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2.1.0 • Public • Published


Utility React Hooks for any purpose. There is a Hook for Any Fish.


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TypeScript usage

The package is written in TypeScript, so no additional @types packages are needed.


Call signature

(initialState) => [boolean, SwitchToTrue, SwitchToFalse, Toggle, Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>]


A convenience wrapper for useState to manage boolean flags.


  • initialState (optional): boolean | (() => boolean) - same as you'd pass to useState<boolean>. Defaults to false.

Type aliases

SwitchToTrue, SwitchToFalse, Toggle are all just plain void functions (() => void). SwitchToTrue sets the flag value to true, SwitchToFalse sets it to false, and Toggle sets it to be the opposite of the current value.


Call signature

(initialState, options) => [State, DebouncedFunc<SetState>, SetState]


A convenience wrapper for useState that lets you debounce or throttle value updates.


  • initialState: T | (() => T) - same as you'd pass to useState.
  • options (optional): Partial<Options> - adjustments for delay logic.

Type aliases

  • Options:
      delay: number,
      delayFn: 'debounce' | 'throttle',
    delay defines the throttle / debounce timeout. Defaults to 300.
    delayFn defines how to delay the setter. Defaults to debounce.

Returned value

Returned value is a tuple:

  1. The current state value
  2. The delayed state setter
  3. The original state setter (executes immediately, not wrapped in neither debounce nor throttle)


Call signature

(effect) => void


Executes the effect after the initial render.


  • effect: () => void - The effect to execute. The return value is ignored. Use plain useEffect for effects that need cleanup.


Call signatures

  1. (src, mediaKind) => Dimensions | null: Calculates the dimensions of a visual media object by its source.

    • src: string - The media object source, same as the one passed to <img /> or <video />.
    • mediaKind (optional): useDimensions.MediaKind - Defines whether a Video or an Image is measured. Defaults to MediaKind.Image.
  2. (options) => [Dimensions | null, RefCallback]: Returns a callback ref to pass to a DOM element and calculates the dimensions of that element.

    • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for measuring behaviour.

Type aliases

  • Dimensions: { width: number, height: number }
  • Options:
      originalRef: MutableRefObject | RefCallback,
      throttle: number,
    Pass originalRef if you need to use some extra ref logic alongside the one provided by the hook.
    throttle can serve for optimization purposes if the measured element's size changes too often.
  • MutableRefObject: Return type of useRef.
  • RefCallback


Call signatures

  1. (targetPointer, eventName, options, ...eventListeners) => void
  2. (targetPointer, eventName, eventListener, options) => void
  3. (targetPointer, eventName, ...eventListeners) => void
  4. (eventName, options, ...eventListeners) => void
  5. (eventName, eventListener, options) => void
  6. (eventName, ...eventListeners) => void


Adds the provided listeners to the target and performs automatic cleanup. Call signatures № 4, 5 & 6 are shorthands for adding listeners to window.


  • targetPointer: Target - Points to the element which events are to be handled.
  • eventName: string - The name of the event to handle.
  • eventListener: Listener - The handler for the event.
  • options: Options - The options to pass to addEventListener.

Type aliases

  • Target: EventTarget | RefObject - anything that supports addEventListener and removeEventListener, or a React Ref holding a reference to one.
  • For types of Listener and Options, see the corresponding MDN page.


Call signature

() => (() => boolean)


Returns a function to access the mounted state of a functional component.


Call signatures

  1. (mediaQuerySource, options) => boolean - Checks if window matches provided media query
    • mediaQuerySource: string - The media query to match against.
    • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for matching behaviour
  2. <K>(mediaQuerySources, options) => Record<K, boolean>
    • mediaQuerySource: Record<K, string> - The media queries to match against.
    • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for matching behaviour

Type aliases

  • Options:
      track: boolean,
      throttle: number,
    With track set to false the window will only be matched against the provided query once, otherwise the matching result will be tracked. Defaults to true. throttle defines the throttle timeout when tracking the matching result. Defaults to 300.


Call signature

(initialState) => [State, SetState]


A combination of plain useState and useIsMounted. Useful for async operations like data fetching, when setState can potentially be called after the component has already unmounted, to avoid the "Cannot set state on an unmounted component" warnings and leaks.

The call signature is identical to useState.


Call signature

(initialState, key, options) => [State, SetState]


A convenience wrapper for useState that lets you keep data in a persistent browser storage (i. e. localStorage).


  • key: string - The key to store the data at.
  • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for storing behaviour.

Type aliases

  • Options:
      storage: Storage,
      serializer: { stringify: (value: State) => string, parse: (serialized: string) => State },
      cleanup: boolean,
      follow: boolean,
      clearOnParsingError: boolean,
    storage is either localStorage, sessionStorage or any custom construction implementing the same interface. By default, localStorage is used.
    serializer allows for customizing the way the data is serialized and deserialized. By default, this is done via JSON.
    cleanup defines whether the stored value should be cleaned up whenever, options.serializer or key change. Defaults to true.
    follow defines whether whenever, options.serializer or key change, the state value should be updated to whatever is stored at that "new address". Defaults to false.
    clearOnParsingError defines whether the stored data should be cleared if the serializer fails to parse it. Defaults to true.

Returned value

Returned value is identical to useState.


Call signature

(value, initialValue) => previousValue


Returns the previous value of a variable.


  • value: T - Current value.
  • initialValue (optional): T - Initial value. Defaults to value.


Call signatures

  1. (promiseCreator, options) => HookResult
  2. (promiseCreator, deps, options) => HookResult


Tracks the lifecycle of a Promise, handles data storing and error catching. If deps are provided, automatically calls the async function on their update.


  • promiseCreator: (...args: Deps) => Promise<Data> - The async function to create the tracked Promise.
  • deps (optional): Deps - The array of dependencies that should trigger the promiseCreator.
  • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Customize the way the data is operated.

Type aliases

  • Options:
      resolveRace: usePromise.ResolveRace,
      onStart: () => void,
      onSuccess: (result) => void,
      onError: (e) => void,
      onAny: () => void,
      skip: boolean | ((...deps) => boolean),
      triggerOnSameDeps: boolean,
    resolveRace defines how the hook should behave if a new Promise is launched while some other one is already running. ResolveRace.TakeFirst waits for the first launched Promise to finish before accepting any new triggers, ResolveRace.TakeLast (default) drops any running process whenever a new one is launched.
    onStart is executed before any operation.
    onSuccess is executed whenever the Promise resolves; the resolved value is passed as an argument.
    onError is executed whenever the Promise rejects; the rejection reason is passed as an argument.
    onAny is executed in the final block.
    skip is either a flag or a function returning one, defining whether the automatic trigger should be skipped for the current set of dependencies. By default, each dependency in the array is checked to neither be null nor undefined.
    triggerOnSameDeps forces the hook to trigger the promise creator on shallow deps change even if current deps are deep equal to the previous ones.

Returned value

The returned value is an array, with the following values at each position:

  1. The resolved data (or undefined, if no Promise has resolved yet).
  2. The error (or whatever other value the Promise rejects with).
  3. A flag representing the "processing" state of the Promise.
  4. An object holding the following properties:
  • status - the precise representation of the current state of the Promise. Can be Pending, Processing, Resolved or Rejected.
  • trigger - a function allowing for manual launching of a new Promise. Accepts the same arguments as the original promiseCreator.


Call signature

() => (() => void)


Returns a function that forces the Component to re-render when called.


Call signature

() => (() => number)


The hook is mostly meant for debugging purposes. Returns a function to access the amount of times the Component has rendered.


Call signature

(effect, deps, options) => void


A convenience wrapper for useEffect that only triggers the effect when deps deeply change.


  • effect: () => (void | (() => void)) - The effect to execute.
  • deps: unknown[] - The dependencies array.
  • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for execution behaviour.

Type aliases

  • Options:
      compare: (prev: Deps, curr: Deps) => boolean
    compare defines how the change in deps is detected. By default, Lodash.isEqual is used.


Call signature

(initialValue, externalControls, isValueValid) => [State, SetState]


Example: a component accepts an onChange prop of type (newValue: number) => void, but needs to perform updates based on the previous value (i.e., on increment you'd probably do onChange(value + 1)). However, with such approach it's impossible to persist the increment function's reference equality: it would need to be re-created on each value update. useSnapshotState solves this problem: it accepts an external setValue that only works with plain values, and returns a persistent SetState callback that works with reducer-like updates, just like the setter returned by useState. Also, in case external setter or value aren't provided (the component is uncontrolled), the hook would manage the state internally.


type Props = { onPageChange?: (page: number) => void, page?: number };

const Pagination: FC<Props> = props => {
  const [page, setPage] = useSnapshotState(1, { value:, setValue: props.onPageChange });
  // setPage does not depend on current page, so these callbacks keep reference equality
  const decrement = useCallback(() => setPage(curr => curr - 1), [setPage]);
  const increment = useCallback(() => setPage(curr => curr + 1), [setPage]);
  // page is reactive, so it can be used in jsx rendering
  return (
      <button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
      <button onClick={increment}>+</button>

const fetchPageData = (page: number) => {
  // I.e., some API stuff here

const MyPage: FC = () => (
  <Pagination onPageChange={fetchPageData} />


  • initialValue: T | (() => T) - The initial value, like for useState.
  • externalControls (optional): Partial<{ value: T, setValue: (newValue: T) => void }> - External handlers to make the component controlled.
  • isValueValid (optional): (v: T | undefined) => v is T - a type guard to check that the provided externalControls.value fits and should be used as the returned reactive value. Defaults to v => v !== undefined.

Returned value

The returned value is identical to useState.


Call signature

(effect, deps, options) => ((overrideOptions) => void)


A convenience wrapper for useEffect when the first N deps updates should not trigger the effect.


  • effect: () => (void | (() => void)) - The effect to execute.
  • deps: unknown[] - The dependencies array.
  • options (optional): Partial<Options> - Adjustments for execution behaviour.

Type aliases

  • Options:
      nthUpdate: number,
      withCleanup: boolean,
      once: boolean,
      isInStrictMode: boolean,
    nthUpdate defines which change of deps should first trigger the effect. The count is 0-based: render №0 is the initial render. Defaults to 1, meaning the initial render is skipped.
    withCleanup defines whether the cleanup function returned by the effect should be taken in account. Defaults to true.
    If once is set to true, the effect and its cleanup will only be executed once after the Nth update. Defaults to false. isInStrictMode defines whether the hook is used within StrictMode; unfortunately, this can't be detected automatically, while it is essential when calculating which render should trigger the effect. Defaults to true.

Returned value

Returned value is a function allowing you to reset the counter and, if you need to, update the used options for the next cycle.


Call signature

(effect) => void


Executes the effect before the component unmounts.


  • effect: () => void - The effect to execute.

Package settings

The package exposes a Settings object. You can modify it to refine some global behaviour. The following settings are available:

  • isDev: (() => boolean) | boolean - Either a flag or a function returning one, defining whether the app is running in development environment. By default, the app is considered to be in development if process.env.NODE_ENV is development.
  • allowConsole: ((method) => boolean) | boolean - Either a flag or a function returning one, defining whether the package is allowed to write to console. method is the name of console logging method used (log, error, warn etc.). By default, the logs are turned on if isDev is true.
  • defaults - a complex field containing fallback options and settings for hooks:
    • delay: number - The fallback delay to use for debouncing and throttling. Defaults to 300.
    • isEqual: (a, b) => boolean - The fallback comparison function. Defaults to Lodash.isEqual.
    • options - a complex field containing fallback options for hooks:
      • delayedValue - fallback options for useDelayedValue. delay might be omitted, in such case Settings.defaults.delay will be used. Defaults to { delayFn: 'debounce' }.
      • mediaQuery - fallback options for useMediaQuery. throttle might be omitted, in such case Settings.defaults.delay will be used. Defaults to { track: true }.
      • persistentState - fallback options for usePersistentState. storage might be omitted (should be, if your app does not only run in browser environment). Defaults to
          serializer: {
            stringify: value => JSON.stringify({ value }),
            parse: serialized => JSON.parse(serialized).value,
          cleanup: true,
          follow: false,
          clearOnParsingError: true,
      • update - fallback options for useUpdate. Defaults to
          nthUpdate: 1,
          withCleanup: true,
          once: false,
          isInStrictMode: true,

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