
1.0.9 • Public • Published


Convert your AngularJS input and textarea elements to be edited inline ala LinkedIn profiles.

alt text


Check out a working example on the demo page.


  • npm install angular-editme or
  • bower install angular-editme or
  • jspm install npm:angular-editme or
  • Download and add to your html file


Add the shaka-editme module as a dependency to your Angular app's main module:

Installed with global:
angular.module('app', ['shaka-editme']);
Installed with npm:
let angular = require('angular');
angular.module('app', [require('angular-editme')]);
Installed with jspm:
import editme from 'angular-editme';
angular.module('app', [editme]);

Basic example

To convert an existing input element into an editable element wrap it with the <sk-editme> directive.

<form name="demo">
    <input type="text" name="location" ng-model="locale" ng-required="true">
    <textarea name="description" ng-model="body" ng-required="true"></textarea>

The <sk-editme> directive has the following requirements:

  • It must wrap a single <textarea> or <input type="text|url|date|email|week|month|number|time"> element.
  • The element wrapped element must have a valid ng-model attirbute.

Handling invalid input

An editable field in edit-state will remain so until a user enters a valid value. If a user enters an invalid or empty value the field will remain in the edit-state until a valid value is entered. The validity of the field is governed by the ngModel validators of the wrapped element.


Will validate user has entered valid email before exiting edit-state.

  <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="email" ng-required="true">

Will validate user has entered only numbers before exiting edit-state.

  <input type="text" ng-model="number" name="number" ng-pattern="/\d+/" />

Interacting with directive from your Controller

Given markup styled with Bootstrap we can add the has-error class to the form-group element when the edmitme directive is invalid, and then remove it when the directive is valid.


  on-change - will be triggered when input loses focus and the value is both changed and valid.
  on-invalid - will be triggered when input loses focus and the value is invalid
<div ng-controller="DemoController as demo">
  <div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': demo.isInvalid}">
    <sk-editme on-change="demo.onChange($value)" on-invalid="demo.onInvalid($error)">
      <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="">


.controller('DemoController', function(userService) {
  let vm = this; = '';
  vm.isInvalid = false;
   * The value arg will be the current valid value from the input.
   * (same as in this case)
  vm.onChange = (value) => {
    vm.isInvalid = false;
   * The $error arg will be the input's ngModel $error object
   * See $error in
  vm.onInvalid = ($error) => {
    vm.isInvalid = true;


All properties are optional.

Name Type Description Default
isEditing Boolean Can be set to true if you want to start in edit mode false
hideIcon Boolean Will hide pencil icon if set to true false
onChange Expression(Function) Expression will be evaluated when input loses focus and the entered value is both changed and valid. The valid value is available as $value.
onInvalid Expression(Function) Expression will be evaluated when input loses focus and the entered value is invalid. The ngModel error is available as $error.
onStateChange Expression(Function) Expression will be evaluated when the directive changes to and from edit mode. A Boolean value $isEditing is availble to determine the current state.

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  • ryandrewjohnson