npm i -D ameliance-use-icons-scss
Put the icons in the public folder
| - public/assets/icons/
| | - task.svg
| | - quote.svg
| | - idea.svg
Import icons to scss file
// import mixin
@use 'ameliance-use-icons-scss' as *;
// add a list of icon file names without an extension
$iconsSet: ('task', 'quote', 'idea');
// import icons and set your own custom styles
// by default, the color is inherited from the parent elem
@include useIcons($icons: $iconsSet) {
width: 24px;
height: auto;
Using the icon class in html
<span class='icon--task'></span>
| - public/svg/
| | - feather-task.svg
| | - feather-quote.svg
| | - feather-idea.svg
@use 'ameliance-use-icons-scss' as *;
$iconsSet: ('task', 'quote', 'idea');
%icon--hover-color {
&:hover {
background-color: magenta;
@include useIcons(
$icons: $iconsSet,
$path: '/svg/',
$prefix: 'icon-24--',
$filename-prefix: 'feather-'
) {
width: 24px;
height: auto;
background-color: red;
@extend %icon--hover-color;
@include useIcons(
$icons: $iconsSet,
$path: '/svg/',
$prefix: 'icon-48--',
$filename-prefix: 'feather-'
) {
width: 48px;
height: auto;
background-color: yellow;
@extend %icon--hover-color;
<span class='icon-24--task'></span>
<span class='icon-48--task'></span>
// icons set like: $iconsSet: (arrow-left, arrow-right)
// required parameter
$icons: $iconsSet
// path to svg icons in the "public" folder
// '/assets/icons/' — default value
$path: '/icons/x2/svg'
// prefix for use in classes
// 'icon--' — default value
$prefix: 'icon-24--'
// file extension
// 'svg' — default value
$type: 'png'
// prefix in the name of the icon file, for example, "feather-icon-" in the file feather-icon-like.svg
// no value by default
$filename-prefix: 'material-'
// prefix in the name of the icon file, for example, "-x2" in the file like-x2.png
// no value by default
$filename-postfix: '-48px'
1.0.1 [2023-08-10]:
*: update readme
1.0.0 [2023-08-10]:
+: init package