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ANG Validator - jQuery form validation plugin

The jQuery form validation plugin makes easier to apply validations on html form field. It has many options for different types of validations like url, email, numeric type, file validation etc.

It provides easy way to apply custom validation options like inline css.

Getting Started

Include required files in head tag :

<script src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="angvalidate-1.0.min.js" ></script> 
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="angvalidate.css" />

Initiate plugin using following code :

<script type="text/javascript"> 

You can initialise plugin to override default settings :

error_message :'This field is required.', //default error message 
error_message_ext :'File type is not valid.', //default file type error message 
error_message_size :'File size is not accepted.', //default file size error message 
error_msg_class :'error_msg', //default error message class 
error_input_class :'error_input', //default error input class 
success_input_class :'success_input', //default success input class 
allowed_max_size :1000, //default maximum file size in KB 
allowed_extensions :"jpg,png" //default allowed file extensions 

Note: Here ".required" is the element selector you can use your own

Use html code as below :

<input type="text" name="sample_text" class="required" >

You can apply custom options like inline css as below:

If you want to display error message in perticuar element :-

<input  type="text" name="sample_txt" class="required"  ang-options="display-id:my_div">
<div id="my_div"></div>

If you want to display custom error message :-

<input  type="text" name="sample_txt" class="required"  ang-options="msg:This is my custom error message;">

If you want to apply email validation :-

<input  type="text" name="sample_txt" class="required"  ang-options="email:true">

If you want to call custom function :-

<input  type="text" name="sample_txt" class="required"  ang-options="custom-function:my_func;">

If you want to apply file validaton with many options :-

<input  type="file" name="sample_file" class="required"  ang-options="allowed-ext:jpg,png;allowed-size:29000;msg:Please Select File;msg-ext:Please Select jpg or png File;msg-size:file size exceed">

List Of Custom Options :

  • display-id : Id of element where error message to be displayed.
  • msg : Message to be displayed when error.
  • allowed-size : Maximum file size to be uploaded in KB for input type file.
  • allowed-ext : Comma Separated value of allowed extensions for input type file.
  • msg-size : Message to be displayed when size exceeded for input type file.
  • msg-valid : Message to be displayed when value of input field is not valid.
  • numeric : Value true or 1 . To take only numeric input.
  • alphanum : Value true or 1 . To take only alpha numeric input.
  • alpha : Value true or 1 . To take only alphabatic input.
  • special-chars : Value true or 1 . To not accept special characters as input.
  • url : Value true or 1 . Not accept input if not a valid url.
  • email : Value true or 1 . Not accept input if not a valid email address.
  • match-id : Match value of current input whith other input having id as defined.
  • min-length : Check for minimum length.
  • max-length : Check for maximum length.
  • custom-function : Call custom function. Value should be name of function

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