapId?: string;
  meetingApiKey?: string,
  showOriginalTags?: boolean,
  // Launching 3D Showcase
  help?: 0 | 1 | 2;
  nt?: 0 | 1;
  play?: 0 | 1;
  qs?: 0 | 1;
  // Visibility
  brand?: 0 | 1;
  dh?: 0 | 1;
  tour?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
  gt?: 0 | 1;
  hr?: 0 | 1;
  mls?: 0 | 1 | 2;
  mt?: 0 | 1;
  tagNav?: 0 | 1;
  pin?: 0 | 1;
  portal?: 0 | 1;
  // User Interface
  f?: 0 | 1;
  fp?: 0 | 1;
  lang?: MP_LANG;
  kb?: 0 | 1;
  lp?: 0 | 1;
  st?: Number; // Number of milliseconds to wait at each highlight during a Guided Tour. Default is 3500 ms.
  title?: 0 | 1 | 2;
  tourcta?: 0 | 1 | 2;
  // Transition speed (meters per second) when moving between highlights. Recommend speed is in range of 1 to 3, default of 2. Your highlight reel must be set to "Walkthrough" mode (not slideshow)
  wts?: Number;
  // Set this parameter to start the tour automatically and define the number of seconds after initial fly-in before the Guided Tour automatically starts. Help is not shown. Set to a negative number to not start the Guided Tour.
  ts?: Number;
  hl?: 0 | 1 | 2;
  vr?: 0 | 1;
  nozoom?: 0 | 1;
  search?: 0 | 1;
  wh?: 0 | 1;
  prod?: boolean; //sets appropriate file path of showcase based on value
  viewMode?: VIEW_MODE | string //determines if viewer of space can utilize features like transform controls
  fetchObjectsOnLoad?: {
    apiEndpoint?:string //Custom api endpoint to fetch space/showcase objects from. Supports azusa and open_at endpoint. Default points to open_at endpoint
  mapConfig?: IMapConfig
  mediaScreenConfig?: ISharedScreen
  toolbarConfig?: IToolbarConfig
  avatartwinConfig?: {
    avatartwinKey: string
  meetConfig?: {
    sdkKey: string
    secretKey: string
    mpKey: string //required
    embedlyKey: string //for rendering attachments
    meetSdkKey?: string //zoom sdk key
    meetSecretKey?: string //zoom secret key
    // avatartwinKey?: string //superviz key
    appName?: string // app name / title
  debug?: {
    //If debug valu is not defined, Only error logs are shown by default
    //Valid log levels are trace,warn,error,info,trace,silent
    logLevel: string 
    isTagReadOnly?: boolean

iframeId: string: The id of the target iframe where the 3D space will be loaded into.

appKey: your appKey is used to authenticate your connection when loading the 3D showcase. For security purposes, the appKey can only be used by a domain (e.g. it is associated with. This key is important especially when you launch your app in production and utilize your own site domain. Please contact us to request your appKey

bundlePath?: string: bundlePath is an optional key that can be set for projects whose project structure requires a custom path to the bundle SDK provided by matterport. If not set, the package will by default set the bundle path to the bundle SDK found inside the architwin package in node_modules.

viewMode string: viewMode is an optional key that enables and disables transform controls in your 3D space. If the value of viewMode is not set, it will default to setting the viewMode to 'public' which disables transform controls. To enable the ability to transform objects using the transform control axis UI, you must set viewMode to 'interactive'


bundlePath: "assets/customBundleName"

This will resolve internally to "assets/customBundleName/showcase.html?someparams"

play?: 0 | 1, default = 0

  • 0 Shows a Play button ▶️️ on the iframe. The user must press the Play button ▶️️ to open the Matterport model.
  • 1 Automatically opens the Matterport model when the iframe loads on the page. If the 3D Showcase is opened via a link (not embedded in an iframe), this option is chosen automatically. When embedding Showcase within an iframe, play=1 will only work if the iframe is large enough on the user’s screen to provide a good user experience. Specifically, on mobile devices, the iframe has to cover at least 60% of the screen.

qs?: 0 | 1, default = 0

  • 0 Disable Quickstart (when the Matterport model first opens, zoom in from Dollhouse View).
  • 1 Enable Quickstart (when the Matterport model first opens, go straight into Inside View). Learn more. Only works if Start Position is Inside View.

tour?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, default = 1

  • 0 No tour controls or highlight reel appear.
  • 1 The tour mode saved in the model is used.
  • 2 Story mode tour is used.
  • 3 Highlight reel mode tour is used.

vr?: 0 | 1, default = 1

  • 0 Hide the VR button.
  • 1 Default Show the VR button.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// public URL for the space, you will be provided an API Endpoint for the list of public spaces
const spaceUrl = ""

const auth = {
    apiURL: "YOUR-API-URL", //Set the url to make api requests to
    apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY", //xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    user: {
        email: '',
        password: 'su123'

const config = {
    iframeId: "mp-showcase", // this is required
    // ... other config options. 

await atwin.connectSpace(url, auth, config)
Minimap Config

You can enable a minimap display of your 3D space by setting the following key-values in your config object that you pass into the connectSpace method

  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    mapConfig: {
      mapId: 'at-map', //required
      position: 'topLeft',
  } as IMPConfig;

To ensure that you will not encounter any errors. Make sure to follow the prescribed markup structure under the defining an iFrame section. All CSS classes or ids used internally by the library will have an at_ prefix for classes and an at- for ids. The classes and ids are named this way to avoid any naming conflicts with your apps own CSS classes or ids.

You can technically forego the at_showcase_container class of the parent div with your own class. Just make sure it has the position attribute set to relative otherwise things may not position correctly.

mapConfig Options

  • mapId - The id attribute value of the div element that will hold the map.
  • position - (optional) Specify where to place the minimap. Valid positions are topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft. By default, the map is placed at the topRight corner if this value is not set.
  • fixedSized - (optional) Specify a fixed width of the minimap. By default, the minimap has width of 100px and expands to 250px upon mouse hover. Please take note that setting a fixed width of your minimap will disable the hover-to-expand animation. Any numberic value you provide will be translated into pixel units


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    mapConfig: {
      mapId: 'at-map', //required
      position: 'topLeft',
        width: 300
  } as IMPConfig;
  • sweepMarker - (optional) Specify the backgroundColor, activeColor, hoverColor, opacity and if the sweep markers should be displayed on hover or all the time. For opacity, we recommend you set it between 0.5 to 0.8 to not obscure the minimap and or make your markers too transparent. Any valid CSS color value can be used for backgroundColor,activeColor, and hoverColor. You can display the sweep markers at all times by setting showOnHover value to false.
  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    sweepMarker: {
      showOnHover: false,
      backgroundColor: '#fc9f5b',
      activeColor: '#FBD1A2',
      hoverColor: '#7DCFB6',
      opacity: 0.8
  } as IMPConfig;
  • zIndex - (optional) Set the z-index of the map. In cases where you have UI elements that coincide with the position of the minimap. You set the z-index value of the minimap to determine what order the minimap should be rendered.

Customizing Individual Minimap Sweep Buttons

You may use the setSweepMarkerColor method if you need to customize the individual colors of the sweep buttons in the minimap. The method accepts either an object that contains the sweepId of the sweep button and the new background color or an array of said object

parameter type required default values
payload SweepColor or Array of SweepColor yes


  import * as atwin from 'architwin'

  const newSweepColor = {
    sweepId: 'validSweepId',
    backgroundColor: '#353535'
  } as SweepColor


If you want to change the color of multiple sweep buttons when the minimap sweep buttons are rendered, you may subscribe to the MINIMAP_SWEEPS_RENDERED event using the subscribeSpaceEvent method.


  import * as atwin from 'architwin'

  const newSweepColors = [
    sweepId: 'validSweepId',
    backgroundColor: '#353535'
    //other objects

  atwin.subscribeSpaceEvent('MINIMAP_SWEEPS_RENDERED', atwin.minimap.setSweepMarkerColor(newSweepColors))

Displaying the minimap outside the iFrame

There may be instances where you need to display the provided minimap outside of the 3D space displayed by your iFrame. In such cases, you may access the setMap method of the minimap object to display the minimap elsewhere. Do take note that there can only be one instance of the minimap displayed at a time. Which means that you should not pass minimapConfig to the connectSpace method when displaying the minimap outside the space. We may add the ability to display multiple minimaps at the same time in future releases.

The setMap method requires the following parameters

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
mpSdk MpSdk yes none Matterport SDK instance
appKey string yes none Your matterport app key
mapId string yes none id of the element that will hold the map

NOTE: You can get the instance of mpSdk by using the getAtwinSdk method

Here's an example on how to do it.

Step 1: Create an element and give it the id of at-map

 <div id="at-map"></div>

Step 2: Run the setMap method and pass the required parameters

 import * as atwin from 'architwin'

 const sdk = getAtwinSdk()
Toolbar Config

To activate a toolbar display within your 3D Space, you can set the following key-value pairs in your configuration object.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: true,
        lang: 'en', // Supported language: en and ja,
        themeConfig: {
            customizations: {
                toolbarOffset: {
                    top: 55,
  } as IMPConfig;

Toolbar Config Options This setup will define and showcase the active menu items within the toolbar. These items consist of the tag list, object list, minimap, screenshot, and theme picker. Apart from the tag list menu, other items can be optional.

  • menuItems - (optional) By default, all items are active. With this configuration, you can specify menu items that you wish to disable in the toolbar.
    • meeting: Allows virtual meetings.
    • screenshot: Enables capturing a screenshot of the space.
    • models: Allows adding of objects (3D, images, etc.) inside 3D Space.
    • minimap: Displays a minimap of your 3D Space.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: isAtwinSideBarEnabled.value,
        lang: lang.value,
        menuItems: {
            meeting: false
  } as IMPConfig;
  • Screenshot config An optional object for screenshot settings in IMPConfig.
    • visible: An optional boolean indicating if the screenshot functionality is visible. Defaults to true.
    • withCameraData: An optional boolean specifying if camera data should be included with the screenshot. Defaults to false.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: isAtwinSideBarEnabled.value,
        lang: lang.value,
        menuItems: {
          screenshot: {
              visible: true,
              withCameraData: true,
  } as IMPConfig;

Toolbar Theme Config Options This configuration enables customization of the toolbar display within the 3D space.

  • customizations - (optional) Specify the color theme, and position of the toolbar.
    • toolbarOffset: Determines the toolbar's position (top, right, bottom, left).


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: true,
        lang: 'en',
        themeConfig: {
            customizations: {
                toolbarOffset: {
                    top: 55,
  } as IMPConfig;
App Config

(Optional) This configuration unifies the management of secret keys utilized within the application.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    embedlyKey: "embedly_key_here"
    meetSdkKey?: "zoom_sdk_key_here" 
    meetSecretKey?: "zoom_secret_key_here" 
  } as IMPConfig;

App Key Config Options

  • embedlyKey - This key is for rendering media attachments in tags.
  • meetSdkKey - This is the video sdk key.
  • meetSecretKey - This is the video sdk secret key.
Restriction Config

(Optional) This configuration allows the app to disable certain features inside the Space View. Currently, the configuration supports restricting the tag feature to make tags read-only.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    restrictionConfig: {
        isTagReadOnly: false
  } as IMPConfig;

// set to true if restriction is needed
config.restrictionConfig!.isTagReadOnly = true
Debug Config

(Optional) This configuration determines the log levels displayed in the app's console log. If the debug value is not defined, only error logs are shown by default. Valid log levels include trace, warn, error, info, and silent.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
        logLevel: 'trace'
  } as IMPConfig;
Toolbar Config

To activate a toolbar display within your 3D Space, you can set the following key-value pairs in your configuration object.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: true,
        lang: 'en', // Supported language: en and ja,
        themeConfig: {
            customizations: {
                toolbarOffset: {
                    top: 55,
  } as IMPConfig;

Toolbar Config Options This setup will define and showcase the active menu items within the toolbar. These items consist of the tag list, object list, minimap, screenshot, and theme picker. Apart from the tag list menu, other items can be optional.

  • menuItems - (optional) By default, all items are active. With this configuration, you can specify menu items that you wish to disable in the toolbar.
    • meeting: Allows virtual meetings.
    • models: Allows adding of objects (3D, images, etc.) inside 3D Space.
    • minimap: Displays a minimap of your 3D Space.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: isAtwinSideBarEnabled.value,
        lang: lang.value,
        menuItems: {
            meeting: false
  } as IMPConfig;

Toolbar Theme Config Options This configuration enables customization of the toolbar display within the 3D space.

  • customizations - (optional) Specify the color theme, and position of the toolbar.
    • toolbarOffset: Determines the toolbar's position (top, right, bottom, left).


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    toolbarConfig: {
        active: true,
        lang: 'en',
        themeConfig: {
            customizations: {
                toolbarOffset: {
                    top: 55,
  } as IMPConfig;
App Config

(Optional) This configuration unifies the management of secret keys utilized within the application.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    embedlyKey: "embedly_key_here"
    meetSdkKey?: "zoom_sdk_key_here" 
    meetSecretKey?: "zoom_secret_key_here" 
  } as IMPConfig;

App Key Config Options

  • embedlyKey - This key is for rendering media attachments in tags.
  • meetSdkKey - This is the video sdk key.
  • meetSecretKey - This is the video sdk secret key.
Restriction Config

(Optional) This configuration allows the app to disable certain features inside the Space View. Currently, the configuration supports restricting the tag feature to make tags read-only.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
    restrictionConfig: {
        isTagReadOnly: false
  } as IMPConfig;

// set to true if restriction is needed
config.restrictionConfig!.isTagReadOnly = true
Debug Config

(Optional) This configuration determines the log levels displayed in the app's console log. If the debug value is not defined, only error logs are shown by default. Valid log levels include trace, warn, error, info, and silent.


  const config = {
    //Other config values...
        logLevel: 'trace'
  } as IMPConfig;

Displaying the minimap outside the iFrame

There may be instances where you need to display the provided minimap outside of the 3D space displayed by your iFrame. In such cases, you may access the setMap method of the minimap object to display the minimap elsewhere. Do take note that there can only be one instance of the minimap displayed at a time. We may add the ability to display multiple minimaps at the same time in future releases.

The setMap method requires the following parameters

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
mpSdk MpSdk yes none Matterport SDK instance
appKey string yes none Your matterport app key
mapId string yes none id of the element that will hold the map

NOTE: You can get the instance of mpSdk by using the getAtwinSdk method

Here's an example on how to do it.

Step 1: Create an element and give it the id of at-map

 <div id="at-map"></div>

Step 2: Run the setMap method and pass the required parameters

 import * as atwin from 'architwin'

 const sdk = getAtwinSdk()


Utilize this asynchronous function for disconnecting and efficiently cleaning up resources linked to the connected 3D space. It stops any playing videos, disposes of tags, clears objects and states, and ultimately disconnects while clearing the currently displayed Space.

Function Signature

async function disconnectSpace(): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'




This method returns an array of ITag containing information of all tags in the space.

Function Signature

async function getTags(space: ISpace): Promise<ITag[] | null>;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
space ISpace yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const space = /* specify the space object */;
const tags = await atwin.getTags(space);
if (tags) {
  console.log('Tags:', tags);
} else {
  console.log('No tags found or an error occurred.');


This method enables direct navigation to the tag within the space, identified by a specific ID.

Function Signature

async function gotoTag(tagId: string): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
tagId string yes any string


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const tagId = /* specify the tag ID */;
await atwin.gotoTag(tagId);


The renderTag() is used for rendering a tag in the space based on the provided payload.

Function Signature

async function renderTag(payload: 
  { tag: MpSdk.Tag.Descriptor },
  addTo_tags: boolean = true
): Promise<MpSdk.Tag.TagData>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes
addTo_tags boolean no true true/false

Setting of addTo_tags:

  • true: Insert the rendered tag into an array that contains all the rendered tags.
  • false: Renders the tag but does not insert it into the array containing all the rendered tags.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tag: { /* Define your tag descriptor here */ }

try {
  const renderedTag = await atwin.renderTag(payload);
  console.log('Rendered Tag:', renderedTag);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error rendering tag:', error);


This function retrieves all tags in the space.

Function Signature

function getMpTags(): ITag[]


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const tags = atwin.getMpTags();
console.log('Tags:', tags);

// Iterate through the tags and access their properties
tags.forEach(tag => {
  console.log('Tag ID:',;
  console.log('Tag Label:', tag.label);
  // Add more properties as needed


This function is a synchronous function that takes a tagId as its parameter and returns an ITag object with the corresponding ID.

Function Signature

function getMpTag(tagId: string): ITag | undefined

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
tagId string yes valid tag ID


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const tagIdToRetrieve = '123456789'; // Replace with the actual tag ID

const tag = atwin.getMpTag(tagIdToRetrieve);

if (tag) {
  console.log('Tag:', tag);
  // Access tag properties as needed
  console.log('Tag Label:', tag.label);
  console.log('Tag Description:', tag.description);
} else {
  console.error('Tag not found.');


The showTags function is an asynchronous function that takes an array of ITag objects (tags) as its parameter. It processes each tag in the array, performs various operations related to displaying the tags in a specific context. These operations include adding tags, attaching media, and potentially editing tag icons.

Also, this function provides the option to display tags along with tag icons, if desired.

Function Signature

async function showTags(
  tags: ITag[], 
  _withIcon: boolean = false
): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
tags array yes array of ITag
_withIcon boolean no false true/false


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const tagsToDisplay = [
  // An array of ITag objects, each representing a tag
  // Replace this with your actual tag data
  // Example: { json_data: { /* tag data */ } },
  // ...

// If no tag icon display
try {
  await atwin.showTags(tagsToDisplay);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error displaying tags:', error);

// If with tag icon display
try {
  await atwin.showTags(tagsToDisplay, true);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error displaying tags:', error);


This method is designed to remove tags from a space. Tags are typically used for annotating or adding information to a 3D space, and this function helps remove those annotations.

Function Signature

async function disposeTags(): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Example usage of the disposeTags function
async function removeTagsFromSpace() {
  try {
    console.log("Removing Mattertags from space...");
    await atwin.disposeTags();
    console.log("Mattertags removed successfully.");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error removing Mattertags:", error);

// Call the function to remove Mattertags from the space


Removing a specific tag in the space can be achieved by invoking the disposeTag() method. The disposeTag() method takes a payload as its parameter, which must include a tagId property with a value.

Function Signature

async function disposeTag(payload: { tagId: string }): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID

try {
  await atwin.disposeTag(payload);
  console.log('Tag disposed successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error disposing the tag:', error);


The attachTagMedia function operates asynchronously, accepting an object payload as its input parameter. Its primary purpose is to link media files to a particular tag identified by its tagId. To achieve this, it retrieves the tag through the getMpTag function and subsequently associates the designated media files.

Function Signature

async function attachTagMedia(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  attachments: string[]
}): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  attachments: ['media1.jpg', 'media2.jpg'] // Specify the media file paths

try {
  await atwin.attachTagMedia(payload);
  console.log('Media attached to the tag successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error attaching media to the tag:', error);


In contrary of attachTagMedia(), this asynchronous function available for detaching media attachments from a particular tag, identified by its tagId, using an object payload as its input. The process involves retrieving the tag and subsequently separating the specified media attachments.

Function Signature

async function detachTagMedia(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  attachmentIds: string[]
}): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  attachmentIds: ['attachment1', 'attachment2'] // Specify the attachment IDs to detach

try {
  await atwin.detachTagMedia(payload);
  console.log('Media detached from the tag successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error detaching media from the tag:', error);


An asynchronous operation is provided for relocating a specific tag identified by its tagId, with the tagId as its input parameter.

Function Signature

async function moveTag(tagId: string, callback?: Function): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
tagId string yes valid tag ID


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const tagIdToMove = '123456789'; // Replace with the actual tag ID

try {
  await atwin.moveTag(tagIdToMove);
  console.log('Tag moved successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error moving the tag:', error);


This asynchronous function is provided to modify the label of a particular tag, identified by its tagId, using an object payload as its parameter.

Function Signature

async function editTagLabel(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  label: string

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  label: 'New Label' // Specify the new label for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagLabel(payload);
  console.log('Tag label edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag label:', error);


This asynchronous function is available for modifying the description of a designated tag identified by its tagId, with an object payload as its parameter.

Function Signature

async function editTagDescription(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  description: string

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  description: 'New Description' // Specify the new description for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagDescription(payload);
  console.log('Tag description edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag description:', error);


This function is at your disposal to modify both the icon and color of a particular tag identified by its tagId, using an object payload as its parameter.

Function Signature

async function editTagIcon(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  icon?: string,
  color: MpSdk.Color | string

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  icon: 'new-icon.png', // Specify the new icon file path or reference (optional)
  color: 'blue' // Specify the new color for the tag

try {
  await atwin.editTagIcon(payload);
  console.log('Tag icon and color edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag icon and color:', error);


The editTagStem() asynchronous function is available for adjusting the visibility of the stem of a specific tag, identified by its tagId, using an object payload as its parameter.

Function Signature

async function editTagStem(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  stemVisible: boolean

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  stemVisible: true // Specify the new stem visibility value

try {
  await atwin.editTagStem(payload);
  console.log('Tag stem visibility edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag stem visibility:', error);


This editTagColor asynchronous function is provided for modifying the color of a particular tag, identified by its tagId, using an object payload as its parameter.

Function Signature

async function editTagColor(payload: {
  tagId: string,
  color: MpSdk.Color

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload { } yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  tagId: '123456789', // Replace with the actual tag ID
  color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 } // Specify the new color (RGB format)

try {
  await atwin.editTagColor(payload);
  console.log('Tag color edited successfully.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error editing the tag color:', error);



Retrieve information about the sweeps (viewpoints) within the loaded 3D space using this asynchronous method.

Function Signature

async function getSweeps(): Promise<ISweep[] | null>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const sweeps = await atwin.getSweeps();
if (sweeps) {
  console.log('Sweeps:', sweeps);
} else {
  console.log('No sweeps found in the loaded space.');


This asynchronous function moves the camera location to a specific sweep (viewpoint) within the loaded 3D space.

Function Signature

async function moveToSweep(sweepId: string, rotation?: Vector2): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
sweepId string yes Id of the sweep
sweepId Vector2 optional {x,y}


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const sweepId = /* specify the sweep ID */;
await atwin.moveToSweep(sweepId);
console.log('Camera view moved to sweep ' + sweepId);


Retrieve information about nearby sweeps (viewpoints) for a given sweep within the loaded 3D space using this asynchronous function.

Function Signature

async function getNearbySweeps(sweepId: string): Promise<string[] | undefined>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
sweepId string yes Id of the sweep


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const sweepId = /* specify the sweep ID */;
const nearbySweeps = await atwin.getNearbySweeps(sweepId);
console.log('Nearby Sweeps:', nearbySweeps);


Obtain information about the current sweep that the camera view is focused on within the loaded 3D space using this function.

Function Signature

function getCurrentSweep(): ISweep


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const currentSweep = atwin.getCurrentSweep();
console.log('Current Sweep:', currentSweep);


Retrieve information about the exact location of the current sweep's position. This function will return sweep's (x,y,z) coordinates.

Function Signature

function getCurrentSweepPosition(): MpSdk.Vector3


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const currentSweepPosition = atwin.getCurrentSweepPosition();
console.log('Current Sweep Position:', currentSweepPosition);


This function retrieves all sweep data within the currently loaded space. It will return an array of objects, each containing information about a sweep. Each object includes properties such as id, position, and neighbors.

Function Signature

function getAllSweeps(): {
    id: string;
    position: Vector3;
    neighbors: string[];


  • id: ID of the sweep
  • position: Position of the sweep (Vector3 coordinates)
  • neighbors: Array of IDs of the neighboring sweeps


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const allSweeps = atwin.getAllSweeps();
console.log('All Sweeps:', allSweeps);

Using custom sweep pucks

Custom sweep pucks allow you to place a 2D circle or 3D torus as an additional visual indicator in your sweeps. Do take note that the sweep pucks do not replace the existing sweep markers on the space. To add custom sweep pucks to your space simply add the following to your config object that you pass to connectSpace

const config = {
  //other configs
  sweepPuckConfig: {
    shape: 'torus', //either circle or torus. Default is circle
    color: '#F7572B' //any valid CSS color value
} as IMPConfig


You should be able to see your custom sweep pucks once your space has fully loaded. Do take note that large spaces with numerous sweeps will take time to load all the sweep pucks. Additionally, if you need to have custom colors for each sweep puck then you can pass an array of objects that follows the SweepColor interface to the color key instead of a string.


const sweepPuckColors = [
    sweepId: 'jkwbfisbqwr',
    backgroundColor: '#000000'
  //other elements

const config = {
  //other configs
  sweepPuckConfig: {
    shape: 'torus', //either circle or torus. Default is circle
    color: sweepPuckColors
} as IMPConfig




Initiate playback of a video object with a specified ID in the loaded 3D space using this function. It fetches the video object using the provided video ID and starts playback.

Function Signature

function playVideo(videoId: number): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
videoId number yes Id of the video


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const videoId = /* specify the video ID */;


Pause playback of a video object with a specified ID in the loaded 3D space using this function. It retrieves the video object using the provided video ID and halts its playback.

Function Signature

function pauseVideo(videoId: number): void;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
videoId number yes Id of the video


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const videoId = /* specify the video ID */;


This function enables you to control the playback and mute state of an HTML video element by specifying an action. Supported actions include "play," "pause", "mute," and "unmute." The function modifies the playback and mute settings of the provided video element based on the action.

Function Signature

function setVideoPlayback(action: string, element: HTMLVideoElement): void;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
action string yes 'play' or 'pause' or 'mute' or 'unmute'
element HTMLVideoElement yes HTML video element


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const action = "play"; // Specify the desired action
const videoElement = /* Specify the HTML video element */;
atwin.setVideoPlayback(action, videoElement);



Move the camera within the space in a specified direction using this asynchronous function. Supported directions comprise 'LEFT,' 'RIGHT,' 'UP,' 'DOWN,' 'FORWARD,' and 'BACK'.

Function Signature

async function moveInDirection(direction: string): Promise<void>;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
direction string yes "FORWARD" or "BACK" or "LEFT" or "RIGHT"


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const desiredDirection = "LEFT"; // Specify the desired direction
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Camera moved successfully!");
  .catch(() => {
    console.error("Error occurred while moving the camera.");



Retrieve the current camera pose, including the details about the camera's spatial orientation and position within the space. The camera pose provides details about the camera's spatial location and orientation, allowing you to understand its position in the virtual environment.

Function Signature

function getCurrentCameraPose(): MpSdk.Camera.Pose


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const cameraPose = atwin.getCurrentCameraPose();
console.log("Current Camera Pose:", cameraPose);


Retrieve the present camera position within the 3D space using this function. The function provides the coordinates (x, y, z) that signify the camera's placement in the 3D space.

Function Signature

function getCameraPosition(): MpSdk.Vector3


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const cameraPosition = atwin.getCameraPosition();
console.log("Current Camera Position:", cameraPosition);


Pan the camera view adjustments by specifying rotation angles along both the horizontal and vertical axes using this function. The panning action simulates looking sideways left and right (horizontal) and looking up and down (vertical).

Function Signature

async function cameraPan(x: number, z: number): Promise<void>;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
x number yes number of degrees will pan the camera to the right
y number yes number of degrees will tilt the camera upward


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Pan the camera by 30 degrees to the right and tilt by 10 degrees upward
atwin.cameraPan(30, 10)
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Camera pan success");
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Camera pan error:", error);


This function allows you to rotate the camera's view by specifying rotation angles along the horizontal and vertical axes. The rotation action simulates changing the direction the camera is facing.

Function Signature

async function cameraRotate(x: number, y: number, speed: number): Promise<void>;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
x number yes number of degrees will pan the camera to the right
y number yes number of degrees will tilt the camera upward
speed number yes number of second will camera animate to specified angle ( x , y)


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Rotate the camera by 45 degrees horizontally and 15 degrees vertically at a speed of 0.5
cameraRotate(45, 15, 0.5)
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Camera rotate success");
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Camera rotate error:", error);


Obtain the existing view mode of the Matterport scene using this function. The view mode illustrates the manner in which the scene is presented, which includes 3D walkthrough mode, dollhouse mode, or floor plan mode.

Function Signature

function getViewMode(): MpSdk.Mode.Mode


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const currentViewMode = atwin.getViewMode();
console.log("Current view mode:", currentViewMode);


Change the current view mode of the 3D space scene to the designated mode using this function. The chosen view mode dictates the presentation style of the space, including options like 3D walkthrough mode, dollhouse mode, or floor plan mode.

Function Signature

async function setViewMode(mode: string): Promise<void>;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
mode string yes "dollhouse" or "floorplan" or "inside" or "outside" or "transitioning"


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

async function changeToDollhouseMode() {
  await atwin.setViewMode("dollhouse");
  console.log("Changed to Dollhouse mode");


This function adjusts the camera's view to focus on a specific point in the Matterport scene. The point is defined in screen coordinates, where x and y represent the pixel coordinates from the upper-left corner of the screen.

Function Signature

async function cameraLookAt(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
x number yes Horizontal position, in pixels. Starting from the canvas' top left corner.
y number yes Vertical position, in pixels. Starting from the canvas' top left corner.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

async function focusOnPoint(x, y) {
  await atwin.cameraLookAt(x, y);
  console.log("Camera focused on point", x, y);


This function takes a screenshot (JPEG) of the user’s current space view. It creates a temporary download link for the screenshot image with the filename 'image.png', and then triggers the download.

Function Signature

async function captureSpaceScreenshot(callback?: Function | null, resolution?: Renderer.Resolution, visibility?: Renderer.Visibility): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
resolution Renderer.Resolution optional { width : 1920, height : 1080 } { width : 600, height : 800 } or any values exceed to 4096
visibility Renderer.Visbility optional { mattertags : false, measurements : false, sweeps: false, views : false } {mattertags : true, measurements : false, sweeps: false, views : true}
callback Function optional


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

async function captureSpace() {
  // The desired resolution for the screenshot. For example: {width: 1920, height: 1080} If no resolution is specified, then the resolution of the size of Showcase (the current window or the iframe embed) is used. Maximum 4096 x 4096.
  const resolution = {
    width : 1920,
    height : 1080

  // Toggles certain scene objects such as Mattertag Posts and sweep markers. If no visibility object is specified, then all scene objects are hidden.
  const visibility = {
    mattertags : true, 
    measurements : false,
    sweeps: true, 
    views : false

  // With Parameters: 
  await atwin.captureSpaceScreenshot(resolution, visibility);

  // Without Parameters
  await atwin.captureSpaceScreenshot();



This function captures a screenshot of a virtual space and retrieves details about the camera's position and rotation at the time of the capture. It is designed to provide an easy way to get both a visual snapshot and the camera's state.

Function Signature

function captureScreenshotAndCameraDetails(callback?: Function | null, resolution?: Renderer.Resolution, visibility?: Renderer.Visibility, iframeId?: string): Promise<{
    base64Screenshot: string;
    cameraPose: MpSdk.Camera.Pose;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
callback Function optional
resolution Renderer.Resolution optional { width : 1920, height : 1080 } { width : 600, height : 800 } or any values exceed to 4096
visibility Renderer.Visbility optional { mattertags : false, measurements : false, sweeps: false, views : false } {mattertags : true, measurements : false, sweeps: false, views : true}
iframeId string optional


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

async function captureScreenshotAndCameraDetails() {
  // The desired resolution for the screenshot. For example: {width: 1920, height: 1080} If no resolution is specified, then the resolution of the size of Showcase (the current window or the iframe embed) is used. Maximum 4096 x 4096.
  const resolution = {
    width : 1920,
    height : 1080

  // Toggles certain scene objects such as Mattertag Posts and sweep markers. If no visibility object is specified, then all scene objects are hidden.
  const visibility = {
    mattertags : true, 
    measurements : false,
    sweeps: true, 
    views : false

  // With Parameters: 
  const screenshotDetails = await atwin.captureScreenshotAndCameraDetails(resolution, visibility);"Screenshot Details: ", screenshotDetails)

  // Without Parameters
  const screenshotDetails = await atwin.captureScreenshotAndCameraDetails();"Screenshot Details: ", screenshotDetails)

  // With iframe id
  const screenshotDetails = await atwin.captureScreenshotAndCameraDetails(iframeId: 'iframe-id');"Screenshot Details: ", screenshotDetails)



The getNearbyObjects() method retrieves nearby rendered objects based on a given payload containing type and distance parameters. It calculates the distance between the camera position and the objects' positions and returns a categorized list of nearby objects.

Function Signature

function getNearbyObjects(payload: NearbyPayload): NearbyObjects

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload NearbyPayload yes none '3DX' or 'SLIDESHOW' or 'VIDEO'


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const payload = {
  type: "ALL",
  distance: 10
} as NearbyPayload

// gets ALL object types within a 10 meter range
const nearByObjects:NearbyObjects = atwin.getNearbyObjects(payload) 


The addMediaScreen() method is asynchronous function allows you to add a media screen to the space. The media screen displays a media content specified by the mediaUrl parameter. You can customize the media screen's position, scale, and rotation using the transform parameter. Additional options such as readonly mode and autoplay can also be configured. This function logs information about the provided parameters and performs media handling.

Function Signature

async function addMediaScreen(
  mediaUrl?: string,
  transform?: { position: Vector3, scale: Vector3, rotation: Vector3 },
  readonly?: boolean,
  autoplay?: boolean
): Promise<IShowcaseObject>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
mediaUrl string no
transform { position: Vector3, scale: Vector3, rotation: Vector3 } no
readonly boolean no
autoplay boolean no


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const mediaUrl = '';
const transform = {
  position: new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
  scale: new Vector3(1, 1, 1),
  rotation: new Vector3(0, 0, 0)
const readonly = true;
const autoplay = false;

awtwin.addMediaScreen(mediaUrl, transform, readonly, autoplay)
  .then(showcaseObject => {
    console.log('Media screen added:', showcaseObject);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error adding media screen:', error);


The setTransformMode() asynchronous void function sets the transform mode for a specific type of transformation. The mode parameter defines the transformation mode, which can be translation, rotation, or scaling.

Function Signature

async function setTransformMode(mode: TRANSFORM_TYPE | string): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
mode TRANSFORM_TYPE or string yes none 'translate' or 'scale' or 'rotate'


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const desiredMode = TRANSFORM_TYPE.ROTATE;

  .then(() => {
    console.log('Transform mode set successfully:', desiredMode);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error setting transform mode:', error);


The revertTransform() function allows you to revert transformations applied to a selected object. The function retrieves previous or next transformation data from the history, applies it to the selected object, and updates the internal state.

Function Signature

function revertTransform(action: string = 'undo'): boolean

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
action string yes none 'undo' or 'redo'


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Revert to the previous state
if (awtwin.revertTransform('undo')) {
  console.log('Reverted to previous state.');
} else {
  console.log('No further undo actions available.');

// Reapply a reverted state
if (atwin.revertTransform('redo')) {
  console.log('Reapplied a reverted state.');
} else {
  console.log('No further redo actions available.');


Use this function to remove transformation controls and associated components from the scene. It stops the transformation control node and potentially cancels any input control component, if available. The function ensures that the transformation controls are properly removed to maintain the integrity of the scene.

Function Signature

function removeTransformControls(): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
none none none none none


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This function is used to set the animation state of a specific model object in the scene. It allows you to play or stop the animation associated with the specified model using the provided action parameter. The function locates the animation state path corresponding to the given modelId and updates it accordingly.

Function Signature

function setAnimationState(action: string, modelId: number): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
action string yes none 'play' or 'stop'
modelId number yes none ID of the model


import * as atwin from 'architwin'
const action = 'play';
const modelId = 123;

setAnimationState(action, modelId);


Use this function to display the dimensions of a chosen object within a 3D space. The function computes the object's width, height, and depth through its bounding box and showcases this data as 3D text labels strategically positioned around the object.

Function Signature

function showObjectDimensions(selected: IObjectData): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
selected IObjectData yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



Generate a duplicate of a showcase object asynchronously, with the option to include positional and rotational offsets. The function generates a fresh ID for the duplicated object, applies provided positional and rotational adjustments, and integrates the object into the scene.

Function Signature

async function copyObject(
  payload: IShowcaseObject,
  position_offset: Vector3 = undefined,
  rotation_offset: Vector3 = undefined
): Promise<IShowcaseObject>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload IShowcaseObject yes
position_offset Vector3 yes undefined
rotation_offset Vector3 yes undefined


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const objectToCopy = /* the object to be copied */;
const positionOffset = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
const rotationOffset = new Vector3(0, Math.PI / 2, 0);

atwin.copyObject(objectToCopy, positionOffset, rotationOffset)
  .then(copiedObject => {
    console.log('Object copied:', copiedObject);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error copying object:', error);


Use asynchronous function to delete an existing 3D object. The deletion target is determined by the id parameter value.

Function Signature

async function deleteObject(id: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
id number yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const objectId = /* specify the object's ID */;
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Object deleted successfully.');
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error deleting object:', error);


To remove a designated object from a 3D space use deleteObjectFromSpace(). Provide an IObjectData object as input, and the function will eliminate the object from the scene. Additionally, it undertakes essential cleanup tasks like halting animations and removing linked markup elements.

Function Signature

async function deleteObjectFromSpace(target: IObjectData): Promise<number>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
target IObjectData yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const targetObject = /* specify the target object */;
  .then(deletedObjectId => {
    console.log(`Object with ID ${deletedObjectId} deleted from the space.`);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error deleting object:', error);


To replace a particular object within a 3D space with a fresh one use replaceObject() method. Provide an I3DObject payload for the new object, an IObjectData target for the object to be replaced, and optional configuration choices. The function eliminates the target object from the scene and introduces the new object in its designated position.

Function Signature

async function replaceObject(payload: I3DObject, target: IObjectData, options: Object = null): Promise<IShowcaseObject>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload I3DObject yes
target IObjectData yes
options Object yes null


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const newObjectPayload = /* specify the new object's payload */;
const targetObject = /* specify the target object to be replaced */;
const replacementOptions = /* specify optional replacement options */;

atwin.replaceObject(newObjectPayload, targetObject, replacementOptions)
  .then(replacedObject => {
    console.log('Object replaced:', replacedObject);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error replacing object:', error);


To introduce a text markup screen into the 3D space use the addTextMarkupScreen() method. The function generates a 3D object based on the supplied title and message. The screen's placement, scaling, and rotation align with the designated transformation parameters.

Function Signature

async function addTextMarkupScreen(
  title: string = '',
  message: string,
  textScreenName: string,
  transform: { position: Vector3, scale: Vector3, rotation: Vector3 },
  textColor: string = 'black',
  backgroundColor: string = '#fff'
): Promise<IShowcaseObject>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
title string yes ' '
message string yes
textScreenName string yes
transform { position: Vector3, scale: Vector3, rotation: Vector3 } yes
textColor string yes 'black'
backgroundColor string yes '#fff'


import * as atwin from 'architwin'


To set the content of a text markup screen within a 3D space use the setTextMarkupScreenContent(). The function modifies multiple properties of the screen, including its title, text content, text color, and background color.

Function Signature

function setTextMarkupScreenContent(
  showcase_id: number,
  title: string = '',
  text: string = '',
  textColor: string = '',
  backgroundColor: string = ''
): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
showcase_id number yes ' '
title string yes ' '
text string yes ' '
textColor string yes ' '
backgroundColor string yes ' '


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const showcaseId = /* specify the showcase ID */;
const newTitle = 'New Title';
const newText = 'Updated content.';
const newTextColor = 'blue';
const newBackgroundColor = 'white';

atwin.setTextMarkupScreenContent(showcaseId, newTitle, newText, newTextColor, newBackgroundColor);


The getNearestSweepFromObject method will calculates the distance between the object's position and each sweep's position and returns the ID and index of the closest sweep.

Function Signature

function getNearestSweepFromObject(objectId: number): { sweepId: string, index: number } | undefined

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
objectId number yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const objectIdToFind = 123; // Replace with the actual object ID

const nearestSweep = atwin.getNearestSweepFromObject(objectIdToFind);

if (nearestSweep) {
  console.log('Nearest Sweep ID:', nearestSweep.sweepId);
  console.log('Nearest Sweep Index:', nearestSweep.index);
} else {
  console.error('No nearest sweeps found for the object.');


Stores the selected object captured by the ClickSpy class attached to the object upon creation in show3dObjects() function. ClickSpy is not attached if viewMode is set to public. Please take note that you cannot set an object as selected if it has not been rendered into the 3D space.

Function Signature

function setSelectedObject(data: IShowcaseObject, node: Scene.INode, component: Scene.IComponent, type: string): void

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
data IShowcaseObject yes The data of the showcase object
node Scene.INode yes The node of the object
component Scene.IComponent yes The component of the object
type string yes The type of the object


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const spaceObject: IShowcaseObject = {id: 123, showcase_id: 123,...}; // Replace with the actual showcase object data
const selectedObjectPayload = atwin.get3DXObjects().find((obj) => ==

if (selectedObjectPayload && selectedObjectPayload.type) {
    atwin.setSelectedObject(selectedObjectPayload.object, selectedObjectPayload.node, selectedObjectPayload.component, selectedObjectPayload.type)


Returns information about the selected object.

Function Signature

function getSelectedObject(): IObjectData


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const selectedObj = atwin.getSelectedObject()
console.log("Selected object: ", selectedObj)


This function clears the current selected object and sets it to null.

Function Signature

function clearSelectedObject(): void


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This function will navigate and move to the object's position.

Function Signature

function goToModel(objectId: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
objectId numer yes ID of the object


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const objectId = 123 // Replace with the actual object id
await atwin.goToModel(objectId)


Returns array of objects, each conforming to the IObjectData data type.

Function Signature

function get3DXObjects(): Array<IObjectData>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const objects = atwin.get3DXObjects();
// Now 'objects' contains an array of 3D objects


This function will set or update a library of 3D models asynchronously.

Function Signature

function setLibrary(libraryModels: Array<I3DObject>): Promise<Array<I3DObject>>

Parameter Table

parameter type required values
libraryModels Array yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

const libraryModels = [{ // Replace with actual data
  id: '123', 
  upload_file: 'PNG',
  upload_filename: 'test'

await atwin.setLibrary(libraryModels)
  .then(updatedLibrary => {
    // Handle the updated library of 3D objects
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle any errors that occurred during the asynchronous operation


This function serves the purpose of retrieving a library of 3D objects, possibly with the option to refetch the library if needed. Returns array of objects, each conforming to the IObjectData data type.

Function Signature

function getLibrary(refetch?: boolean): Promise<Array<I3DObject>>

Parameter Table

parameter type required values
refetch boolean optional true or false


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Refetch is not needed
await atwin.getLibrary()

// Refetch is needed
await atwin.getLibrary(true)
  .then(library => {
    // Handle the retrieved library of 3D objects
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle any errors that occurred during the asynchronous operation


This function handles the disposal or cleanup of a specific 3D object asynchronously.It returns a promise that resolves to the object ID of the disposed target.

Function Signature

function disposeModel(target: IObjectData): Promise<number>

Parameter Table

parameter type required values
target IObjectData yes


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

await atwin.disposeModel(target)
  .then(objectID => {
    // Handle the disposal process completion, possibly based on the returned object ID
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle any errors that occurred during the disposal process

Virtual Meeting


Facilitates the creation of a virtual meeting within the specified 3D space. It allows the host to provide details such as the meeting topic, and participant name. Meeting password is auto-generated upon creation.

Function Signature

function createMeeting(topic: string, base_url: string): Promise<IMeeting>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
topic string yes The name or topic of the meeting
base_url string yes The base URL of the application


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// create meeting
const topic = "Space Introduction"
const baseUrl = window.location.href

await, baseUrl)


A method by which a participant gains access to an existing virtual conference. This involves receiving a meeting link from the host and using it to enter the virtual conference environment.

Function Signature

function joinMeeting(payload: IMeetingPayload): Promise<boolean>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
payload IMeetingPayload yes

IMeetingPayload has data of:

  • topic : string - The topic of the meeting.
  • password : string - Password of the meeting.
  • role : string - Participant's role: HOST or GUEST.
  • participant_fullname : string - Participant's name.


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Replace with actual meeting payload data
const meetingPayload: IMeetingPayload = {
    topic: 'Space Introduction',
    password: '1234',
    role: 'HOST',
    participant_fullname: 'Adam'

// join meeting


This method allows participants to exit an ongoing virtual meeting. This functionality ensures that users can gracefully disconnect from a meeting without disrupting other participants.

Function Signature

function leaveMeeting(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method is used to activate a participant's video feed, allowing others in the meeting to see them.

Function Signature

function startVideo(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method deactivates the participant's camera, halting the transmission of their video feed to other meeting participants.

Function Signature

function stopVideo(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method is used to activate a participant's local camera feed, capturing video from the participant's device's built-in camera.

Function Signature

function startLocalVideo(VideoElement?: HTMLVideoElement | null): Promise<boolean>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
VideoElement HTMLVideoElement optional HTMLVideoElement of local video canvas


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// With Video Element

// Replace with actual video element
let premeetVideo: HTMLVideoElement;
premeetVideo = document.getElementById("at-premeet-video") as HTMLVideoElement;


// Without Video Element


This method is used to deactivate or pause the transmission of a participant's video feed captured from their local camera.

Function Signature

function stopLocalVideo(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method activates the microphone of the participant.

Function Signature

function startAudio(): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method deactivates the microphone of the participant.

Function Signature

function stopAudio(): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method allows participants to temporarily disable their microphone, preventing their audio from transmitting to other participants in the meeting.

Function Signature

function muteAudio(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method allows participants to enable their microphone after muting it, thereby restoring the transmission of their audio to other participants in the meeting.

Function Signature

function unMuteAudio(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method allows a participant to disable their microphone locally on their device. Unlike muting audio universally, which affects all participants, muting local audio only affects the participant who initiates it.

Function Signature

function muteLocalAudio(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method reactivates the participant's microphone on their local device.

Function Signature

function unMuteLocalAudio(): Promise<boolean>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'



This method retrieves information about the audio and video devices available on your computer. This includes listing all connected microphones, speakers, and cameras.

Function Signature

function getDevices(): Promise<{
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

let activeMic: MediaDevice
let activeCamera: MediaDevice
let activeSpeaker: MediaDevice

try {
  // get mounted devices
  mountedDevices = await;

  // get active devices
  activeMic = mountedDevices.mics[0];
  activeCamera = mountedDevices.cameras[0];
  activeSpeaker = mountedDevices.speakers[0];
} catch (error) {
  console.error("getMountedDevices error: ", error);


This method allows participants to change the microphone input source on their device during a meeting.

Function Signature

function switchMicrophone(deviceId: string): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

// get mounted devices
mountedDevices = await;

let activeMic: MediaDevice

// Assume selectedAudio value is an item from mountedDevices mics list
for (let item in mountedDevices.mics) {
  if(mountedDevices.mics[item].deviceId == selectedAudio){
      activeMic = mountedDevices.mics[item];


Thnis method allows participants to change the output audio device, typically speakers or headphones, during a meeting.

Function Signature

function switchSpeaker(deviceId: string): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

// get mounted devices
mountedDevices = await;

let activeSpeaker: MediaDevice

// Assume selectedSpeaker value is an item from mountedDevices speakers list
for (let item in mountedDevices.speakers) {
  if(mountedDevices.speakers[item].deviceId == selectedSpeaker){
      activeSpeaker = mountedDevices.speakers[item];


This method allows users to change their video input source during a meeting. This feature lets users switch between different cameras connected to their device, such as built-in webcams, external USB cameras, or other video input devices.

Function Signature

function switchCamera(deviceId: string): Promise<void>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

// get mounted devices
mountedDevices = await;

let activeCamera: MediaDevice

// Assume selectedCamera value is an item from mountedDevices cameras list
for (let item in mountedDevices.cameras) {
  if(mountedDevices.cameras[item].deviceId == selectedCamera){
      activeCamera = mountedDevices.cameras[item];


This method retrieves a list of all available microphones connected to the user's device.

Function Signature

function getMicList(): Promise<MediaDevice[]>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

mountedDevices.mics = await;


This method retrieves a list of all available audio output devices, such as speakers and headphones, connected to the user's device.

Function Signature

function getSpeakerList(): Promise<MediaDevice[]>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

mountedDevices.speakers = await;


This method retrieves a list of all available cameras connected to the user's device.

Function Signature

function getCameraList(): Promise<MediaDevice[]>


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];

mountedDevices.cameras = await;


This method initializes and creates a video track from the user's local camera. If no deviceId is provided, it defaults to the primary camera. This function returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the created localVideoTrack and a boolean isVideoOn indicating the status of the video.

Function Signature

function createLocalVideoTrack(deviceId?: string): Promise<{
    localVideoTrack: LocalVideoTrack;
    isVideoOn: boolean;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
deviceId string optional ID of the device


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Variables
let activeCamera: MediaDevice
let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];
let localVideo: {
    localVideoTrack: LocalVideoTrack;
    isVideoOn: boolean;

// get devices
mountedDevices = await;
// set active camera
activeCamera = mountedDevices.cameras[0];
// create local video track
localVideo = await;


This method initializes and creates an audio track from the user's local microphone. If no deviceId or deviceType is provided, it defaults to the primary microphone. It returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the localAudioTrack and a boolean isMuted indicating if the audio is muted.

Function Signature

function createLocalAudioTrack(deviceId?: string, deviceType?: string): Promise<{
    localAudioTrack: LocalAudioTrack;
    isMuted: boolean;

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
deviceId string optional ID of the device
deviceType string optional Type of audio device


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Variables
let activeMic: MediaDevice
let mountedDevices: {
    mics: MediaDevice[];
    speakers: MediaDevice[];
    cameras: MediaDevice[];
let localAudio: {
    localAudioTrack: LocalAudioTrack;
    isMuted: boolean;

// get devices
mountedDevices = await;
// set active camera
activeMic = mountedDevices.mics[0];
// create local video track
localAudio = await;


This method reactivates the participant's microphone on their local device.

Function Signature

function initializeHTMLElements(
  videoElement: HTMLVideoElement | null, 
  canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement | null, 
  paticipantCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null): Promise<void>

Parameter Table

parameter type required default values
videoElement HTMLVideoElement yes null (self) Local video element
canvasElement HTMLCanvasElement yes null (self) Local canvas element
paticipantCanvas HTMLCanvasElement yes null (remote) Participant canvas element


import * as atwin from 'architwin'

// Replace with actual HTML elements
const videoElement = document.getElementById("at-self-video") as HTMLVideoElement;
const canvasElement = document.getElementById("at-self-canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;
const participantCanvas = document.getElementById("at-participant-canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;

await, canvasElement, participantCanvas);




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