Built this Advanced form of CRA with knowledge form CRA and Vite As the React Scripts or vite scripts are of production level, this package uses vite for scripts
To use this package run this code in terminal
npx adv-create-react-app
Now you will be asked some(2) prompts, answer them according to this guideline
- give your project name (follow the react naming guideline) :
? Project name: (adv-cra)
- Select the framework from the options
? Please select Framework: (Use arrow keys)
> React
React + TS
React + Tailwind
React + TS + Tailwind
- Run all the commands given at the end of execution
cd .
npm install
npm run dev
The steps to use docker for the initailized project using this package
Using terminal go to the root of the project where you have the Dockerfile
Now, run these commands
- To build the image using the dockerfile
docker build -t adv:1.0 .
- Run the created docker image
docker run adv:1.0
use your preferred name for docker image
-> <your_preferred_name>:<your_preferred_tag>