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Apollo Angular Boost

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Easiest way to get started with Apollo Client!

Apollo Angular Boost is a zero-config way to start using Apollo. It includes some sensible defaults, such as our recommended InMemoryCache and HttpLink, which come configured for you with our recommended settings.


npm install apollo-angular-boost --save


yarn add apollo-angular-boost

What's in Apollo Boost

Apollo Boost includes some packages that we think are essential to developing with Apollo Client. Here's what's in the box:

  • apollo-client: Where all the magic happens
  • apollo-angular: Integrates Apollo Client with Angular
  • apollo-cache-inmemory: Our recommended cache
  • apollo-angular-link-http: An Apollo Link for remote data fetching (based on Angular's HttpClient)
  • apollo-link-error: An Apollo Link for error handling
  • apollo-link-state: An Apollo Link for local state management
  • graphql-tag: Exports the gql function for your queries & mutations

The awesome thing about Apollo Boost is that you don't have to set any of this up yourself! Just specify a few options if you'd like to use these features and we'll take care of the rest.


How to set it up?

import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {ApolloBoostModule, ApolloBoost} from 'apollo-angular-boost';
  imports: [HttpClientModule, ApolloBoostModule],
export class AppModule {
  constructor(apolloBoost: ApolloBoost) {


import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {ApolloBoostModule, APOLLO_BOOST_CONFIG} from 'apollo-angular-boost';
  imports: [HttpClientModule, ApolloBoostModule],
  providers: [{
    useFactory() {
      return {
export class AppModule {}

How to use it in a component or a service?

import {Apollo, gql} from 'apollo-angular-boost';
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(apollo: Apollo) {
    const allPosts = apollo.watchQuery({
      query: gql`
        query allPosts {
          posts {
    // ...

To read more about the API and its usage, please visit Apollo Angular documentation.

Because Apollo service of apollo-angular-boost is the same service that apollo-angular exports the documentation works for both.

Apollo Boost options

Here are the options you can pass to the ApolloBoost exported from apollo-angular-boost. None of them are required.

  • uri: A string representing your GraphQL server endpoint. Defaults to /graphql
  • httpOptions: An object representing any options you would like to pass to HttpLink (withCredentials, headers, etc). These options are static, so they don't change on each request.
  • request?: (operation: Operation) => Promise;
    • This function is called on each request. It takes an operation and can return a promise. To dynamically set httpOptions, you can add them to the context of the operation with operation.setContext({ headers }). Any options set here will take precedence over httpOptions.
    • Use this function for authentication
  • onError: (errorObj: { graphQLErrors: GraphQLError[], networkError: Error, response?: ExecutionResult, operation: Operation }) => void
    • We include a default error handler to log out your errors for you. If you would like to handle your errors differently, specify this function
  • clientState: An object representing your configuration for apollo-link-state. This is useful if you would like to use the Apollo cache for local state management. Learn more in our quick start.
  • cacheRedirects: An map of functions to redirect a query to another entry in the cache before a request takes place. This is useful if you have a list of items and want to use the data from the list query on a detail page where you're querying an individual item. More on that here.

That's it! Here's an example of all those options in action:

import { ApolloBoost } from 'apollo-boost';
export class GraphQLModule {
  constructor(apollo: ApolloBoost) {
      uri: 'https://5vxky4z9pl.sse.codesandbox.io/graphql',
      httpOptions: {
        withCredentials: true
      request: async (operation) => {
        const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
          headers: {
            authorization: token
      onError: ({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
        if (graphQLErrors) {
        if (networkError) {
      clientState: {
        defaults: {
          isConnected: true
        resolvers: {
          Mutation: {
            updateNetworkStatus: (_, { isConnected }, { cache }) => {
              cache.writeData({ data: { isConnected }});
              return null;
      cacheRedirects: {
        Query: {
          movie: (_, { id }, { getCacheKey }) =>
            getCacheKey({ __typename: 'Movie', id });



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