Common node hosting functionality to help reduce deployment of repetitious server functionality
Table of Contents
Simple Example
var path = var ackHost = var options = //adds ssl keys to options // create http site that relocates to httpsackHosthost80 '' // create https server that will serve static files on www path or relocates to www pathackHosthost443 '' options// relocate all other requests to an index //start hosting two ports 80 and 443ackHoststart
Robust Example
var path = var ackHost = var options = //adds ssl keys to options // create http server site relocates to httpsackHosthost80 '' ackHosthost443 '' options //start hosting two ports 80 and 443ackHoststart
Most barebones provided method of http hosting. Barely any server assumptions. Registers and returns connect app
const app = ackHosthostport host options
- Arguments
- port Number|Array-of-Numbers - port or ports to listen on
- host String|Arrray-of-String - host names to listen for requests
- options
- cert String - for ssl
- key String - for ssl
- SNICallback Function - for ssl
Assumes timeout of 10 seconds. A 404 will be thrown when no route is matched. Registers and returns express app
const app = ackHost
- Arguments
- port Number|Array-of-Numbers - port or ports to listen on
- host String|Arrray-of-String - host names to listen for requests
- options
- timeout Number = 10000
- cert String - for ssl
- key String - for ssl
- SNICallback Function - for ssl
Assumes timeout of 30 seconds. A 404 will be thrown when no route is matched. Client input such as form data, is always pre-parsed. Registers and returns express app
const app = ackHost
- Arguments
- port Number|Array-of-Numbers - port or ports to listen on
- host String|Arrray-of-String - host names to listen for requests
- options
- timeout Number = 10000
- cert String - for ssl
- key String - for ssl
- SNICallback Function - for ssl
Registers and returns express app
const app = ackHost
- Arguments
- port Number|Array-of-Numbers - port or ports to listen on
- host String|Arrray-of-String - host names to listen for requests
- options
- cert String - for ssl
- key String - for ssl
- SNICallback Function - for ssl
All sites registered with ack-host, will now be started
Great for forcing server to start on first available port
Built-in Middleware
Using on of the hosting methods above (host/api/website/express), you can invoke any of the following functionality.
Relocate http to https
WHEN route matches //robots.txt$/ THEN responds with text/plain message of "User-agent: *\rDisallow: /"
request timeout
serve static client files in directory named assets
enable cross origin requests from all domains
ignore favicon like requests
gzip responses where possible
Only allow local area network requests to /admin path
Log all requests to /admin path. Stream option not required and auto defaults to console.log aka process.stdout
if code breaks in admin path respond 500 with little info
if code breaks in dev path respond 500 with a lot of info
throw 500 with custom message to /xxx path requests
relocate one path
relocate all other requests to an index
Route Metadata
Create route explanation and defintions using GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or USE metadata.
- details String - route descriptive details
- sample
- params Object - Key value pair to fill in path :params
- request String|Object|Array|Function - request body to be used with sample test. When Function, the function is called for its request body data
- response String|Function-Returns-String - response body to be used to fake a server response during sample testing
- test Boolean|Object
- cases Array-of-Functions|Function(response,assert)
- only Boolean
- skip Boolean
- timeout Number = 2000 - how long to wait before test is aborted
Route Metadata Example
const ackHost = const port = 3000 //create arbitrary serverconst app = ackHost app app app
Test server apps registered through ack-host
Testing Options
- port : Number = all-ports
- host : String = localhost
- method : String (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)
- logTo : Object = console.log - not yet implemented
Large Test Example
const ackHost = const port = 3000 //create arbitrary serverconst app = ackHost app app app ackHost
Start Server and Test
Will start ack-host server and then test all defined server apps
Test Server Already Running
Will test all defined apps against already running server
Test Server Already Running With Limited Routes by Apps
Will test provided apps against already running server