A CLI tool to build projects across several platforms in parallel.
Run npm install -g arbor
to install. Create a arbor.json
file with specified tasks.
Run arbor run build
command, this will run the build task of all project recursively in the directory.
Ex: cd repos && arbor run build
builds all of the repos/projects in repos
npm install && npm start
to start project- run
npm link
to link to globalarbor
Example arbor.json
"name": "My Node Project""tasks":"build": "npm run build""test": "npm run test"
"name": "My .NET Project""tasks":"build": "msbuild"
Multiple projects per configuration
"name": "product api""tasks":"build": "msbuild /v:q""build--prod": "msbuild /p:configuration=release /v:q""name": "product website""tasks":"build":"status": "installing" "command": "npm install" "cwd": "./web""status": "building" "command": "npm run build" "cwd": "./web""build--prod":"status": "installing" "command": "npm install" "cwd": "./web""status": "building" "command": "npm run build--prod" "cwd": "./web"