A library for simplified form management in React, built upon concepts of easy handling. Works with React(18.0.0+) and Next.js(12, 13.0+)
Motivation and Purpose of the Library
While working on yet another form development, using Formik or React-Hook-Forms, I couldn't find a convenient tool that was also elegant and simple to use.
This led to the creation of afreactforms, which aims to address these issues.
For validation, it uses **yup**.
Regular library installation via npm:
npm install afreactforms
Import is as follows:
import {useForm, Form, Field, FieldError} from "afreactforms";
Setting up and using is extremely simple. Let's say we have a form with email and password.
We need to use the useForm hook, which takes an object as follows:
initialValues: {
[inputName]: either an empty string "", or "some text"
validationSchema: yup validation schema
This gives:
const SignupSchema = Yup.object().shape({your validation});
const {values, errors, serverError, touches, setServerError, service} =
useForm({initialValues: {email: '', password: ''}, validationSchema: SignupSchema});
Name | Description |
values | Object with inputs {[name]: input string} |
errors | Object with errors {[name]: error string} |
serverError | String with server error, see [Go to the errors section] |
touches | Object with input focus indicator {[name]: boolean value} |
setServerError | Function to update the server error state |
service | Object for library form functionality. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE < Form /> |
Using the Form
Next, you need a form as follows:
import {useForm, Form, Field, FieldError} from "afreactforms";
function Component(){
//use the useForm hook
const {values, errors, serverError, touches, setServerError, service} = useForm({
initialValues: {
email: '',
password: '',
name: '',
}, validationSchema: SignupSchema
//render the element
return (
//You can provide a class
className={'flex flex-col gap-1'}
//You must provide a submit function
onSubmit={() => {
fetch('Server request with form').then(
result => ...,
error => setServerError("Some error!")
//Fill with any nodes
//!For library input fields, you need to provide the name - from initialValues
//Mandatory - name from initialValues
//Mandatory - input type
//Optional - classes
//Optional - placeholder
placeholder={'Enter email'}
//Optional component for displaying validation errors
//Provide name - from initialValues
<FieldError name={'email'}>
//You can use like this, with a function (errorMsg: string) => ReactNode;
{errorMsg => {
return <a>{errorMsg}</a>
<Field name={'password'} type={'password'}/>
//Or simply provide an element that has an errorMsg prop inside
<FieldError name={'password'}>
//function MyErrorComponent({className, errorMsg}) {...}
<MyErrorComponent />
//Similarly, you can get server error*, by passing name - serverError
//Without providing a component, it will return <p>Message</p>
<FieldError name={'serverError'}
//you can specify classes
//Regular button to submit the form
<button type={"submit"}>Submit</button>
That's it, now you have a form that will change, display errors, validation, and has automated functionality.
Main Components
A wrapper component for your form, providing context for its children.
Component Props:Name | Mandatory | Description |
children | Yes | Form's child elements. |
onSubmit | Yes | Form submit handler. |
className | No | Class name for styling. |
serviceProp | Yes | Form's service properties. |
<Form onSubmit={handleOnSubmit} serviceProp={service}>
// child elements
Input field component that automatically synchronizes with the form context.
Component Props:Name | Mandatory | Description |
name | Yes | Field's name. |
type | No | Input field type, e.g., "text", "email", etc. |
placeholder | No | Input field placeholder. |
className | No | Class name for styling. |
<Field name="email" type="email" placeholder="Insert your email" />
Component to display field errors.
Component Props:Name | Mandatory | Description |
name | Yes | Name of the field to display error for.
"serverError" - for server errors. gets serverError, set by setServerError("") |
children | No | Custom component to display error or a function to render the error. |
className | No | Class name for styling. |
//Without a node
<FieldError name="email" />
//With a function
<FieldError name="email">
{(errorMsg) => <span style={{color: 'red'}}>{errorMsg}</span>}
//With a component
//function MyErrorComponent({className, errorMsg}) {...}
<FieldError name="email">
<CustomErrorComponent />
useForm Hook
A hook to manage the form logic.
Hook Properties:Name | Mandatory | Description |
initialValues | Yes | Initial values for the form fields. |
validationSchema | Yes | Validation schema for the fields using yup. |
const { values, errors, service } = useForm({ initialValues, validationSchema });
Name | Description |
values | Object with inputs {[name]: input string} |
errors | Object with errors {[name]: error string} |
serverError | String with server error, see [Go to the errors section] |
touches | Object with input focus indicator {[name]: boolean value} |
setServerError | Function to update the server error state |
service | Object for library form functionality. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE < Form /> |
For issues or suggestions, use GitHub