A module with some helper functions to authenticate a Microsoft Active Directory user or lookup a user's info with a default account.
- dotenv
- activedirectory2
Requires .env file in root of project with the following environmental variables:
- LDAP_URL: Active Directory server to connect to, e.g. ldap://
- BASE_DN: The root DN from which all searches will be performed, e.g. dc=example,dc=com
- AD_USER: default ad user (hopefully not a real user's account!)
- AD_PASSWD: default ad user's password
loginADUser(username: string, password: string, attributes?: Array): User|null
Attempts to authenticate a user with a given sAMAccountName and password. If unsuccessful, it returns null. If successful it returns a user object with:
- sAMAccountName
- givenName (firstname)
- sn (surname)
- telephoneNumber
- mail (email)
- l (location)
- ... any attributes included in the optional 3rd argument (an array of strings)
getADUserInfo(username: string, attributes?: Array): Promise<User|null> Authenticates with a default user whose sAMAccountName and password are defined in a .env file. If unsuccessful, it returns a Promise rejection with null. If successful it returns a Promise resolve with the user object:
- sAMAccountName
- givenName (firstname)
- sn (surname)
- telephoneNumber
- mail (email)
- l (location)
- ... any attributes included in the optional 3rd argument (an array of strings)
getADUserGroups(username: string, attributes?: Array): Promise<Array|null> Authenticates with a default user whose sAMAccountName and password are defined in a .env file. If unsuccessful, it returns a Promise rejection with null. If successful it returns a Promise resolve with the user's groups: [ Group { dn, cn, description, distinguishedName, objectCategory }, ... ]
getADUsersForGroup(groupname: string): Promise<Array|null> Authenticates with a default user whose sAMAccountName and password are defined in a .env file. If unsuccessful, it returns a Promise rejection with null. If successful, it returns a Promise resolve with a list of users belonging to the AD group: [ User { sAMAccountName, givenName, sn, mail, l, }, ... ]