
0.1.2 • Public • Published


AFRAME proctree component for generating procedural trees using proctree from supereggbert.

The trunk material is named "trunk" (in getObject3D("trunk")), and the twigs material "twigs" (in getObject3D("mesh")) - the material component will modify the appearance of the twigs.

Click for demo (twig-1 from donmccurdy)



  <script src=""></script> 
  <script src="^0.1.0/dist/aframe-proctree-component.min.js"></script> 
    <a-entity proctree material="src: url(assets/twig-1.png); color: white; transparent: true; depthWrite: false; side: double" position="0 0 -10"></a-entity>


branchFactor - factor defining how close branches are together. a lower number is closer together (number) default 2.45

climbRate - how high the tree climbs at each treeStep (number) default 0.371

clumpMax - upper bound for how much branches clump (number) default 0.454

clumpMin - lower bound for how much branches clump (number) default 0.404

dropAmount - factor determining how much non-primary branches drop. numbers above 0 raise, and below 0 droop (number) default -0.1

generateTwigs - generate geometry for folliage (object3D "twigs") (boolean) default true

growAmount - facter affecting how much branches grow. negative numbers grow downwards and positive number upwards (number) default 0.235

initialBranchLength - length of the first branch in m (number) default 0.49

lengthFalloffFactor - branch length = (parent branch length ^ lengthFalloffPower) * lengthFalloffFactor (number) default 0.85

lengthFalloffPower - branch length = (parent branch length ^ lengthFalloffPower) * lengthFalloffFactor (number) default 0.99

levels - number of branching stages (int) default 5

maxRadius - the radius of the main trunk (which impacts the radius of all sub elements) (number) default 0.139

radiusFalloffRate - the rate of change of the thickness of branches (number) default 0.73

seed - seed for the psuedo random number generator. if negative, then use randomly generate a seed at startup (int) default 262

segments - number of faces for the trunk and branches (int) default 6

sweepAmount - makes branches sweep left or right. 0 is no sweep, sweep increasing as positive or negative increases (number) default 0.01

taperRate - changes the thickness of the trunk and branches the higher they go, or the further they branch. the smaller the number the more tapered the branches (number) default 0.947

treeSteps - the number of verticle stages in the tree (int) default 5

trunkColor - colour of the trunk (color) default brown

trunkLength - the height of the trunk below the first branch (number) default 2.4

trunkKink - defines the trunk deviation. 0 is no deviation (number) default 0.093

twigScale - scale of the twig planes (*number) default: 0.39

twistRate - the twisting of branches around the trunk. 0 is no twisting (number) default 3.02

vMultiplier - vertical scaling for the UVs on the trunk (number) default 2.36


The UV mappings for the trunk texture requires WrapS and WrapT to be THREE.RepeatWrapping. From AFrame you will need to use a material with a repeat value that is not 1,1 (e.g. 1.0001, 1.0001).

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