The purpose of this module is to make logging and reporting of errors easier, more informative, and more consistent.
This is the javascript version of
Log messages include
- The name of the system generating the message (helpful in pipelines)
- The file name and line number where the log is written (helpful for quickly finding the relevant code)
- The log level of the message (useful for quick identification and filtering)
- The actual message
Loggers can log any type of object with no hassle and optimum performance.
Loggers can be set up to write to other streams, including in-memory status objects.
In addition, there is a bunch of other helpful functionality, see demo code below.
Install with npm i apperror_js
or put apperror_js
into package.json
For ESM code:
import { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } from 'apperror_js';
or if that fails use
import { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } from 'apperror_js/es6';
For commonJS code:
var apperror=require("apperror_js");
of if that fails use
var apperror=require("apperror_js/cjs");
const { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } = apperror;
l = new AppLogger('demo');
// objects are serialized directly to log (no string building)
l.v1("Don't build string, ", [0, 1, 2, 3], " or serialize ",
my_complex_object, " unless verbose, so I can feel ",
"free to make lots of logging statements!");
if (l.isSetDebug())
l.debug("I do want to protect logging inside conditional ",
"if I need to log with ", slowFunctionCall());
demo: DEBUG: demo.mjs:25: Don't build string, [0, 1, 2, 3], or
serialize { "complex": "object" } unless verbose, so I can feel
free to make lots of logging statements!
demo: DEBUG: demo.mjs:28: I do want to protect logging inside
conditional if I need to log with output of slow function call
Demo Code
* Basic usage of the logger
* @param {AppLogger} l - an instance to log onto
* @returns what will be logged to diagnostic stream set on logger
export function doBasicLogging(l) {
l.error("I owe: $", 300 + 100, " dollars to my ex");
l.warn("I don't have enough money in the bank: $", 0);"wise to pay your debts!");
l.debug("i probably shouldn't borrow from her");
l.verbose = 2;
l.v1("I borrowed $400");
l.v2("First it was $300");
l.v2("Then it was another $100");
l.v3("(It was to pay the rent)");
return `
demo: ERROR: demo.js:38: I owe: $400 dollars to my ex
demo: WARN: demo.js:39: I don't have enough money in the bank: $0
demo: INFO: demo.js:40: wise to pay your debts!
demo: DEBUG: demo.js:41: i probably shouldn't borrow from her
demo: V1: demo.js:43: I borrowed $400
demo: V2: demo.js:44: First it was $300
demo: V2: demo.js:45: Then it was another $100
// Basic usage - using a status object
* Illustrates using the AppStatus object
* @param {AppLogger} l - an instance to log into
export function doBasicStatus(l) {
let s = new AppStatus();
if (s.ok)"we're doing fine");
s = new AppStatus("unable to find boot sector");
s.addWarn("backup all data now");
if (s.hasErrors()) // show whole status, inc. the warning
l.error("We have a problem: ", s);
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:37: we're doing fine
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:43: We have a problem: ERROR: demo.mjs:39: unable to find boot sector; WARN: demo.mjs:40: backup all data now
// Intermediate usage - different verbosity levels
export function doCheckVerbose(l) {
let l1 = new AppLogger('here we set verbosity', {verbose: 0});
l1.v1("won't print (verbose=0), but also won't throw an error, ",
"because verbosity explicitly set");
delete process.env.VERBOSE;
let l2 = new AppLogger('here we did not set verbosity');
try {
l2.v1("will throw an error (verbosity not set)");
} catch (err) {
process.env.VERBOSE = 3;
l2 = new AppLogger('get verbosity from env');
l2.diagStream = l.diagStream;
l2.v1("can do 'verbose' logging now");
return `
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:66: Error: verbosity not set on logger 'here we did not set verbosity'
get verbosity from env: V1: demo.mjs:70: can do 'verbose' logging now
/** helper function to show effects of verbosity */
function showVerbosity(l) {
let v2 = new Options({"level": 2});
l.ifVerbose("ok, we're verbose!");
l.ifVerbose("very verbose!", v2); // checks verbosity >=2 before writing log
if (l.verbose > 2) // manual check, verbosity >=3 before writing
l.warn("we're too darned verbose!");
/** Illustrates how to change verbosity of logger */
export function doShowVerbose(l) {
// helper function
let l1 = new AppLogger('demo', {verbose: 2}); // can set verbosity in the constructor
l1.diagStream = l.diagStream; // mirror output to original logger
l1.v1("a verbose message");
l1.v2("a very verbose message");
l1.v3("a very, very verbose message");
l1.verbose = 1; // property way to set
l1.setVerbose(0); // or set with setter
return `
demo: V1: demo.mjs:68: ok, we're verbose!
demo: V2: demo.mjs:69: very verbose!
demo: V1: demo.mjs:77: a verbose message
demo: V2: demo.mjs:78: a very verbose message
demo: V1: demo.mjs:68: ok, we're verbose!
/** turn anything in javascript to a compact string representation */
export function doMakeASCII(l1) {'a string: ', makeASCII('foo'));'a number: ', makeASCII(42));'null: ', makeASCII(null));'undefined: ', makeASCII(undefined));'an array: ', makeASCII(['foo', 42]));'an object: ', {'foo': 42});'a map: ', makeASCII(new Map().set('foo', 42)));'an Error: ', makeASCII(new Error('bad stuff happened')));
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a string: foo
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a number: 42
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: null: null
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: undefined: undefined
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: an array: ["foo",42]
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: an object: {"foo":42}
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a map: {"foo":42}
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:118: an Error: Error: bad stuff happened
<STACKTRACE - 1 line>
// Intermediate usage - debug and tag / filter the messages
export function doShowDebug(l) {
let mathTag = new Options({"tag": "math"});
let spellingTag = new Options({"tag": 'spelling'});
function showDebugLevel(l) {
l.ifDebug("we're debuggin!"); // only shows if debug set to true or '*'
l.ifDebug(5, " =? ", 2 + 3, mathTag); // only shows if debug includes '*' or 'math'
l.ifDebug("spelling is a breeze", spellingTag); // only shows if debug includes '*' or 'spelling'
let l1 = new AppLogger('second-logger', {verbose: 0, debug: true});
l1.diagStream = l.diagStream; // echo all data onto stream for logger, l
l1.setDebug(false); // can set (or reset)
l1.setDebug('math'); // can set to debug by tagname, but then we filter
l1.setDebug(['math', 'art']); // or multiple tags
return `
second-logger: DEBUG: demo.mjs:100: we're debuggin!
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:101: 5 =? 5
second-logger: DEBUG[spelling]: demo.mjs:102: spelling is a breeze
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:110: math debugging enabled
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:101: 5 =? 5
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:112: math debugging enabled
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:112: art debugging enabled
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:103: 5 =? 5
// Intermediate usage - writing log messages as strings
/** getting log string instead of actually logging to the current diagnostics stream, e.g. stderr */
export function doLogToString(l) {
let forLater = 'sleep this: ' + l.warn("I want to capture this log message for later", new Options({"asString": true}));"Earlier I saw this message: ", forLater);
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:134: Earlier I saw this message: sleep this: demo: WARN: demo.mjs:133: I want to capture this log message for later
// Intermediate usage - more ways to use AppStatus
/** is status ok? */
export function doAppStatusAsBool(l) {
function checkOk(s) {
if (s.ok())'we\'re ok');
else'not ok: ', s.errorMsg());
let s = new AppStatus();
s.addWarn("something fishy");
s.addError('fish is rotten');
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:142: we're ok
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:144: we're ok
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:146: not ok: ERROR: demo.mjs:145: fish is rotten
/** dumping the status object
* shows all info, warnings, errors, and everything else in the status object
export function doAppStatusDump(l) { AppStatus());
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:160: ok
/** adding/removing info/warnings/errors to the status */
export function doAddDiagnosticsToStatus(l) {
let s = new AppStatus();
s.addInfo("threshold 1 was not met");
s.addInfo("threshold 2 was not met");
if (s.hasInfo()) {;
s.clearInfo(); // way to clear diagnostics
s.addWarn("I think the wheels fell off");
if (s.hasWarnings()) {
for (let warn of s.warnings) // it's a list we can iterate
if (warn.includes("the wheels fell off"))
s.addError(warn); // will record this line number and line number of warning
s.warnings = []; // We can also assign directly to the list, e.g. to clear
if (s.hasErrors())
l.error(s.errorMsg()); // N.B. l.error(s) would be the same
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:175: INFO: demo.mjs:172: threshold 1 was not met; demo.mjs:173: threshold 2 was not met
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:180: WARN: demo.mjs:178: I think the wheels fell off
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:186: ERROR: demo.mjs:182: demo.mjs:177: I think the wheels fell off
/** adding a return value to status object (e.g. to pass it up the call stack along with the diagnostics) */
export function doAddValueToStatus(l1) {
let s = new AppStatus("Houston, we have a problem");"status hasValue(): ", s.hasValue()); // no value yet, but ok to check
try {"got value '", s.getValue(), "'");
} catch (err) {
l1.warn(err);"status hasValue(): ", s.hasValue()); // ok to see if there is a value; just don't retrieve until handling errors
s.clearErrors(); // normally, handle errors before clearing them (e.g. log them)"got value '", s.getValue(), "'"); // now, no problem
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:220: status hasValue(): false
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:225: AppError: ERROR: demo.mjs:223: You must clear errors on status object before accessing value: ERROR: demo.mjs:219: Houston, we have a problem
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:226: status hasValue(): true
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:228: got value 'foo'
/** adding additional values to the status object */
export function doAddAdditionalValuesToStatus(l) {
let s = new AppStatus();
s.myOtherValue = "bar"; // I can use any property name here
s.myFooValue = "foo";"my status also has value ", s.myOtherValue);
// getExtraAttrs() returns a Map with all the custom values as kv pairs"custom value: ", s.getExtraAttrs().get("myOtherValue"));
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:207: my status also has value bar
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:210: custom value: bar
export function doDedupMessages(l) {
let s = new AppStatus()
// deduping messages to remove clutter
for (let i of [1, 2])
s.addInfo("threshold 1 was not met");
s.dedupInfo(); // two messages about threshold 1 on same line become a single message with (x2) indicator;
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:227: INFO: demo.mjs:225: threshold 1 was not met (x2)
/** the "last_error" added to the status */
export function doCheckLastError(l) {
let s = new AppStatus("1. bad stuff happened"); // last_error = "1. bad stuff ..."
s.addError("2. the driver bailed"); // last_error = "2. the driver ..."
let currentStatus = new AppStatus("3. the wheels fell off the bus");
s.addStatus(currentStatus); // last_error = "3. the wheels ..."
if (s.lastError.includes("the wheels fell off"))"at the end of the day, the wheels fell off");
l.error("unexpected sequence of events; last error was: ", s.lastError);
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:236: at the end of the day, the wheels fell off
/** converting between status object and exception */
export function doSwitchBetweenStatusAndException(l) {
let s = new AppStatus("the wheels fell off the bus");
try {
// We can turn the status object to an AppError exception
throw new AppError(s); // same as new AppError(s.toString());
// Or we can directly create the AppError as easily as an AppStatus object
throw new AppError("Unexpectedly, we still have ", 4, " wheels");
} catch (err) {
// we turn the exception back to a status object, e.g. to combine it with other status objects, etc.
let currentStatus = err instanceof AppError ? err.toStatus() : null;
if (currentStatus) {
currentStatus.addWarn("Now we can do more with the status object");;
} else {
l.err('Unexpected exception: ', err.message);
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:268: ERROR: demo.mjs:260: ERROR: demo.mjs:257: the wheels fell off the bus; WARN: demo.mjs:267: Now we can do more with the status object
/** Sometimes you want to attach multiple values to an AppStatus, as a return value.
* You can find out which extra attributes have been added. */
export function doGetExtraAttributes(l1) {
// 800-464-4000
let s = new AppStatus();
s.addValue(2); // this value is reported as an "extra" attribute
s.addWarn("haha"); // diagnostics are not: error, warning, info, debug, v1, ... = "bar";
let e = s.getExtraAttrs();'extra attributes: ', Array.from(e.keys()).sort());'foo: ', e.get('foo'));
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:286: extra attributes: ["foo","value"]
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:287: foo: bar
/** merging status objects together
* Handy to keep track of the cumulative outcome of multiple, but unrelated function calls
function _getMergedStatusObjects() {
let s1 = new AppStatus().addInfo("Stuff is going well").addValue(1);
let s2 = new AppStatus("This time we blew it").addValue(2); = 'bar'; // extra attribute
// here we'll combine the info, error, and custom values set on both status objects, but when there are
// conflicts, the last status object wins, so value will be 2
return s1;
export function doMergeStatusObjects(l1) {
let s1 = _getMergedStatusObjects();;
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:196: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it; INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well; extra attributes: {"value":2,"foo":"bar"}
## Logging all status levels at the appropriate log level
### The logger will create an INFO for each info entry in the status object, a WARN entry for each warn
### etnry, etc.
export function doLogAllLevels(l) {
let s1 = _getMergedStatusObjects();
// we can also prepend a custom message to each of those log lines
s1.log(l, "This is how it went down");
return `
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:284: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:284: INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:286: This is how it went down: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:286: This is how it went down: INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well
// Advanced usage
/** capture all log messages into a buffer */
import {PassThrough} from 'node:stream';
export function doCaptureIntoABuffer(l) {
let buff = new PassThrough();
let restore = l.diagStream;
l.diagStream = buff;"logging to a buffer now - we have to take care not to log more than the default buffer size before reading the data back");
l.diagStream = restore;"logging normally again; earlier we got: " +;
buff.end(); // ends write stream
buff.destroy(); // ends read stream
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:305: logging normally again; earlier we got: demo: INFO: demo.mjs:301: logging to a buffer now - we have to take care not to log more than the default buffer size before reading the data back
/** easily set log levels from your commandline arguments
* -- only works if you're using a "standard" commandline parser like docopt and you define 'debug' or 'verbose'
* arguments, which will set 'debug'/'verbose' properties in your object or keys in a dict
import {docopt} from 'docopt';
export function doSetFromArgs(l1) {
let usage = `
demo [--verbose]... [--debug]
let args = docopt(usage, {argv: ['--verbose', '--verbose'], version: 'demo 1.0'});
showVerbosity(l1); // will show how verbose we are, depending on which arguments were passed to demo
return `
demo: V1: demo.mjs:78: ok, we're verbose!
demo: V2: demo.mjs:79: very verbose!
/** logging a line from higher in the call stack
* When you have an error handler you don't want to put the file location of the handler in the log.
* Instead, you want to log the location where the error was detected. All of the logger functions have
* the ability to specify higher stack frames to use when constructing the log message.
* See this example:
export function doHideDeepCallStack(l) {
/** We return the string, instead of logging immediately because of asString parameter */
function constructStatus(msg) {
return l.error("I'm deep in the error handler: ", msg, new Options({extraFrames: 2, asString: true}));
* Maybe I want to send diagnostics somewhere other than the standard log file, or do other processing on errors,
* so I make an error handler for my message
function handleError(msg) {
let deepMsg = constructStatus(msg); // this is just for illustration
// AppLogger functions accept the extraFrames parameter
l.warn("I'm in the error handler: ", deepMsg, new Options({extraFrames: 1}));
handleError("Root problem is here"); // all logging will cite this same line number
return `
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:368: I'm in the error handler: demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:368: I'm deep in the error handler: Root problem is here
* Test numFramesInThisModule()
* numFramesInThisModul() tells you how deep you are into the callstack for the current module
### frame X: test.mjs (different file)
### frame 1: doTellMeHowDeepIAm(l)
### frame 2: c()
### frame 3: b()
### frame 4: a()
import { numFramesInThisModule } from './index.mjs';
export function doTellMeHowDeepIAm(l) {
function a() {"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
function b() {
a()"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
function c() {
b();"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:50: num frames deep in this module: 4
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:54: num frames deep in this module: 3
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:58: num frames deep in this module: 2
import { adorn } from './index.mjs';
export function doAdornMessage(l) {"Hello!")); // adorn and info both stamp linenumber (we wouldn't normally use both)"Hello", " world!"));"Hello", " and check out my object! ", {foo: "bar"}));
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:79: Hello!
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:80: Hello world!
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:81: Hello and check out my object! {"foo":"bar"}
/** write a diagnostic at INFO level showing how the program has been called
I like to put this at the start of every program, so I can easily tell what log level the program ran at */
export function doAnnounceMyself(l) {
l.announceMyself(); // can also be called with asString=True parameter if you don't want to log immediately
return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:296: called as: node mocha
- 2.4.8: Fixed a couple short-circuit checks
- 2.4.7: Use stacktrace-parser instead of callsite for more portability
- 2.4.6: Switch from mocha to jest to test the module
- 2.4.5: Fix the dist* to grab all the files underneath
- 2.4.4: Define package as files in dist* instead of just dist
- 2.4.3: I think I created the previous build without compiling the code first, so completely foobarred
- 2.4.2: Make commonJS and ESM packages available with explicit import in case default doesn't work
- 2.4.0: Publish both commonJS and ESM packages, per
- 2.2.1: Upgraded version of serialize-any
- 2.2.0: Log one line of stack trace when logging an object with stack (thrown object)
- 2.1.0: Get verbosity from environment if not set explicitly
- 2.0.0: More standard / convenient options handling.
- 1.6.1: Handle logging objects with circular references
- 1.6.0: Added Status.hasValue()
- 1.5.2: Remove reference to demo.mjs too!
- 1.5.1: Remove demo.mjs from package; it was causing module to fail to load due to missing dev dependency
- 1.5.0: Added AppError / AppLogger.setFromArgs(), implemented AppStatus.getValue(), exposed makeASCII(); added assorted tests/fixes
- 1.4.2: Another patch for a reference error when loaded from other modules.
- 1.4.1: Removed unused member of AppLogger causing reference error when loaded from other modules.
- 1.4.0: Added AppStatus and a bunch of tests.
For Maintainers
to publish new version of apperror_js
- npm run build
- npm test
- Update version in package.json, using semantic versioning
- Re-paste demo code above (if changed)
- Update Changelog section above
- git commit -a; git push
- npm pack (if needed to see what will go into the package)
- tar tzf (if needed to see what went in the package)
- npm login (if needed)
- npm publish