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1.0.70 • Public • Published


ABP-REACT is a versatile React library that provides convenient tools and utilities for integrating with the ABP (ASP.NET Boilerplate) framework in your React applications. This library simplifies common tasks such as authentication, localization, and accessing ABP-related functionalities.


npm install abp-react


1. Importing the library

import { abp, AbpWrapper, initialiseApp } from 'abp-react';
import { useAbp, useAbpUser } from 'abp-react';
import { login, clearAuthCookies } from 'abp-react';
import { L } from 'abp-react';

2. Initializing the App

A. With AbpWrapper wrap your main application component with AbpWrapper to enable ABP integration. Pass a fallback function to be seen while loading the configuration from ASP.NET Boilerplate.

function App() {
  return (
    <AbpWrapper baseUrl="your base url" fallback={<Loading />}>
      {/* Your application components */}

Optionally you can specify a "tenantId" to override the default one.

B. Without AbpWrapper If you're not using the AbpWrapper component, initialize your application with the configuration response from the ABP backend.

const abpConfigResponse = initialiseApp(abpConfigResponse); // Fetch configuration from ABP backend;



Access ABP instance and its functionalities using the useAbp hook.

function MyComponent() {
  const abpInstance = useAbp();
  const { abp } = abpInstance;

  // Use abpInstance methods and properties


Retrieve information about the current user with the useAbpUser hook. Should only be used inside "AbpWrapper" component

function UserProfile() {
  const user = useAbpUser<MyUserType>();

  // Access user information

For simplicity you can create an abstraction over the useAbpUser hook. If no user type is provided useAbpUser will return ANY.

4. Authentication


Perform user login using the login method. Perform the login operation and pass "expireInSeconds", "accessToken", "encryptedAccessToken"

async function loginUser(username, password) {
  let loginResponse = ...

  try {
    await login(loginResponse);
    // Successful login logic
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle login error

Clear Auth Cookies

Clear authentication cookies using clearAuthCookies.

function logoutUser() {
  // Additional logout logic

5. Localization

Access localization resources using the L function.

function MyLocalizedComponent() {
  const localizedText = L('key', 'your source name here');

  // Use localizedText in your component

We recommend overriding the "L" function so it would be easier to use.

function customL(key) {
  const sourceName = process.env.SOURCE_NAME;

  return L(key, sourceName);


Feel free to contribute to the abp-react library. Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated!

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  • alexander_yordanov