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0.4.3 • Public • Published


The Regressive JavaScript Framework.


This is a proof of concept for a markup-only framework like Alpine.js or petite-vue. It aims for an even smaller bundle size, being currently at ~2kb (1kb gzipped!) with most of the core implemented.


Anguish.js does not require any compilation:

<script src="//" defer></script>

<div x-data="{ count: 0 }">
  <div x-text="count"></div>
  <button @click="count++">Click me!</button>
  • x-data defines data for the component…

    Variables will be available within the element, and scopes can be nested.

  • x-text sets the inner text of the element…

    By default, everything is reactive: the text will be re-evaluated every time count changes.

  • @click listens to click events…

    Likewise, whenever the event is fired, count is increased by one.

Easy as!

Directives and properties

As you’ve learned, special attributes—called directives—are used for defining our components. Let’s see a couple more…

x-data, x-name and components

x-data defines the reactive data for a component. Each of the object’s keys will be available in the component’s elements as variables. This object can contain any type of data, and nested objects and arrays will also be reactive.

You do not need to use an object literal, if things get too big, you might want to put it in a script:

function myComponent() {
  return {
    size: 36,
    topText: "Top text",
    bottomText: "Bottom text",

<div x-data="myComponent()">...</div>

Nesting data works pretty naturally:

<div x-data="{ foo: 'bar' }">
  <div x-data="{ foo: 'nested' }">
    <div x-text="foo"><!-- 'nested' --></div>
  <div x-text="foo"><!-- 'bar' --></div>

x-text and x-html

x-text and x-html set the textContent and innerHTML of an element, respectively:

<div x-data="{ text: '<b>Boo!</b>' }">
  <span x-text="text"></span> <!-- This will say "<b>Boo!</b>" -->

  <span x-html="text"></span> <!-- This will say "Boo!" Scary.. -->


x-show hides an element based on it’s value:

<div x-data="{ open: false }">
  <button @click="open = !open">Open</button>
  <div x-show="open">

Since directives are completely removed when everything is rendered, you can use this to hide elements which shouldnt show up initially:

<style>[x-show] { display: none; }</style>

$el and $root

$el and $root are special variables usable in directives. $el refers to the current element, and $root refers to the component’s root (the nearest x-data).

x-bind, x-prop and attributes

x-bind:attr and it’s shorthand :attr can be used to set attributes to the value of an expression:

<img x-bind:src="'/some/path/' + myfile">
<!-- or... -->
<img :src="myurl">
<!-- the expression may also be omitted for an attribute of same name -->
<img :src>

classes and styles can also be objects:

<div class="box" :class="{ warning: true }"></div>
<!-- renders -->
<div class="box warning"></div>

<div :style="{ fontSize: size + 'px' }"></div>
<!-- renders -->
<div style="font-size: 36px"></div>

x-prop:prop (abbreviated .prop) is similar to x-bind, but instead of setting a DOM attribute, it’ll set a property in the actual object:

<div .inner-text="'you should probably use x-text!'"></div>

Since HTML attributes are case-insensitive, kebab-case attributes will be automatically converted to camelCase:

<svg :view-box="..."></svg>
<!-- renders -->
<svg viewBox="..."></svg>

x-on and events

x-on:event, or it’s shorthand @event can be used to listen for DOM events on the current element:

<button @click="alert('Hi there!')">Click me</button>

x-model and inputs

x-model can be used as a shorthand for binding to an input’s value, and also listening to changes:

<div x-data="{ text: 'Hello!' }">
  <input x-model="text">
  <!-- This div will change to what you input -->
  <div x-text="text"></div>

x-ref and $refs

Refs work very much like element IDs, except that they are bound to the component’s scope. This is particularly useful to avoid name conflicts when using a template system for your HTMl.

<!-- Hide the ugly file input! -->
<input x-ref="file" type="file" hidden>
<button @click="$">Choose file</button>


x-init can be used to run a chunk of code after the element has been mounted:

<div x-init="fetch('...').then(...)"></div>


x-effect defines reactive statements:

<div x-data="{ count: 0 }">
  <div x-effect="console.log('count is', count)"></div>
  <button @click="count++">++</button>

effect is the basis of most directives. For example, one might implement x-text by using x-effect="$el.textContent = value"

Manual initialization

It is also possible to import Anguish.js as an ES6 module, in which it will not automatically mount itself to the body.

import { mount } from "";


For large pages, this can also be more efficient if only a small part of it uses Anguish.




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