PaaS component of Anypoint Platform
$ npm install -g @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin COMMAND
running command...
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin (--version|-v)
@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin/0.1.0 darwin-arm64 node-v16.15.1
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin --help [COMMAND]
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin COMMAND
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:add NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:remove NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:create [NAME] [VPC] [CERTIFICATE] [PRIVATEKEY]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:disable NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:enable NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:add NAME INPUTURI APPNAME APPURI [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:describe NAME [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:remove NAME INDEX [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:add NAME CERTIFICATE PRIVATEKEY
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:describe NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:remove NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:setDefault NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:start [NAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:stop [NAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:add NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:remove NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:region:list [FILE]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:runtime:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:add VPC BUSINESSGROUPS...
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:remove VPC BUSINESSGROUPS...
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:create NAME REGION CIDRBLOCK [ENVIRONMENTS]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:set NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:unset NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:environments:add VPC ENVIRONMENTS...
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:environments:remove VPC ENVIRONMENTS...
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:add VPC CIDRBLOCK PROTOCOL FROMPORT TOPORT
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:describe NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:remove VPC INDEX
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin help [COMMAND]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:deploy NAME DEPLOYMENTTARGETID RUNTIMEVERSION ARTIFACTID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:describe APPID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:download-logs APPID SPECID DIRECTORY
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:logs APPID SPECID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:modify APPID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:start APPID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:stop APPID
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert-history:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy SOURCE TARGET
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy-replace SOURCE TARGET
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:deploy NAME ZIPFILE
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:describe NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:download-logs NAME DIRECTORY
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:list
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:modify NAME [ZIPFILE]
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:restart APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:revert-runtime NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:start APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:stop APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:tail-logs NAME
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin version
Add an IP or range of IPs to the Load balancer allowlist
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:add [NAME] [CIDRBLOCK] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Add an IP or range of IPs to the Load balancer allowlist
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/allowlist/add.ts
Remove an IP or range of IPs from the Load balancer allowlist
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:remove [NAME] [CIDRBLOCK] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Remove an IP or range of IPs from the Load balancer allowlist
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/allowlist/remove.ts
Create a Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:create [NAME] [VPC] [CERTIFICATE] [PRIVATEKEY] [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--http on|off|redirect]
[--clientCertificate <value>] [--verificationMode on|off|optional] [--crl <value>] [--tlsv1] [--dynamic-ips]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--http=<option> <options: on|off|redirect>
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
--verificationMode=<option> <options: on|off|optional>
Create a Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/create.ts
Delete a Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:delete [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete a Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/delete.ts
Show LB details
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:describe [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show LB details
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/describe.ts
Disables dynamic IPs
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:disable [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Disables dynamic IPs
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/dynamic-ips/disable.ts
Enables dynamic IPs
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:enable [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Enables dynamic IPs
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/dynamic-ips/enable.ts
Lists all Load balancers in an organization
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all Load balancers in an organization
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/list.ts
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:add NAME INPUTURI APPNAME APPURI [CERTIFICATENAME]
Add a proxy mapping rule at index 0If no certificateName is given, the mappings is added to the default SSL endpoint
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:add [NAME] [INPUTURI] [APPNAME] [APPURI] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password
<value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ]
[--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--upstreamProtocol
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--upstreamProtocol=<value> Look for upstream applications in HTTP port 8091 or HTTPS port 8092. Supported Values:
http, https
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Add a proxy mapping rule at index 0If no certificateName is given, the mappings is added to the default SSL endpoint
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/mappings/add.ts
Lists the proxy mapping rules for a Load balancer. If no certificateName is given, the mappings for the default SSL endpoint are shown
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:describe [NAME] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists the proxy mapping rules for a Load balancer. If no certificateName is given, the mappings for the default SSL
endpoint are shown
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/mappings/describe.ts
Remove a proxy mapping ruleIf no certificateName is given, the mapping is removed from the default SSL endpoint
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:remove [NAME] [INDEX] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password <value> [--username
<value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Remove a proxy mapping ruleIf no certificateName is given, the mapping is removed from the default SSL endpoint
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/mappings/remove.ts
Add an additional certificate to an existing Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:add [NAME] [CERTIFICATE] [PRIVATEKEY] [--password <value> [--username
<value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--clientCertificate <value>] [--verificationMode
off|on|optional] [--crl <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--clientCertificate=<value> Client certificate file
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--crl=<value> Certificate Revocation List file
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
--verificationMode=<option> Specifies the client verification mode
<options: off|on|optional>
Add an additional certificate to an existing Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/ssl-endpoint/add.ts
Show the Load balancer configuration for a particular certificate
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:describe [NAME] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show the Load balancer configuration for a particular certificate
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/ssl-endpoint/describe.ts
Remove a certificate from a Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:remove [NAME] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Remove a certificate from a Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/ssl-endpoint/remove.ts
Set the default certificate that the Load balancer will serve
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:setDefault [NAME] [CERTIFICATENAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--http on|off|redirect]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--http=<option> <options: on|off|redirect>
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Set the default certificate that the Load balancer will serve
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/ssl-endpoint/setDefault.ts
Starts a Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:start [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Starts a Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/start.ts
Stops a Load balancer
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:stop [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Stops a Load balancer
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/stop.ts
Add an IP or range of IPs to the Load balancer allowlist
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:add [NAME] [CIDRBLOCK] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Add an IP or range of IPs to the Load balancer allowlist
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/whitelist/add.ts
Remove an IP or range of IPs from the Load balancer allowlist
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:remove [NAME] [CIDRBLOCK] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Remove an IP or range of IPs from the Load balancer allowlist
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/load-balancer/whitelist/remove.ts
Lists all supported regions
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:region:list [FILE] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all supported regions
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/region/list.ts
Lists all Mule Runtimes
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:runtime:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all Mule Runtimes
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/runtime/list.ts
Share a VPC with a list of Business Groups.
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:add [VPC] [BUSINESSGROUPS...] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Share a VPC with a list of Business Groups.
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/business-groups/add.ts
Share a VPC with a list of Business Groups.
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:remove [VPC] [BUSINESSGROUPS...] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Share a VPC with a list of Business Groups.
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/business-groups/remove.ts
Create a new VPC
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:create [NAME] [REGION] [CIDRBLOCK] [ENVIRONMENTS] [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--default] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--default Makes the VPC the default for the Organization.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new VPC
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/create.ts
Delete an existing VPC
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:delete [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-f]
-f, --force
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete an existing VPC
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/delete.ts
Show VPC details
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:describe [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show VPC details
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/describe.ts
Sets the domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:set [NAME] --server <value> --domain <value> [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--domain=<value> (required) A domain to resolve on the special DNS server list
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--server=<value> (required) IP for a DNS server to resolve special domains on
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Sets the domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/dns-servers/set.ts
Clears the list domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:unset [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Clears the list domain names that are resolved using your internal DNS servers
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/dns-servers/unset.ts
Modifies the VPC association to Runtime Manager environments.
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:environments:add [VPC] [ENVIRONMENTS...] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--default]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--default Also add the VPC as the organization default VPC
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modifies the VPC association to Runtime Manager environments.
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/environments/add.ts
Modifies the VPC association to Runtime Manager environments.
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:environments:remove [VPC] [ENVIRONMENTS...] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modifies the VPC association to Runtime Manager environments.
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/environments/remove.ts
Add a firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:add [VPC] [CIDRBLOCK] [PROTOCOL] [FROMPORT] [TOPORT] [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Add a firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/firewall-rules/add.ts
Show firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:describe [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/firewall-rules/describe.ts
Remove a firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:remove [VPC] [INDEX] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Remove a firewall rule for Mule applications in this VPC
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/firewall-rules/remove.ts
Lists all VPCs
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin cloudhub:vpc:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--limit <value>] [--sort <value>] [--offset <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--limit=<value> [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
--offset=<value> Offset
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--sort=<value> [default: id] Field to sort results
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all VPCs
See code: src/commands/cloudhub/vpc/list.ts
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE] [-h] [-k <value>] [-v <value>] [-d]
KEY key of the config
VALUE value of the config
-d, --delete delete config key
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --key=<value> key of the config
-v, --value=<value> value of the config
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
by adding and removing key value pairs. Set one key value pair per command execution.
CLI config file: ~/Library/Preferences/anypoint-cli-v4-nodejs/config.json
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin conf username myuser
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin conf password mypwd
Display help for anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin.
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Delete a cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:delete [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete a cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/delete.ts
anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:deploy NAME DEPLOYMENTTARGETID RUNTIMEVERSION ARTIFACTID
Deploy a new application retrieved from exchange [artifactId] in target [deploymentTargetId] with runtime version [runtimeVersion]
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:deploy [NAME] [DEPLOYMENTTARGETID] [RUNTIMEVERSION] [ARTIFACTID]
[--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | |
] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--assetVersion <value>]
[--groupId <value>] [--replicas <value>] [--replicaSize <value>] [--objectStoreV2 | ] [--updateStrategy <value>]
[--clustered] [--lastMileSecurity] [--disableAmLogForwarding] [--property <value>] [--secureProperty <value>]
[--releaseChannel <value>] [--javaVersion <value>] [--propertiesFile <value>] [--scopeLoggingConfigFile <value>]
[--scopeLoggingConfig <value>] [--forwardSslSession] [--pathRewrite <value>] [--publicEndpoints <value>]
[--instanceType <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
and json
--assetVersion=<value> Version of the exchange application to use, default: latest app version
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
--[no-]clustered clustering enabled, requires at least 2 replicas, default disabled.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--[no-]disableAmLogForwarding Disable forwarding application logs to Anypoint Monitoring, default false.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--[no-]forwardSslSession TLS Setting. Enable SSL session forwarding. Default disabled.
--groupId=<value> Group id of the asset to deploy, default equals currently selected organization id [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--instanceType=<value> Size of replicas in for orgs in UBP, default mule.micro
--javaVersion=<value> Supply a java version for the chosen runtime. Supported Values: 8, 17
--[no-]lastMileSecurity TLS Setting. Enable last mile security, default false.
--[no-]objectStoreV2 Enable or disable Object Store V2.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--pathRewrite=<value> Supply the base path expected by the HTTP Listener in your app. Must begin with a
forward slash
--propertiesFile=<value> Overwrite all properties with values from this file. The file format is 1 or more
lines in name: value format
--property=<value>... Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--publicEndpoints=<value> Supply endpoints to reach via the public internet. Separated by commas, no spaces.
--releaseChannel=<value> Supply the channel of the runtime release channel of your choice. Supported Values
for Cloudhub 1.0: NONE, EDGE, LTS. Supported values for Cloudhub 2.0: LEGACY, EDGE,
--replicaSize=<value> Size of replicas in vcores, default 0.1
--replicas=<value> Number of replicas, must be above 0, default 1
--scopeLoggingConfig=<value> Define scope logging with values in format scopeName:logLevel separated by commas,
no spaces.
--scopeLoggingConfigFile=<value> Define scope logging with values from this file.The file format is 1 tupple per
line, each tupple enclosed in {}, () or [] , in format {scope: scopeName, logLevel:
--secureProperty=<value>... Set a secure property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--updateStrategy=<value> Update strategy, default rolling
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Deploy a new application retrieved from exchange [artifactId] in target [deploymentTargetId] with runtime version
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/deploy.ts
Show cloudhub2 application details
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:describe [APPID] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>]
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show cloudhub2 application details
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/describe.ts
Download application logs to specified directory
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:download-logs [APPID] [SPECID] [DIRECTORY] [--password <value> [--username <value>
| --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Download application logs to specified directory
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/download-logs.ts
Lists all cloudhub2 applications in the environment
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>]
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all cloudhub2 applications in the environment
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/list.ts
Tail application logs
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:logs [APPID] [SPECID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Tail application logs
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/logs.ts
Modify an existing cloudhub 2 application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:modify [APPID] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--assetVersion <value>] [--groupId <value>] [--replicas <value>]
[--replicaSize <value>] [--objectStoreV2 | ] [--updateStrategy <value>] [--clustered] [--lastMileSecurity]
[--disableAmLogForwarding] [--property <value>] [--secureProperty <value>] [--releaseChannel <value>] [--javaVersion
<value>] [--propertiesFile <value>] [--scopeLoggingConfigFile <value>] [--scopeLoggingConfig <value>]
[--forwardSslSession] [--pathRewrite <value>] [--publicEndpoints <value>] [--instanceType <value>] [-o <value>]
[--runtimeVersion <value>] [--artifactId <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
and json
--artifactId=<value> ID of the application retrieved from exchange
--assetVersion=<value> Version of the exchange application to use, default: latest app version
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
--[no-]clustered clustering enabled, requires at least 2 replicas, default disabled.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--[no-]disableAmLogForwarding Disable forwarding application logs to Anypoint Monitoring, default false.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--[no-]forwardSslSession TLS Setting. Enable SSL session forwarding. Default disabled.
--groupId=<value> Group id of the asset to deploy, default equals currently selected organization id [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--instanceType=<value> Size of replicas in for orgs in UBP, default mule.micro
--javaVersion=<value> Supply a java version for the chosen runtime. Supported Values: 8, 17
--[no-]lastMileSecurity TLS Setting. Enable last mile security, default false.
--[no-]objectStoreV2 Enable or disable Object Store V2.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--pathRewrite=<value> Supply the base path expected by the HTTP Listener in your app. Must begin with a
forward slash
--propertiesFile=<value> Overwrite all properties with values from this file. The file format is 1 or more
lines in name: value format
--property=<value>... Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--publicEndpoints=<value> Supply endpoints to reach via the public internet. Separated by commas, no spaces.
--releaseChannel=<value> Supply the channel of the runtime release channel of your choice. Supported Values
for Cloudhub 1.0: NONE, EDGE, LTS. Supported values for Cloudhub 2.0: LEGACY, EDGE,
--replicaSize=<value> Size of replicas in vcores, default 0.1
--replicas=<value> Number of replicas, must be above 0, default 1
--runtimeVersion=<value> Runtime version of the deployment target
--scopeLoggingConfig=<value> Define scope logging with values in format scopeName:logLevel separated by commas,
no spaces.
--scopeLoggingConfigFile=<value> Define scope logging with values from this file.The file format is 1 tupple per
line, each tupple enclosed in {}, () or [] , in format {scope: scopeName, logLevel:
--secureProperty=<value>... Set a secure property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--updateStrategy=<value> Update strategy, default rolling
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modify an existing cloudhub 2 application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/modify.ts
Start a cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:start [APPID] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Start a cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/start.ts
Stop a running cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:application:stop [APPID] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Stop a running cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/application/stop.ts
Describe the history of the alert
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert-history:describe [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Describe the history of the alert
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-alert-history/describe.ts
Lists all cloud alerts in the environment
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--limit=<value> [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
--offset=<value> Offset
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all cloud alerts in the environment
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-alert/list.ts
Copy cloud app from source to target. "source" and "target" args format: [[:/]]
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy [SOURCE] [TARGET] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--property <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--property=<value>... Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Copy cloud app from source to target. "source" and "target" args format: [<org>[:<env>/]]<app>
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/copy.ts
Copy cloud app from source to target, overwriting existing app and settings. "source" and "target" args format: [[:/]]
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy-replace [SOURCE] [TARGET] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Copy cloud app from source to target, overwriting existing app and settings. "source" and "target" args format:
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/copy-replace.ts
Delete a cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:delete [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete a cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/delete.ts
Deploy a new application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:deploy [NAME] [ZIPFILE] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--timeout <value>] [--runtime <value>] [--releaseChannel <value>]
[--javaVersion <value>] [--workers <value> | | | | | | | | ] [--workerSize <value> | | | | | | | ]
[--region <value>] [--property <value>] [--propertiesFile <value>] [--persistentQueues]
[--persistentQueuesEncrypted] [--staticIPsEnabled] [--objectStoreV1 | --objectStoreV2] [--autoRestart] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
and json
--[no-]autoRestart Automatically restart app when not responding.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--javaVersion=<value> Supply a java version for the chosen runtime. Supported Values: 8, 17
--[no-]objectStoreV1 Enable or disable Object Store V1.
--[no-]objectStoreV2 Enable or disable Object Store V2.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--[no-]persistentQueues Enable or disable persistent queues.
--[no-]persistentQueuesEncrypted Enable or disable persistent queue encryption.
--propertiesFile=<value> Overwrite all properties with values from this file. The file format is 1 or more
lines in name: value format
--property=<value>... Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--region=<value> Name of the region to deploy to
--releaseChannel=<value> Supply the channel of the runtime release channel of your choice. Supported Values
for Cloudhub 1.0: NONE, EDGE, LTS. Supported values for Cloudhub 2.0: LEGACY, EDGE,
--runtime=<value> Name of the runtime
--[no-]staticIPsEnabled Enable or disable static IPs.
--timeout=<value> [default: 90000] Set the timeout value in milliseconds. Accepted values between
60000 and 300000
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
--workerSize=<value> Size of the workers in vCores. Supported Values: 0.1, 0.2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
--workers=<value> Number of workers, Supported Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Deploy a new application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/deploy.ts
Show cloudhub application details
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:describe [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>]
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show cloudhub application details
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/describe.ts
Download application logs to specified directory
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:download-logs [NAME] [DIRECTORY] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Download application logs to specified directory
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/download-logs.ts
Lists all cloudhub applications in the environment
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all cloudhub applications in the environment
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/list.ts
Modify an existing cloudhub application, optionally updating the zip file
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:modify [NAME] [ZIPFILE] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--runtime <value>] [--releaseChannel <value>] [--javaVersion
<value>] [--workers <value> | | | | | | | | ] [--workerSize <value> | | | | | | | ] [--region <value>]
[--property <value>] [--propertiesFile <value>] [--persistentQueues] [--persistentQueuesEncrypted]
[--staticIPsEnabled] [--objectStoreV1 | --objectStoreV2] [--autoRestart] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
and json
--[no-]autoRestart Automatically restart app when not responding.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--javaVersion=<value> Supply a java version for the chosen runtime. Supported Values: 8, 17
--[no-]objectStoreV1 Enable or disable Object Store V1.
--[no-]objectStoreV2 Enable or disable Object Store V2.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--[no-]persistentQueues Enable or disable persistent queues.
--[no-]persistentQueuesEncrypted Enable or disable persistent queue encryption.
--propertiesFile=<value> Overwrite all properties with values from this file. The file format is 1 or more
lines in name: value format
--property=<value>... Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times
--region=<value> Name of the region to deploy to
--releaseChannel=<value> Supply the channel of the runtime release channel of your choice. Supported Values
for Cloudhub 1.0: NONE, EDGE, LTS. Supported values for Cloudhub 2.0: LEGACY, EDGE,
--runtime=<value> Name of the runtime
--[no-]staticIPsEnabled Enable or disable static IPs.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
--workerSize=<value> Size of the workers in vCores. Supported Values: 0.1, 0.2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
--workers=<value> Number of workers, Supported Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Modify an existing cloudhub application, optionally updating the zip file
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/modify.ts
Restart a running cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:restart [APPLICATIONNAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Restart a running cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/restart.ts
Restart a running cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:revert-runtime [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Restart a running cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/revert-runtime.ts
Start a cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:start [APPLICATIONNAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Start a cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/start.ts
Stop a running cloudhub application
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:stop [APPLICATIONNAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Stop a running cloudhub application
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/stop.ts
Tail application logs
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:tail-logs [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value>
| ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics]
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Tail application logs
See code: src/commands/runtime-mgr/cloudhub-application/tail-logs.ts
$ anypoint-cli-cloudhub-plugin version
See code: @oclif/plugin-version