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2.4.8 • Public • Published


The purpose of this module is to make logging and reporting of errors easier, more informative, and more consistent.

This is the javascript version of

Log messages include

  • The name of the system generating the message (helpful in pipelines)
  • The file name and line number where the log is written (helpful for quickly finding the relevant code)
  • The log level of the message (useful for quick identification and filtering)
  • The actual message

Loggers can log any type of object with no hassle and optimum performance.

Loggers can be set up to write to other streams, including in-memory status objects.

In addition, there is a bunch of other helpful functionality, see demo code below.


Install with npm i apperror_js or put apperror_js into package.json dependencies.

For ESM code:

import { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } from 'apperror_js';
or if that fails use
import { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } from 'apperror_js/es6';

For commonJS code:

var apperror=require("apperror_js");
of if that fails use
var apperror=require("apperror_js/cjs");
const { AppLogger, AppStatus, AppError, Options, makeASCII } = apperror;


l = new AppLogger('demo');
// objects are serialized directly to log (no string building)
l.v1("Don't build string, ", [0, 1, 2, 3], " or serialize ",
        my_complex_object, " unless verbose, so I can feel ",
        "free to make lots of logging statements!");
if (l.isSetDebug())
    l.debug("I do want to protect logging inside conditional ",
            "if I need to log with ", slowFunctionCall());


demo: DEBUG: demo.mjs:25: Don't build string, [0, 1, 2, 3], or
serialize { "complex": "object" } unless verbose, so I can feel
free to make lots of logging statements!
demo: DEBUG: demo.mjs:28: I do want to protect logging inside
conditional if I need to log with output of slow function call

Demo Code

 * Basic usage of the logger
 * @param {AppLogger} l - an instance to log onto
 * @returns what will be logged to diagnostic stream set on logger
export function doBasicLogging(l) {
    l.error("I owe: $", 300 + 100, " dollars to my ex");
    l.warn("I don't have enough money in the bank:  $", 0);"wise to pay your debts!");
    l.debug("i probably shouldn't borrow from her");
    l.verbose = 2;
    l.v1("I borrowed $400");
    l.v2("First it was $300");
    l.v2("Then it was another $100");
    l.v3("(It was to pay the rent)");
    return `
demo: ERROR: demo.js:38: I owe: $400 dollars to my ex
demo: WARN: demo.js:39: I don't have enough money in the bank:  $0
demo: INFO: demo.js:40: wise to pay your debts!
demo: DEBUG: demo.js:41: i probably shouldn't borrow from her
demo: V1: demo.js:43: I borrowed $400
demo: V2: demo.js:44: First it was $300
demo: V2: demo.js:45: Then it was another $100

// Basic usage - using a status object

 * Illustrates using the AppStatus object
 * @param {AppLogger} l - an instance to log into
export function doBasicStatus(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus();
    if (s.ok)"we're doing fine");
    s = new AppStatus("unable to find boot sector");
    s.addWarn("backup all data now");
    if (s.hasErrors()) // show whole status, inc. the warning
        l.error("We have a problem: ", s);
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:37: we're doing fine
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:43: We have a problem: ERROR: demo.mjs:39: unable to find boot sector; WARN: demo.mjs:40: backup all data now

// Intermediate usage - different verbosity levels

export function doCheckVerbose(l) {
    let l1 = new AppLogger('here we set verbosity', {verbose: 0});
    l1.v1("won't print (verbose=0), but also won't throw an error, ",
         "because verbosity explicitly set");
    delete process.env.VERBOSE;
    let l2 = new AppLogger('here we did not set verbosity');
    try {
        l2.v1("will throw an error (verbosity not set)");
    } catch (err) {
    process.env.VERBOSE = 3;
    l2 = new AppLogger('get verbosity from env');
    l2.diagStream = l.diagStream;
    l2.v1("can do 'verbose' logging now");
    return `
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:66: Error: verbosity not set on logger 'here we did not set verbosity'
get verbosity from env: V1: demo.mjs:70: can do 'verbose' logging now

/** helper function to show effects of verbosity */
function showVerbosity(l) {
    let v2 = new Options({"level": 2});    
    l.ifVerbose("ok, we're verbose!");
    l.ifVerbose("very verbose!", v2);          // checks verbosity >=2 before writing log
    if (l.verbose > 2)                         // manual check, verbosity >=3 before writing
        l.warn("we're too darned verbose!");

/** Illustrates how to change verbosity of logger */
export function doShowVerbose(l) {
    // helper function
    let l1 = new AppLogger('demo', {verbose: 2});  // can set verbosity in the constructor
    l1.diagStream = l.diagStream;                  // mirror output to original logger
    l1.v1("a verbose message");
    l1.v2("a very verbose message");
    l1.v3("a very, very verbose message");
    l1.verbose = 1;                                // property way to set
    l1.setVerbose(0);                              // or set with setter
    return `
demo: V1: demo.mjs:68: ok, we're verbose!
demo: V2: demo.mjs:69: very verbose!
demo: V1: demo.mjs:77: a verbose message
demo: V2: demo.mjs:78: a very verbose message
demo: V1: demo.mjs:68: ok, we're verbose!

/** turn anything in javascript to a compact string representation */
export function doMakeASCII(l1) {'a string: ', makeASCII('foo'));'a number: ', makeASCII(42));'null: ', makeASCII(null));'undefined: ', makeASCII(undefined));'an array: ', makeASCII(['foo', 42]));'an object: ', {'foo': 42});'a map: ', makeASCII(new Map().set('foo', 42)));'an Error: ', makeASCII(new Error('bad stuff happened')));
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a string: foo
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a number: 42
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: null: null
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: undefined: undefined
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: an array: ["foo",42]
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: an object: {"foo":42}
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:98: a map: {"foo":42}
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:118: an Error: Error: bad stuff happened
    <STACKTRACE - 1 line>

// Intermediate usage - debug and tag / filter the messages

export function doShowDebug(l) {
    let mathTag = new Options({"tag": "math"});
    let spellingTag = new Options({"tag": 'spelling'});
    function showDebugLevel(l) {
        l.ifDebug("we're debuggin!");                          // only shows if debug set to true or '*'
        l.ifDebug(5, " =? ", 2 + 3, mathTag);                  // only shows if debug includes '*' or 'math'
        l.ifDebug("spelling is a breeze", spellingTag);        // only shows if debug includes '*' or 'spelling'
    let l1 = new AppLogger('second-logger', {verbose: 0, debug: true});
    l1.diagStream = l.diagStream;                              // echo all data onto stream for logger, l
    l1.setDebug(false);                                        // can set (or reset)
    l1.setDebug('math');                                       // can set to debug by tagname, but then we filter
    l1.setDebug(['math', 'art']);                              // or multiple tags
    return `
second-logger: DEBUG: demo.mjs:100: we're debuggin!
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:101: 5 =? 5
second-logger: DEBUG[spelling]: demo.mjs:102: spelling is a breeze
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:110: math debugging enabled
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:101: 5 =? 5
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:112: math debugging enabled
second-logger: INFO: demo.mjs:112: art debugging enabled
second-logger: DEBUG[math]: demo.mjs:103: 5 =? 5

// Intermediate usage - writing log messages as strings

/** getting log string instead of actually logging to the current diagnostics stream, e.g. stderr */
export function doLogToString(l) {
    let forLater = 'sleep this: ' + l.warn("I want to capture this log message for later", new Options({"asString": true}));"Earlier I saw this message: ", forLater);
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:134: Earlier I saw this message: sleep this: demo: WARN: demo.mjs:133: I want to capture this log message for later

// Intermediate usage - more ways to use AppStatus

/** is status ok? */
export function doAppStatusAsBool(l) {
    function checkOk(s) {
        if (s.ok())'we\'re ok');
        else'not ok: ', s.errorMsg());
    let s = new AppStatus();
    s.addWarn("something fishy");
    s.addError('fish is rotten');
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:142: we're ok
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:144: we're ok
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:146: not ok: ERROR: demo.mjs:145: fish is rotten

/** dumping the status object
 *  shows all info, warnings, errors, and everything else in the status object
export function doAppStatusDump(l) { AppStatus());
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:160: ok

/** adding/removing info/warnings/errors to the status */
export function doAddDiagnosticsToStatus(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus();
    s.addInfo("threshold 1 was not met");
    s.addInfo("threshold 2 was not met");
    if (s.hasInfo()) {;
        s.clearInfo();                    // way to clear diagnostics 
    s.addWarn("I think the wheels fell off");
    if (s.hasWarnings()) {
        for (let warn of s.warnings)      // it's a list we can iterate
            if (warn.includes("the wheels fell off"))
                s.addError(warn);         // will record this line number and line number of warning
        s.warnings = [];                  // We can also assign directly to the list, e.g. to clear
    if (s.hasErrors())
        l.error(s.errorMsg());            // N.B. l.error(s) would be the same
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:175: INFO: demo.mjs:172: threshold 1 was not met; demo.mjs:173: threshold 2 was not met
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:180: WARN: demo.mjs:178: I think the wheels fell off
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:186: ERROR: demo.mjs:182: demo.mjs:177: I think the wheels fell off

/** adding a return value to status object (e.g. to pass it up the call stack along with the diagnostics) */
export function doAddValueToStatus(l1) {
    let s = new AppStatus("Houston, we have a problem");"status hasValue(): ", s.hasValue()); // no value yet, but ok to check
    try {"got value '", s.getValue(), "'");
    } catch (err) {
        l1.warn(err);"status hasValue(): ", s.hasValue()); // ok to see if there is a value; just don't retrieve until handling errors
        s.clearErrors(); // normally, handle errors before clearing them (e.g. log them)"got value '", s.getValue(), "'");  // now, no problem
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:220: status hasValue(): false
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:225: AppError: ERROR: demo.mjs:223: You must clear errors on status object before accessing value: ERROR: demo.mjs:219: Houston, we have a problem
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:226: status hasValue(): true
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:228: got value 'foo'

/** adding additional values to the status object */
export function doAddAdditionalValuesToStatus(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus();
    s.myOtherValue = "bar";   // I can use any property name here
    s.myFooValue = "foo";"my status also has value ", s.myOtherValue);
    // getExtraAttrs() returns a Map with all the custom values as kv pairs"custom value: ", s.getExtraAttrs().get("myOtherValue"));
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:207: my status also has value bar
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:210: custom value: bar

export function doDedupMessages(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus()
    // deduping messages to remove clutter
    for (let i of [1, 2])
        s.addInfo("threshold 1 was not met");
    s.dedupInfo();  // two messages about threshold 1 on same line become a single message with (x2) indicator;
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:227: INFO: demo.mjs:225: threshold 1 was not met (x2)

/** the "last_error" added to the status */
export function doCheckLastError(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus("1. bad stuff happened");  // last_error = "1. bad stuff ..."
    s.addError("2. the driver bailed");              // last_error  = "2. the driver ..."
    let currentStatus = new AppStatus("3. the wheels fell off the bus");
    s.addStatus(currentStatus);                      // last_error = "3. the wheels ..."
    if (s.lastError.includes("the wheels fell off"))"at the end of the day, the wheels fell off");
        l.error("unexpected sequence of events; last error was: ", s.lastError);
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:236: at the end of the day, the wheels fell off

/** converting between status object and exception */
export function doSwitchBetweenStatusAndException(l) {
    let s = new AppStatus("the wheels fell off the bus");
    try {
        // We can turn the status object to an AppError exception
        throw new AppError(s); // same as new AppError(s.toString());
        // Or we can directly create the AppError as easily as an AppStatus object
        throw new AppError("Unexpectedly, we still have ", 4, " wheels");
    } catch (err) {
        // we turn the exception back to a status object, e.g. to combine it with other status objects, etc.
        let currentStatus = err instanceof AppError ? err.toStatus() : null;
        if (currentStatus) {
            currentStatus.addWarn("Now we can do more with the status object");
        } else {
            l.err('Unexpected exception: ', err.message);
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:268: ERROR: demo.mjs:260: ERROR: demo.mjs:257: the wheels fell off the bus; WARN: demo.mjs:267: Now we can do more with the status object

/** Sometimes you want to attach multiple values to an AppStatus, as a return value. 
 * You can find out which extra attributes have been added. */
export function doGetExtraAttributes(l1) {
    // 800-464-4000
    let s = new AppStatus();
    s.addValue(2); // this value is reported as an "extra" attribute
    s.addWarn("haha"); // diagnostics are not: error, warning, info, debug, v1, ... = "bar";
    let e = s.getExtraAttrs();'extra attributes: ', Array.from(e.keys()).sort());'foo: ', e.get('foo'));
    return `
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:286: extra attributes: ["foo","value"]
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:287: foo: bar

/** merging status objects together
  *   Handy to keep track of the cumulative outcome of multiple, but unrelated function calls
function _getMergedStatusObjects() {
    let s1 = new AppStatus().addInfo("Stuff is going well").addValue(1);
    let s2 = new AppStatus("This time we blew it").addValue(2); = 'bar';  // extra attribute
    // here we'll combine the info, error, and custom values set on both status objects, but when there are
    //   conflicts, the last status object wins, so value will be 2
    return s1;

export function doMergeStatusObjects(l1) {
    let s1 = _getMergedStatusObjects();;
    return `
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:196: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it; INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well; extra attributes: {"value":2,"foo":"bar"}

## Logging all status levels at the appropriate log level
### The logger will create an INFO for each info entry in the status object, a WARN entry for each warn
###  etnry, etc.
export function doLogAllLevels(l) {
    let s1 = _getMergedStatusObjects();
    // we can also prepend a custom message to each of those log lines
    s1.log(l, "This is how it went down");
    return `
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:284: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:284: INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well
demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:286: This is how it went down: ERROR: demo.mjs:191: This time we blew it
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:286: This is how it went down: INFO: demo.mjs:190: Stuff is going well

// Advanced usage

/** capture all log messages into a buffer  */
import {PassThrough} from 'node:stream';
export function doCaptureIntoABuffer(l) {
    let buff = new PassThrough();
    let restore = l.diagStream;
    l.diagStream = buff;"logging to a buffer now - we have to take care not to log more than the default buffer size before reading the data back");
    l.diagStream = restore;"logging normally again; earlier we got: " +;
    buff.end(); // ends write stream
    buff.destroy(); // ends read stream
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:305: logging normally again; earlier we got: demo: INFO: demo.mjs:301: logging to a buffer now - we have to take care not to log more than the default buffer size before reading the data back

/** easily set log levels from your commandline arguments
  *   -- only works if you're using a "standard" commandline parser like docopt and you define 'debug' or 'verbose'
  *   arguments, which will set 'debug'/'verbose' properties in your object or keys in a dict
 import {docopt} from 'docopt';
 export function doSetFromArgs(l1) {
    let usage = `
  demo [--verbose]... [--debug]
    let args = docopt(usage, {argv: ['--verbose', '--verbose'], version: 'demo 1.0'});
    showVerbosity(l1);  // will show how verbose we are, depending on which arguments were passed to demo
    return `
demo: V1: demo.mjs:78: ok, we're verbose!
demo: V2: demo.mjs:79: very verbose!

/** logging a line from higher in the call stack
  * When you have an error handler you don't want to put the file location of the handler in the log.  
  *  Instead, you want to log the location where the error was detected.  All of the logger functions have 
  *  the ability to specify higher stack frames to use when constructing the log message.
  *  See this example:
export function doHideDeepCallStack(l) {
    /** We return the string, instead of logging immediately because of asString parameter */
    function constructStatus(msg) {
        return l.error("I'm deep in the error handler: ", msg, new Options({extraFrames: 2, asString: true}));
     *  Maybe I want to send diagnostics somewhere other than the standard log file, or do other processing on errors,
     *  so I make an error handler for my message
    function handleError(msg) {
        let deepMsg = constructStatus(msg);  // this is just for illustration
        // AppLogger functions accept the extraFrames parameter
        l.warn("I'm in the error handler: ", deepMsg, new Options({extraFrames: 1}));
    handleError("Root problem is here"); // all logging will cite this same line number
    return `
demo: WARN: demo.mjs:368: I'm in the error handler: demo: ERROR: demo.mjs:368: I'm deep in the error handler: Root problem is here

 * Test numFramesInThisModule()
 * numFramesInThisModul() tells you how deep you are into the callstack for the current module
### frame X: test.mjs (different file)
### frame 1: doTellMeHowDeepIAm(l)
### frame 2: c()
### frame 3: b()
### frame 4: a()
import { numFramesInThisModule } from './index.mjs';
export function doTellMeHowDeepIAm(l) {
    function a() {"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
    function b() {
        a()"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
    function c() {
        b();"num frames deep in this module: ", numFramesInThisModule());
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:50: num frames deep in this module: 4
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:54: num frames deep in this module: 3
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:58: num frames deep in this module: 2

import { adorn } from './index.mjs';
export function doAdornMessage(l) {"Hello!"));  // adorn and info both stamp linenumber (we wouldn't normally use both)"Hello", " world!"));"Hello", " and check out my object! ", {foo: "bar"}));
    return `
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:79: Hello!
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:80: Hello world!
    demo: INFO: demo.mjs:79: demo.mjs:81: Hello and check out my object! {"foo":"bar"}

/** write a diagnostic at INFO level showing how the program has been called
 I like to put this at the start of every program, so I can easily tell what log level the program ran at  */
export function doAnnounceMyself(l) {
    l.announceMyself();  // can also be called with asString=True parameter if you don't want to log immediately
    return `
demo: INFO: demo.mjs:296: called as: node mocha


  • 2.4.8: Fixed a couple short-circuit checks
  • 2.4.7: Use stacktrace-parser instead of callsite for more portability
  • 2.4.6: Switch from mocha to jest to test the module
  • 2.4.5: Fix the dist* to grab all the files underneath
  • 2.4.4: Define package as files in dist* instead of just dist
  • 2.4.3: I think I created the previous build without compiling the code first, so completely foobarred
  • 2.4.2: Make commonJS and ESM packages available with explicit import in case default doesn't work
  • 2.4.0: Publish both commonJS and ESM packages, per
  • 2.2.1: Upgraded version of serialize-any
  • 2.2.0: Log one line of stack trace when logging an object with stack (thrown object)
  • 2.1.0: Get verbosity from environment if not set explicitly
  • 2.0.0: More standard / convenient options handling.
  • 1.6.1: Handle logging objects with circular references
  • 1.6.0: Added Status.hasValue()
  • 1.5.2: Remove reference to demo.mjs too!
  • 1.5.1: Remove demo.mjs from package; it was causing module to fail to load due to missing dev dependency
  • 1.5.0: Added AppError / AppLogger.setFromArgs(), implemented AppStatus.getValue(), exposed makeASCII(); added assorted tests/fixes
  • 1.4.2: Another patch for a reference error when loaded from other modules.
  • 1.4.1: Removed unused member of AppLogger causing reference error when loaded from other modules.
  • 1.4.0: Added AppStatus and a bunch of tests.

For Maintainers

to publish new version of apperror_js

  1. npm run build
  2. npm test
  3. Update version in package.json, using semantic versioning
  4. Re-paste demo code above (if changed)
  5. Update Changelog section above
  6. git commit -a; git push
  7. npm pack (if needed to see what will go into the package)
  8. tar tzf (if needed to see what went in the package)
  9. npm login (if needed)
  10. npm publish



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