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1.22.1 • Public • Published
<style> p{margin-left:.5cm;max-width:21cm} li{margin-left:.5cm;max-width:20cm} li p{margin-left:0} </style>


abc2svg is a set of ECMAscript files that handle the ABC music notation. This includes editing, displaying, printing, playing the music files and converting them to other formats such as ABC and MEI notations.

The abc2svg core is based on the abcm2ps C code which requires compilation on every operating system. The abc2svg scripts can run in any system with no compilation on any platform that contains an internet browser. This includes MS-Windows, Apple, and Unix-like systems (Linux, BSD...) as well as portable devices such as cell phones and tablets.

A description of the ABC parameters that relate to both abcm2ps and abc2svg can be found here.

1. Web browser usage

1.1 Rendering ABC files from a local or remote source

After accessing ABC files with a web browser either from a local or web source, you can render or play the music without much preparation. One approach uses bookmarklets.

A bookmarklet is the same as a normal bookmark in a web browser. Its title (or name) is anything you want to use to identify it and its URL (or location or address) is javascript code starting by javascript:. First, create a bookmark from this page adding it to your library of bookmarks. Next, edit this mark changing the title and the URL. (Details for editing a bookmark are specific for each browser. To get instructions, search on the internet the name of the browser and keywords such as 'bookmarklet' and 'javascript in url'). To edit the URL, extract the javascript code by right clicking on one of the bookmarklets below and selecting copy url. Then, paste this code into the URL of your new bookmark in your library.

To use a abc2svg bookmarklet, first load an ABC file into your browser either from a web site of from a file on your system. Once you see the textual abc code, click on the bookmarklet that you created. After a slight delay depending upon the complexity of the abc code, it should be replaced by a music representation or a list of the contents of the ABC file. Here are two bookmarklets that you can try.

This first abc2svg bookmarklet renders all the music it finds in the page currently displayed.
Once the music is displayed, clicking inside a tune starts playing it from the beginning. Clicking on a particular note or rest starts playing from that point.
To print or convert the music to a PDF file, simply click on the 'Print' button of the web browser. (If the 'Print' button does not appear on your browser menu, try right clicking on the web page.)

Alternatively, if your source contains many tunes, you can use this second bookmarklet. The browser will list the titles of the tunes. Clicking on a title displays the tune. Playing and printing work in the same manner as above.
The generated pages contain a yellow menu in the top right corner which permits you to return to the tune list or to modify the music. With this last option, you can adjust the page size before printing, correct the ABC syntax or do some transposition. Note that these changes stay only with the browser and are not saved to your system.

If you want to experiment with these bookmarklets, here are some raw ABC files:

1.2 Writing, playing and printing music with the abc2svg editor

The abc2svg editor is another example of what can be done with abc2svg.

If you are unfamiliar with ABC music notation, just copy this ABC sequence below and paste it into the text area of the editor.

T:C scale

If your ABC files contain %%abc-include, then you must:

  • load the ABC file using the browse button,
  • click the include file name button,
  • and load the include file using the same previous browse button.

Only one included file is allowed.

If you have installed abc2svg in a site of yours, you may put a file pref.js with the abc2svg scripts. This file may contain various javascript functions and also ABC parameters. These parameters must be defined inside the following sequence:

if (typeof abc2svg == "undefined")    
    var abc2svg = {}
if (!abc2svg.a_inc)
	abc2svg.a_inc = {}
abc2svg.a_inc[""] = `
.. put here the ABC parameters ..

If you have a US keyboard, its behaviour can be changed for easier music entering by one of these bookmarklets: keyboard 1 and keyboard 2.

1.3 Publishing music on your web pages

To insert music in your web pages, you just have to insert the lines

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

in the HTML <head> and put the music as ABC sequences in the <body>.

This example demonstrates how to do it. (Note that, in the example, the paths are relative - see why below.)

As it is apparent, HTML and ABC can be mixed in the same html file. Both are rendered in the order you defined them.

You may also have noticed this style about SVG elements:
        svg { display: block }

It puts the lines of music on vertical areas.
Without this style, the music is in-lined as in this other example.

Global ABC parameters may be added as parameter=value in the query string of the URL of the page. The following example calls the same "J'ai du bon tabac" with pagescale=1.2 (giving %%pagescale 1.2).

In the above examples, all the ABC music is generated (displayed and ready to be played) by means of the script abcweb-1.js.
If there is a large collection of tunes, it may be preferable to link to the other script, abcweb1-1.js, which offers a tune selection. Without an explicit selection (see below), a list of the tunes is displayed, and, after a tune has been selected, the whole page is replaced by the music. (The HTML code, if any, is not displayed.) You can go back to the list of the tunes thanks to the menu on the top right corner of the screen. Here is a real example.

As you may notice in the menu, the edition of the ABC content is proposed. This permits you, for example, to transpose the tunes. This edition is done inside the browser, so, your changes will be lost after leaving the page.

When accessing such pages, an external selection of the tunes can be accomplished by ending the URL with the character '#' followed by a regular expression to be applied to the tune headers. For instance, here is the 'Duo' de J. Boyvin.

With any of the above scripts the music may be printed using the 'Print' button of the browser. You should add a style as:
      @media print{body{margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.nop{display:none}}

to remove the margins, the error messages and the menus from the printed pages.

1.4 Installing abc2svg on your system or on your server

The abc2svg package on my server is still being tuned which could change its behaviour at any unknown time; so you may prefer to install and run it from your own system.

There are many ways to install abc2svg:

  • Guido Gonzato's page
    Guido maintains a ZIP archive of the abc2vg scripts after each release of a new version (many thanks, Guido!).
    You can just download and unzip this archive. abc2svg should run immediately in your machine without connecting to my site.
    In the same page, you can also find some binaries of QuickJS, a fast javascript interpreter (see below).

  • tarball
    From the timeline in the chisel repository, you can get a tarball any version of the abc2svg source and install it in your system.
    The abc2svg scripts must then be built from the raw source files described in the section 'Build' below.
    The disadvantage of this approach is that if you want to use an other or newer version you need to download a new tarball.

  • fossil clone
    If you can get the fossil program (one binary) for your system, you may clone the chisel repository by
            fossil clone abc2svg.fossil
            fossil open abc2svg.fossil
    and get the abc2svg source files containing the last changes between the official versions. Updating your files is done by
            fossil pull
            fossil update
    Building the scripts is done in the same way as with a tarball.
    The repository is presently over 34Mb.

    For those unfamiliar with fossil, it is an integrated software management system similar to git.
    Chisel acts like a repository similar to github.

  • npm
    The scripts may be installed from the npm repository by:
            npm install abc2svg
    They are ready to run (web and shell with nodejs). I upload a new npm version about once a month.

Using bookmarklets with a local installation does not work directly because of a cross-domain security hole, but this is possible by running a local HTTP server (you will also have to change the location of the scripts in the bookmarklet code).

If you have write access on a remote server, you may put there the abc2svg scripts. There is no automatic process to do that. You will have to look at my site to determine the files that need to be copied.

In addition, you have to set the correct location of the abc2svg scripts in your pages. As a trick, I put the abc2svg scripts in a folder at the same level as the HTML files:

        <script src="../js/abcweb-1.js"></script>

This allows the generation of the music to run either locally or remotely.

2. Automatic creation of music sheets

2.1 abc2svg shell scripts

As you have seen, printing the music can be done easily with any web browser. You can automate the process of creating music sheets with abc2svg using shell scripts running a Javascript interpreter.

The interfaces to the various interpreters are different. Below you will find the scripts I had to built.

  • abcqjs with qjs QuickJS by Fabrice Bellard and Charlie Gordon
  • abcmjs with js78, js60, js52 or js24 (Mozilla JavaScript shell)
  • abcjsc with jsc (webkit2gtk)
  • abcnode with node (nodeJS without module)
  • abc2svg with node (nodeJS with modules)

Each script gets the abc2svg options and ABC files from the command line and sends the generated file to stdout and possible errors to stderr.
The general syntax of the command line is:
        script [script.js] [options] ABC_file [[options] ABC_file]* [options] with:

  • script.js is an optional backend script.
    It defaults to tohtml.js (HTML+SVG)
  • options are the ABC options.
    For compatibility, the last options are moved before the last ABC file.

These scripts try to read a file at startup time. This file and also the files included by %%abc-include are searched in the current directory or in the colon separated list of directories contained in the environment variable ABCPATH.

2.2 Backend scripts

By default, the shell scripts generate (HTML+SVG) files.
This output may be modified by backend scripts. These ones must appear immediately following the name of the shell script.
They are:

  • toabc.js
    This script returns the (selected) ABC tunes from the ABC source file
    applying transposition.
    The resulting file does not contain the formatting parameters.
            abcqjs toabc.js --select X:2 >

  • toabw.js
    This script outputs an Abiword file (ABW+SVG) that can be read by some word processors (abiword, libreoffice...). The word processor allows you to convert the file to many other formats from a command line.
    The abc2svg music font (abc2svf.woff or abc2svg.ttf) must be installed in the local system for displaying and/or converting the .abw file.
            abcmjs toabw.js > my_file.abw

  • tomei.js
    This script outputs the music as a MEI file.
    Note, only one tune may be translated from ABC to MEI (multi-tunes ABC generates bad MEI).

  • tonotes.js
    This script outputs a list of the MIDI events.

  • toodt.js
    This script creates an Open Document (ODT+SVG) which can be read by most word processors (abiword, libreoffice...).
    It runs only with the shell script abc2svg and asks for the npm module jszip to be installed.
    The output ODT document may be specified in the command line argument after -o (default abc.odt).
            abc2svg toodt.js -o my_file.odt

  • toparam.js
    This script just outputs the abc2svg parameters.

2.3 PDF generation

abctopdf is a shell script which converts ABC to PDF using one of the previous shell scripts and, either a chrome/chromium compatible web browser (settable by the environment variable 'BROWSER'), or the program weasyprint.

Note also that, with weasyprint, the paper size is forced to A4. Instructions for changing this size may be found in the script source.

The output PDF document may be specified by the command line argument -o (default abc.pdf).

        abctopdf -o my_file.pdf

3. Build

The abc2svg scripts which are used to render the music either by a web browser or by a shell script must be built from the source files you got by tarball or fossil clone.

Quoting Douglas Crockford, minification is a process that removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files. It typically reduces file size by half, resulting in faster downloads.

If you can run one of the tools ninja or samurai, you can build the scripts

  • without minification
    This is useful for debugging purposes and the scripts are more human friendly.

            NOMIN=1 samu -v


            export NOMIN
            ninja -v

  • in a standard way with minification
    In this case, you need one of the tools JSMin or uglifyjs which comes with nodeJS.

            samu -v

If you also want to change or add music glyphs, you may edit the source file font/abc2svg.sfd. In this case, you will need both base64 and fontforge, and run

        samu -v font.js

If you cannot or don't want to install ninja or samurai, you may build the abc2svg files by the shell script ./build. (This script must be run by a Posix compatible shell.)

4. Inside the code of abc2svg

4.1 Core and modules

abc2svg-1.js is the abc2svg core.
It contains the ABC parser and the SVG generation engine. It is needed for all music rendering. It is automatically loaded by the web scripts and the shell scripts.
If you want to use the core with your own scripts, its API is described in the wiki.

The core does not handle all the abc2svg commands/parameters. Some of them are treated by modules. A module is a script which is loaded in the browser or in the JS interpreter when the command it treats is seen in the ABC flow.
Detailed information about the modules may be found in the wiki.

4.2 Internal information

  • The music is displayed as SVG images. There is one image per music line / text block.
    If you want to move these images to some other files, each one must contain the full CSS and defs. For that, insert
            %%fullsvg x
    in the ABC file before rendering (see the fullsvg documentation for more information).

  • Playing uses the HTML5 audio and/or the midi APIs.
    For audio, by default, abc2svg uses a sound font (format SF2) which is split into one file per instrument. This sound font is stored in the subdirectory Scc1t2/. Each instrument file is a base64 encoded javascript array.

    Other sound fonts may be used. Some of them are stored in the subdirectory sf2/ (AWE_ROM_gm and 2MBGMGS). Two formats are supported: raw SF2 and SF2 wrapped into javascript (the raw SF2 files can be loaded only when they are in the same HTTP domain). The shell script (in sf2/) may be used to create the javacript files from raw SF2 files.

    The sound font to be used for playing may be defined in the ABC code by the command %%soundfont. E.g.:

  • The names of the abc2svg scripts have a suffix which is the version of the core interface (actually '-1').

4.3 More about the web scripts

Here are the scripts which are used in a web context:

  • abcweb-1.js
    This script replaces the ABC or MEI sequences found in the (X)HTML file by SVG images of the music.
    The ABC sequences are searched:
    • first inside <script> elements with a type "text/" (the script tag is replaced by a <div>),

    • or inside (X)HTML elements with a class abc (lower case letters),

    • otherwise on X: or %abc- at start of line up to a XML tag at start of line.

      When a ABC sequence is not included in a <script> and when it contains the characters '<', '>' or '&', it must be enclosed in a XML comment or in a CDATA (%<![CDATA[ .. %]]> - the comment or CDATA must be in a ABC comment).

      When using <script>, it is possible to set abc2svg parameters via CSS. For that, the <style> in the HTML <head> may contain custom properties (properties starting with '--') and these properties are converted to abc2svg parameters (starting with '%%') before the ABC sequence.
      For instance, in the (<head>) <style> element, you can put:
              .parm {--pagewidth:30cm; --bgcolor : yellow}

      and in some <script>, you set the class:
              <script class="parm" type="text/">

      This defines the page width and the background color of the generated music.

      See the %%beginml documentation for an example, and here is how to put inline music in HTML.
      Playing and highlighting the played notes may be offered loading the script snd-1.js (see below).

This script also accepts a parameter `with_source`.
When this parameter is set, the music source is included before the
SVG images of the music. An argument `nohead` prevents displaying
the source of the first music sequence. The music source is displayed
in a &lt;pre&gt; element of class `source`. The SVG's are included
in a &lt;div&gt; of the same class `source`.
The source may be displayed either above (default) or
at the left side of the music (using a style as
`.source{display: inline-block; vertical-align: top}`).
See the source of
[abcm2ps/abc2svg features](
for an example.

The music source may be editable.
To change it, the script contains two functions:  
- `abc2svg.get_music` returns the source of the music sequence
   (in &lt;script&gt; type "text/", class="abc" or inlined ABC)
   Its argument is the HTML &lt;div&gt; element that contains the music.  
- `abc2svg.set_music` has two arguments, the HTML &lt;div&gt; element
   and the new source of the music.
   It generates and replaces the music in the &lt;div&gt;.
  • abcweb1-1.js
    The page body is analyzed as a ABC file and its content is replaced by music as SVG images.
    If the page contains reserved XML characters ('<', '>' and '&'), the ABC code must be enclosed in a <script type="text/"> .. </script> sequence.

    When there are many tunes in the file, the script displays a list of the tunes. The list step may be bypassed when the URL of the file contains a regular expression in the 'hash' value ('#' followed by a string at the end of the URL). This string does a %%select.

    When one or many tunes are displayed, a menu in the top/right corner offers to go back to the tune list or to modify the ABC source.

  • snd-1.js
    This script may be used with abcweb-1.js or abcweb1-1.js to play the rendered ABC music.

5. MEI support

As an experimental feature, an extended core mei2svg-1.js may be generated. This one may handle both the ABC and MEI notations.

In browser mode, the script abcweb-1.js loads either abc2svg-1.js or mei2svg-1.js after checking if <mei exists in the page (see this tune for an example).

In shell mode, the script abcqjs also loads the right abc2svg core according to the source file extension (.abc or .mei).

6. Credit

abc2svg includes the following packages:

Jean-François Moine



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